Note: Prior history: 1953 Code §§ 4601, 4601.1, 4602, 4603, 4604, 4605 and 4605.1; Ords. 299 as amended by 672 and 853; 915.
For the purpose of this title, the words used in this chapter shall have the meanings assigned them in this section, unless from the context it appears a different meaning is intended.
"Adoption fee"
means any compensation or monetary exchange for the purpose of taking ownership or custody of an animal.
means any vertebrate creature, domestic or wild, and includes these categories:
"Dog" means any live or dead dog (Canis familiaris) over four months of age.
"Puppy" means any Canis familiaris, live or dead, under four months of age.
"Cat" means any live or dead cat (Felis catus) over four months of age.
"Kitten" means any Felis catus, live or dead, under four months of age.
"Livestock" means horses, ponies, stallions, colts, geldings, mares, sheep, rams, lambs, bulls, bullocks, steers, heifers, cows, calves, mules, jacks, jennets, burros, goats, kids, swine, and confined and domesticated hares and rabbits.
"Poultry" means all domesticated fowl and all game birds which are held in captivity.
Feral animals.
"Feral animals" mean animals normally found in the wild state, untamed and/or existing in a state of nature, which are being kept for exhibition purposes or as private pets. Feral animals include, but are not limited to, birds, amphibians and reptiles.
Exotic animals.
"Exotic animals" mean animals not native to the local environment, which are being kept for exhibition purposes or as private pets.
"Animal services"
means the animal services division of the Laguna Beach police department.
"Animal services manager"
means the supervisor or management employee designated by the city manager to manage, supervise and oversee the animal services division.
"Animal shelter"
means any facility operated by the city of Laguna Beach or its authorized agents for the purpose of housing, impounding, or caring for animals held under the authority of this title or state law.
means any place or facility where animals (excluding dogs and cats) are regularly bought, sold or traded, except for those facilities otherwise defined in this title. This definition does not apply to individual sales of animals by owners.
"Charitable auction"
means any and all auctions carried out by a charitable organization for the purpose of fundraising.
"Charitable organization"
means a nonprofit organization which qualifies under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as a charitable organization.
means operated or carried on primarily for financial gain.
"Commercial animal establishment"
means any pet shop, commercial animal rescue shop, grooming shop parlor, animal auction, animal dealer who operates for profit, riding school or stable, zoological park, circus, performing animal exhibition, commercial kennel/cattery, or animal shelter.
"Commercial animal exhibition"
means any display containing one or more animals which are exposed to public view for entertainment, instruction or advertisement, excluding fairs, livestock shows, rodeos, purebred dog and pedigree cat shows, obedience trials and competitions, field trials, and any other fair or exhibition intended to advance agricultural arts and sciences.
"Commercial animal rescue shop"
means a commercial establishment that offers dogs and/or cats for a nonprofit adoption fee, and such dogs and/or cats are made available to the establishment by nonprofit humane societies, animal shelters, bona fide animal rescue organizations, or the city animal shelter.
"Commercial breeder"
means an owner/lessor/breeder of dogs and cats who is licensed to breed animals for resale, individually or in litter lots, whether any of these animals are also kept for personal use.
"Commercial exhibitor"
means any person exhibiting any animals to the public for compensation, such term including carnivals, circuses and animal acts exhibiting such animals whether operated for profit or not.
"Commercial kennel/cattery"
means any person maintaining, for profit, an establishment where animals of any species are kept for the purpose of breeding, selling, grooming, boarding, or exhibiting such animals; or selling animals of any species (excluding dogs and cats); or engaged in the training of dogs.
means any person who, for compensation or profit, buys for resale any animals (excluding dogs and cats), whether alive or dead, for research, experimentation, testing or exhibition (except as an exhibitor as herein described) or for use as pets.
means any structure used to immediately restrict an animal or animals to a limited amount of space, such as a room, pen, run, cage, compartment or hutch.
"Grooming parlor"
means any place where animals are groomed, clipped, bathed or otherwise conditioned as pets and/or for show in exchange for a fee, except as a service offered by commercial or service kennel and cattery, or by a licensed veterinary hospital.
"Humane death"
means the death of an animal brought about by an authorized person and by intravenous injection of a barbiturate anesthetic/propylene glycol mixture commercially available for this procedure.
"Humane society"
means any nonprofit organization existing for the purpose of preventing cruelty to animals, and which, on this basis, is or would be found qualified for the exemption provided in Revenue and Taxation Code Section 27103(d).
As used in this title, "includes" does not necessarily exclude matters not specifically enumerated.
means any premises wherein any person engages in the business of boarding, breeding, buying, letting for hire, or training for a fee, or selling dogs or cats animals of any species; or buying and/or selling animals of any species (excluding dogs and cats).
includes any document, tag or permit issued by the animal services program, for:
Commercial establishments keeping animals or providing services related to animals, or selling domestic or nondomestic animals;
Individual household pets.
Dogs placed in foster homes by a commercial or nonprofit animal rescue organization.
means the legal owner or person in actual control of any activities involving animals.
means any person who is the legal owner, keeper, harborer, possessor or the custodian of an animal. Ownership is also established by a person registering as the owner on a license or other legal document or by a person claiming ownership and taking possession of an animal.
