No person shall engage in any of the following businesses within the city without first obtaining a permit from the city manager as herein provided:
Secondhand store;
House moving;
House-to-house solicitation of sale of goods, wares, merchandise or services;
Private police or patrol system;
Peddling goods, wares or merchandise from house to house or upon the public streets.
(Ord. 616 § 1, 1968; Ord. 645 § 2, 1970)
Applications for the permits, accompanied by the required fee, shall be filed with the city manager on forms supplied by the city. The fee shall be as set by resolution of the city council and shall be revised periodically to reflect the changes in the costs of processing and investigation. The application shall be signed and verified by the applicant and shall contain such information as may be deemed necessary. The city manager may require that the applicant be fingerprinted.
(Ord. 616 § 1, 1968; Ord. 1006 § 7, 1981)
Upon receiving an application for a police permit, the city manager shall cause an investigation to be made of the applicant and his employees and the type of business proposed. If the city manager determines that the applicant and those persons associated with him in the conduct of the business are of good moral character, that the business proposed is not unlawful, and that the granting of such permit will not be detrimental to the public safety and welfare, he shall issue a nontransferable permit for such business. If the city manager determines that the application does not satisfy the requirements, he shall deny the application. If the application is denied, the applicant shall be so advised by registered letter directed to the address shown on the application or by personal service. Service shall be deemed complete upon deposit of the letter in the United States Post Office.
(Ord. 616 § 1, 1968)
Whenever a permittee intends to engage in a different type of business than that authorized by the existing permit, he shall so advise the city manager in writing and shall furnish such additional information as may be requested. The city manager may in his discretion authorize the permittee to engage in the requested type of business without requiring that application for a new permit be made.
(Ord. 616 § 1, 1968)
The city manager may revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this chapter for any of the following reasons:
The permitted has ceased to meet the requirements for issuance of a permit;
The business has been operated in an illegal or disorderly manner;
The permittee, or any person associated with him as principal or partner, or in a position or capacity involving total or partial control over the business for which the permit was issued, has been convicted of a criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
(Ord. 616 § 1, 1968)
Any person aggrieved by any administrative decision made under this chapter may, upon the payment of a fee to be established by resolution or minute order, appeal the decision to the city council. The city council may also review any such decision on its own motion. The procedures for filing and hearing such appeals and reviews are set forth in Chapter 2.02 of this code, incorporated herein by reference.
(Ord. 616 § 1, 1968; Ord. 850 § 10, 1975)
Fees and permits required by this chapter shall be in addition to any license, permit or fee required under any other chapter of this code.
(Ord. 616 § 1, 1968)