It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to operate or manage any miniature golf or golf driving course, or similar game or sport, within the city limits for the period of time from twelve midnight to seven a.m.
(Ord. 78 § 1, 1930)
Any person operating or managing any such miniature golf or golf driving course or similar game or sport is required to cause all lights illuminating the grounds, course or place where the game or sport is played to be turned out promptly at the hour of twelve midnight, and to keep the lights so turned out for the period of time from twelve midnight to seven a.m.
Any play or work on or about the grounds, course or place shall cease for the period of time from twelve midnight to seven a.m.
All lights illuminating the grounds, course or place shall be shaded in such a manner as to confine the glare to the grounds, course or place, and to protect persons and surrounding territory from annoying and unnecessary glare.
The person or persons operating or managing any miniature golf or golf driving course or similar game or sport shall cause to be posted in conspicuous places on and about the grounds, place or course where the game or sport is placed, signs notifying patrons to refrain from loud and unnecessary noise, talk and laughter.
The police officers of the city are authorized and empowered to enter upon and inspect the golf courses or other places where similar games or sports are played, for the purpose of making inspections, at any time, and the police officers shall be the sole judges of whether or not any of the provisions and intents of this chapter are being violated.
(Ord. 78 § 2, 1930)
Any violation of this chapter constitutes a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine not to exceed three hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the city or county jail for a period not to exceed three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day during which this chapter is violated constitutes a separate offense hereunder.
(Ord. 78 § 3, 1930; Ord. 232, 1942)