"Owner of land or property"
means the person with the right to possession or control of the property or land.
means an authorization from the city, stating conditions under which animals may be kept in commercial and private establishments.
includes any individual, business, partnership, firm, joint-stock company, corporation, association, trust, estate or other legal entity owning, harboring or keeping animals within the city.
means any animal kept for pleasure rather than utility.
"Pet shop"
means any person, partnership or corporation, whether operated separately or in connection with another business enterprise except for a licensed kennel, that buys for resale and sells at retail, sells or boards any species of animal bred by others, whether as owner, agent, or on consignment, and that sells or offers to sell to the general public at retail.
"Private animal owner"
means a person having bred, adopted, been given or purchased a dog, cat or other animal permitted by this title, for his or her personal use and enjoyment, and who keeps or maintains said animal within the city for a period of more than seven days.
"Private animal refuge"
means owners and harborers of unwanted animals of any breed, including crossbreeds, who provide food, shelter, confinement, licensing and spaying/neutering for a group of animals.
"Private breeder"
means a dog or cat owner/fancier who breeds an occasional litter of purebred animals for his or her personal use and enjoyment, from animals personally owned or leased for the breeding, who sells the resultant offspring neither for resale to commercial outlets, nor for purposes of research, testing or laboratory experimentation.
"Private exhibitor"
means any organization sponsoring, and all persons participating in, fairs, livestock shows, rodeos, purebred dog and cat shows, obedience trials, field trials and any other fairs or exhibitions intended to advance agricultural arts and sciences.
"Private kennel or cattery"
means an individual house, apartment, condominium or other living quarters, which, along with its associated lot or premises:
Has a minimum of six thousand square feet and more than four dogs and four cats over four months old and owned for the pleasure and enjoyment of the animals' owners; or
Has five thousand square feet or more, but less than six thousand square feet, and more than three dogs and three cats over four months old; or
Has two thousand five hundred square feet or more, but less than five thousand square feet and more than two dogs and two cats over four months old; or
Has less than two thousand five hundred square feet and more than one dog and one cat over four months old, and owned for the pleasure and enjoyment of animals' owners.
A private kennel/cattery shall not exceed a maximum of six dogs and cats, with the exception that puppies or kittens from a female on the premises may be kept up to the age of six months.
includes license.
"Research institution, approved"
means a research laboratory, hospital, college or university which:
Is nonprofit; and
Conducts research on animals under humane conditions.
means a state-licensed practitioner of veterinary medicine.
"Vicious animal"
means any dog, which, twice within a twelve-month period, has physically harmed, bitten, attacked or otherwise caused injury to a person engaged in lawful activity, without provocation.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1036 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1208 § 3, 1991; Ord. 1568 § 2, 2012; Ord. 1596 § 1, 2015)
Responsibility for Administration. The animal services manager is charged with the administration of the animal services program and the provisions of this title.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1036 § 2, 1983)
The animal services manager, with the approval of the city manager, may promulgate any necessary rules and regulations for the administration of the provisions of this title.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1036 § 3, 1983)
The animal services manager, animal services officer, all peace officers and any designated representatives of the animal services manager are empowered to enforce the provisions of this title and any statute of the state relating to animals, unless otherwise provided by law. Animal services officers, accompanied by a police officer, may arrest a person without a warrant whenever they have reasonable cause to believe that the person to be arrested has committed a misdemeanor in their presence which is a violation of any such statute or ordinance.
An animal services officer, within the legal constraints of the law, shall have the right to enter upon and inspect any public or commercial property where animals are being kept, for the purpose of examining or capturing any animal thereon. Any person who denies, prevents or obstructs such access to such commercial premises is in violation of the law.
No person shall interfere with, oppose or resist any authorized person charged with the enforcement of this title while such person is engaged in the performance of his or her duties.
The authority to carry firearms by animal services officers while performing their duties shall be limited to the following:
Following proper training and approval of the animal services manager, special services officers may carry a special immobilizing gun to be used only with discretion on animals.
The animal services manager, within ninety days of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title, shall establish and thereafter periodically review and revise as needed, a written policy memorandum on the use of immobilizing guns. Immobilizing guns shall be used in accordance with policies so established.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978)
No person shall conduct any rodeo or bullriding, calf-roping, horse-bucking, steer wrestling, or any other similar exhibition or activity or any activity whatsoever which involves cruelty to horses, cattle or other animals.
(Ord. 915 § 1, 1977; Ord. 1036 § 11, 1983)
The owner of any dead animal, other than a rattlesnake or bat, shall dispose of the carcass of such animal in a sanitary manner within twenty-four hours after said owner has knowledge of the animal's death. It shall be the duty of the animal services officer to take custody of all rattlesnakes and bats, and dead animals from the owner when requested.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978)
The animal services manager shall be responsible for the disposal of all dead animals whose ownership cannot be established.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978)
Whenever deceased animals picked up by the animal services officer carry identification of any kind, the owner shall be notified and a notice shall be posted at the shelter giving such information in an easily visible location.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978)
It shall be the duty of the animal services manager to maintain all records related to or required by this chapter and to attempt to identify any impounded, found or turned-in animal via registration check, identification tags, lost reports and diligent search for any tattoo marks.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978)