A city arts commission in and for the city is established, with membership, powers and duties as provided by the statutes of the state of California.
(Ord. 926 § 1, 1978; Ord. 957 § 1, 1978)
The arts commission shall consist of seven members. Only residents of the city shall be qualified for membership. Four of the seven members shall be actively participating in the arts. None shall hold any paid office or employment in the city government.
(Ord. 926 § 1, 1978; Ord. 957 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1203 § 1, 1990; Ord. 1298 § 1, 1995)
The arts commission shall have the power and duty to:
Act in an advisory capacity to the city council in all matters pertaining to artistic and aesthetic aspects of the city;
Recommend to the city council the adoption of such ordinances, rules and regulations as it may deem necessary for the administration and preservation of fine arts, performing arts and aesthetic aspects of the community;
On behalf of the city, actively encourage programs for the artistic enrichment of the community;
Perform such other duties relating to the arts as the city council may require.
(Ord. 926 § 1 (part) 1978; Ord. 957 § 1, 1978)
The members of the arts commission shall be appointed by the city council. The members shall serve for a term of two years and until their respective successors are appointed and qualified. They shall be subject to removal by motion of the city council adopted by at least four affirmative votes.
The initial appointments to the arts commission shall so classify themselves by lot that the terms of three of the members shall expire on July 1, 1979, three on July 1, 1980, and three on July 1, 1981.
(Ord. 926 § 1, 1978; Ord. 957 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1298 § 2, 1995)
The city manager shall appoint to the commission one or more staff members who will act as liaison and who will not have a vote in commission matters. One of the staff members will serve as the executive secretary of the commission and will assist the commission secretary-treasurer as time permits.
(Ord. 926 § 1, 1978; Ord. 957 § 1, 1978)
Vacancies resulting from any cause shall be filled by appointment by the city council. The appointment shall be for an unexpired term. If a member is absent from three consecutive regular meetings of the commission, unless by permission expressed by the commission minutes, or ceases to be a resident of the city, his or her office shall become vacant and shall be so declared by the city council.
(Ord. 926 § 1, 1978; Ord. 957 § 1, 1978)
Each of the members of the city arts commission shall receive compensation as the city council shall from time to time determine and fix by resolution or minute order.
(Ord. 926 § 1, 1978; Ord. 957 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1140 § 1, 1987)
The officers of the arts commission shall be a chairman, vice-chairman, and a secretary-treasurer. They shall be elected for a term of one year at the first meeting after July 1st of each year and serve until their successors are duly elected.
The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the commission, appoint all committees and their members, execute all documents authorized by the commission, may serve as an ex officio member of all committees, and generally perform all duties associated with the office.
The vice-chairman, in the absence of the chairman or his inability to act, shall preside at all meetings and perform all other duties of the chairman.
The secretary-treasurer shall record minutes of all commission meetings, keep a record of its business proceedings and financial transactions, issue notice of all regular and special meetings and shall perform all other duties as are generally associated with this office.
(Ord. 926 § 1, 1978; Ord. 957 § 1, 1978)
Regular meetings shall be held twice each month, the date and hour to be set by the commission at the first meeting following July 1st. Special meetings may be called at the direction of the chairman or at the request of two members, for the transaction of business as stated in the call for the meetings.
All scheduled and special meetings of the commission shall be publicly announced, open to the public, and the proceedings of the same shall be available to the public. The chairman may request the attendance at meetings of any officer or employee of the city to assist the commission in its deliberations in an advisory capacity.
A quorum for transaction of business at any scheduled or special meetings shall consist of a majority of members of the commission present in person. An affirmative vote of a quorum of commissioners present shall be necessary to approve any action before the commission. The chairman may vote on any motion before the commission.
(Ord. 926 § 1, 1978; Ord. 957 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1203 § 2, 1990; Ord. 1298 § 3, 1995)