It is unlawful to use a trailer, camper or motorhome for living and/or sleeping purposes on any property within the city except as follows:
When parked within a licensed mobile home park.
When used on a temporary basis, not to exceed a period of thirty days, for relatives, guests or visitors of the owners or tenants of a property containing at least one dwelling unit or by the owner or tenants of the property during property remodeling or reconstruction.
As may be excepted by Section 19.24.025 of this code.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 605 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2002-976 § 2, 2002)
A manufactured home, trailer, mobilehome, camper or motorhome shall be considered to be used for living or sleeping purposes if water, electricity, sewer or any other utility is connected to it, except that a temporary utility connection, not to exceed twenty-four consecutive hours, may be made for purposes of cleaning or otherwise maintaining the unit.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884)
It is the purpose of this section to allow the placement of manufactured homes in the R-1-6000, R-1-3800, R-3000-D, R-3000, R-2000, and R-1500 zones.
Eligibility. A manufactured home shall not be eligible:
If more than ten years have elapsed between the date of manufacture and the date of the application for a permit.
If the home is not certified under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. Section 5401, et seq.)
If it has been altered in violation of applicable code.
Criteria. The manufactured home shall:
Be occupied only as a single-family residential use;
Be subject to all provisions of the zoning ordinance applicable to residential structures;
Be attached to a permanent foundation system in compliance with all applicable building regulations;
Have a roof overhang of twelve inches or more.
(Ord. 94-884; Ord. 2016-1155 § 2)
All areas used for automobile access and parking shall comply with the applicable provisions of this title. Twocar tandem parking may be considered in conjunction with the conditional use permit.
All areas not used for access, parking circulation, buildings and services shall be completely and permanently landscaped and the entire area maintained in good condition.
The manufactured housing community shall be buffered from adjacent property by a wall and or landscaping as specified in the conditional use permit.
All roadways and driveways shall be paved with at least two inches of asphaltic concrete, the width of such roadways and width of paving to be specified in the conditional use permit.
All buildings and manufactured homes shall be located not less than twenty feet from a public street.
Lot coverage shall be in accordance with Title 25 of the California Administrative Code.
Each lot shall have a front, side, and rear yard in accordance with Title 25 of the California Administrative Code.
All lots and recreation facilities shall have access only from an interior access drive.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884)