All parcel maps shall conform to the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act and this chapter and also shall conform to the requirements specified in the report of the City Planner approving or conditionally approving the tentative parcel map, unless an appeal is made by the subdivider to the City Council and the City Council modifies, rejects, or overrules the recommendations of the City Planner, in which event the map also shall conform to the requirements of the City Planner as modified by the City Council and the requirements imposed by the Council. All parcel maps shall be in the form and shall contain the data prescribed in the rules and regulations prescribed by the City Planner and approved by the City Council. Parcel Maps filing under the provisions of Government Code Section 66411.7 should also follow the provisions of Chapter 18.54.
(Ord. 459 § 16.14.010, 1979; Ord. 2022-1206 § 5; Ord. 2022-1207 § 5)
No parcel map shall be filed with the County Recorder until the map has been approved by the City Engineer.
(Ord. 459 § 16.14.020, 1979)
Lots or portions of lots shown on a parcel map which are subject to inundation as determined by the City engineer shall be identified and so labeled.
(Ord. 459 § 16.14.030, 1979)
In the event a private road easement for road purposes is required within the boundaries of the land to be subdivided pursuant to this chapter, such easement shall be delineated on the parcel map and the easement as delineated shall be conveyed to subsequent purchasers of the parcels created.
(Ord. 459 § 16.14.040, 1979)
A parcel map may not be filed for a portion of an approved tentative parcel map.
(Ord. 459 § 16.14.050, 1979)
In addition to the certificates and other material required by the Subdivision Map Act and this chapter every parcel map shall bear the following certificates:
A certificate by the City Engineer that the map conforms with all the provisions of this chapter and, in the case of a minor subdivision, that such map conforms to the approved tentative parcel map; and, in the case of a parcel map for a major subdivision filed pursuant to Section 18.40.080, that such map conforms to an approved tentative map;
A certificate signed by an officer or employee of the City charged with overseeing the City's implementation of CEQA stating the status of the subdivision with regard to CEQA.
(Ord. 459 § 16.14.060, 1979)
The affidavits, certificates, acknowledgments, and approvals required or permitted by this chapter or by the Subdivision Map Act to appear upon maps shall be legibly stamped or printed upon the map with opaque ink in such a manner as will guarantee a permanent record in black upon the tracing cloth or polyester base film. If ink is used on polyester base film, the ink surface shall be coated with a suitable substance to assure permanent legibility.
(Ord. 459 § 16.14.070, 1979)
An owner's certificate as required by Section 66436 of the Subdivision Map Act shall be required. Said certificate shall bear the signatures of all parties owning any record title interest in the land subdivided except those which have been omitted pursuant to Section 66435.
(Ord. 459 § 16.14.080, 1979)