The granting of a variance is a discretionary act which allows a variation or departure from the strict application of the regulations, other than permitted use, of any particular zone. The variance procedure is established to provide for reasonable use of a property having unique characteristics by virtue of its size, shape, topography, location or surroundings. The purpose of the variance is to bring a particular property up to parity with other property in the same zone and vicinity, insofar as reasonable use is concerned, it is not to grant any special privilege or concession not enjoyed by other properties in the same zone and vicinity. The variance may not be used to correct improper zoning. It is the purpose of this chapter to set forth the findings necessary for such administrative action and to establish a procedure for granting variances. In no case should a variance be granted to permit a use other than a use permitted in the zone in which the subject property is located.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884, 1994)
Variances may be granted for any regulation pertaining to a particular zone except for permitted uses, and except as provided by this title.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884, 1994)
Application for a variance shall be made to the Community Development Department in writing, on a form prescribed by the Community Development Department, and shall be accompanied by a coastal development permit and plans and data sufficient to describe and substantiate the requested variation.
Application for variance shall be made by one or more of the following persons:
The owner, or any one owner, of the subject property;
The lessee or tenant of the property; or
The agent, executor or representative of the owner.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884, 1994)
After the public hearing the Planning Commission may, by resolution, grant a variance if the commission finds, from the evidence presented in the application or at the public hearing, the following facts are found:
There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances of conditions or hardships peculiar to the property including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, that do not apply generally to the property in the same vicinity or zone. Hardships may include practical difficulties in development the property for the needs of the owner or tenant consistent with the regulations of the zone; but in this context, personal, family or financial difficulties, loss of prospective profits, and/or neighboring violations are not hardships justifying a variance;
The variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other properties in the same zoning district and the same general vicinity, and that a variance, if granted, would not constitute a special privilege of the recipient not enjoyed by his neighbors;
The granting of such variance will not be substantially detrimental to adjacent property and will not materially impair the purpose of this title or the public interest;
The granting of such variance will not adversely affect the general plan or the local coastal program.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983)
The resolution granting a variance shall state the reasons relied upon in rendering such decision and shall include such conditions and limitations as may be imposed upon the applicant or property. Such conditions shall not be arbitrary or unreasonable.
A copy of the resolution shall be filed with the Community Development Department and a copy shall be sent to the applicant not later than ten days from the date of such decision.
The decision of the Planning Commission shall be final on the eleventh day following the decision, except where an appeal is filed as set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884, 1994)
After a public hearing, the Planning Commission may, by resolution, deny a variance if the Commission finds, from the evidence presented in the application or at the hearing, that any or all of the facts stated in Section 19.84.050, do not exist.
The resolution denying such variance shall state the reasons relied upon in rendering such decision. A copy of this resolution shall be filed with the Community Development Department and a copy shall be sent to the applicant not later than ten days from the date of the decision.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884, 1994)
Any person may appeal the decision of the Planning Commission granting or denying any variance or establishing conditions to the City Council. The appeal shall be filed in writing with the City Clerk within ten days of the decision.
If a valid appeal is filed within the time limit specified, it automatically stops proceedings in the matter until a decision is made by the City Council.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 756 § 6, 1988; Ord. 94-884, 1994; Ord. 97-917 § 3, 1997; Ord. No. 2002-981 § 11, 2002)
Upon filing a valid appeal, the City Clerk shall set the matter for public hearing in the manner prescribed by the City Council. The City Clerk shall send the Community Development Department a duplicate copy of the appeal and request the Community Development Department to transmit to the City Council a copy of its decision and findings, minutes of the hearing, all other maps, exhibits and other evidence upon which the Planning Commission made its decision.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884, 1994)
Upon the hearing of such appeal, the City Council may, by resolution, affirm, reverse or modify, in whole or in part, any determination of the Planning Commission, subject to the same limitations and requirements of findings as are placed upon the Planning Commission by this title.
Not later than ten days following the adoption of such resolution, the City Clerk shall transmit a copy of the resolution and findings to the Community Development Department and shall mail a copy to the applicant and/or appellant.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884, 1994)
Unless specified elsewhere in this title or in the resolution granting a variance, the variance applies to the subject property for an indefinite time and is transferable to any future owner of subject property under the same conditions imposed at the time of granting.
(Ord. 601 § 1, 1983; Ord. 94-884, 1994)
Any approval of a variance shall expire within one year of such approval, except where construction or use of the property in reliance on such variance approval has commenced prior to its expiration. If construction and use of the property in reliance on a variance approval has not commenced within the one-year period, such period may be extended by the Planning Commission or City Council for a period not exceeding six months for each application, up to a maximum of two years from the date of original approval.
(Ord. 756 § 5, 1988; Ord. 94-884, 1994)
An application for an extension of time shall be made no sooner than sixty days and no later than thirty days prior to the expiration date of original approval. If the Planning Commission or City Council has not acted on an extension application prior to the project expiration date, the applicant shall not be deemed not to have expired until the time when the extension application has been acted upon. Application for an extension of a variance shall be in accordance with requirements established by the Community Development Department.
(Ord. 94-884; Ord. 756 § 5, 1998; Ord. No. 2002-981 § 13, 2002)
The Community Development Department shall review and evaluate the requested extension of a variance. Within thirty days of receipt of the application, the Community Development Department shall set the item for public hearing for Planning Commission or City Council consideration.
The Planning Commission or City Council may approve, conditionally approve, or deny the extension if all of the following are true:
That all applicable provisions of this title originally placed on the project as a condition of approval for development are still in force at the time of requested extension, or that changes in or additions to the resolution of approval have enabled the previously approved project to be in conformance with the code;
That all of the facts outlined in subsections A, B, C, and D of Section 19.84.050 exist.
The applicant or any aggrieved party may appeal a decision or requirement of the Planning Commission to the City Council in accordance with Section 19.84.080.
(Ord. 756 § 5, 1988; Ord. 94-884, 1994)
The Community Development Department shall be authorized to grant an adjustment of up to ten percent of any development standard listed in this code, excluding density, parking and height requirements.
(Ord. 94-884, 1994)