The purpose of the UR zone is to reserve land which is currently vacant or may be recycled to another land use in the future (i.e. Ream Field and salt ponds). It is intended that these areas develop pursuant to a Specific Plan treating the property as an integrated whole at the time of development. The UR zone is intended to prevent isolated or premature land uses from occurring on lands for which adequate public services and facilities are unavailable or for which the determination of the appropriate zoning regulations is precluded by contemplated or adopted planning proposals or by a lack of economic, demographic, geographic or other data. It is intended that the UR zone will be replaced by other use regulations when the aforementioned conditions no longer exist. The uses permitted are those which are community service oriented, interim uses, or uses which, with appropriate development regulations, will not prematurely commit the land to a particular use or intensity of development.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884)
Uses permitted in the UR zone subject to a Conditional Use Permit include:
Agricultural uses, such as horticulture, tree crops, row and field crops;
Plant nurseries;
Essential public services, such as fire protection services;
Minor impact utilities;
Parks, playgrounds, athletic fields;
Riding and hiking clubs and trails; and
Wireless communications facilities.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2002-983 §§ 27—29)
A Conditional Use Permit may be granted to authorize any use not involving a significant investment in buildings or structures, for a period of time not exceeding five years. At the time of development of the property, the property shall be required to develop according to a specific plan which treats the property as an integrated whole and, at a minimum, includes permitted uses, detailed land use map, circulation standards and design standards. Adequate protection measures, such as buffer zones, will be required for properties adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884)
No building or structure in the Urban Reserve zone shall exceed twenty-six feet in height.
(Ord. 94-884)