Fees may be charged for services provided under this title, including but not limited to services related to coastal permits, conditional use permits, design reviews, rezoning, sign permits, site plan reviews, variances, appeals, and extensions. The City is entitled to fully recover the costs of providing services under this title.
(Ord. 2002-981 § 17, 2002)
A person requesting services under this title must make a deposit with the City Treasurer, toward the fees for the requested services. The amounts of the deposits are established by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 2002-981 § 17, 2002)
If the actual cost of providing a service under this title is less than the amount deposited, the City Treasurer will refund any amount remaining in the deposit.
If the actual cost of providing a service under this title is more than the amount deposited, the person requesting the service must pay to the City Treasurer an amount equal to the deficiency. If the person fails to pay the deficiency upon demand by the City Treasurer, the City may recover the deficiency in a court of competent jurisdiction. Until the deficiency is paid in full, the project for which the service was requested is considered incomplete.
(Ord. 2002-981 § 17, 2002)