The maximum width permitted for depressed curbs (curb cuts) shall be as follows:
For parking areas containing two to eight parking spaces, twelve feet minimum and sixteen feet maximum.
For parking areas containing nine to fourteen parking spaces, sixteen feet minimum and eighteen feet maximum.
For parking areas containing fifteen or more parking spaces, eighteen feet minimum and twenty-four feet maximum.
Exception. Where the community development director and the city engineer determine that a wider curb cut is necessary to provide safe access to and from a street, the maximum curb cut width may be increased.
(Ord. 94-884)
No parking area in the C/MU-1, C/MU-2, or C/MU-3 zone shall be located so as to require or encourage the backing of automobiles or other vehicles across any street lot line to effect egress from the place of parking.
Parking areas in R zones shall meet the following standard:
Where properties abut both an alley and a street designed as a collector, major, or prime arterial, no new street curb cuts or parking layouts requiring backing into the street shall be allowed.
Where properties abut both a collector, major, or prime arterial and a local street, access shall be taken only from the local street.
Properties abutting both an alley and residential street shall take access from the alley with the exception that one sixteen-foot-wide curb cut allowing no more than two vehicles to back into the street may be allowed.
(Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2012-1130 § 1)
Curb cuts shall be not less than four feet apart, nor less than two feet from the prolongation of a side lot line.
(Ord. 94-884; Ord. 601 § 1, 1983)