No person shall maintain a private kennel/cattery or private animal refuge as defined in Section 6.04.010 of this code without first obtaining a permit therefor, as provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978; Ord. 999 § 1, 1981)
Any person who desires to maintain a private kennel/ cattery or private animal refuge shall file an application for a permit with the animal services manager containing such information as the animal services manager requires.
(Ord. 999 § 2, 1981; Ord. 1036 § 8, 1983)
The fee for a permit under this chapter is payment of the prescribed permit fee, as set by resolution of the city council, plus individual registration fees for each animal maintained in the private kennel/cattery.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978)
Upon receipt of an application for a permit under Section 6.14.015, and upon receipt of the fee required by Section 6.14.020, the animal services manager shall have a reasonable time to investigate the conditions and circumstances under which the animals are proposed to be kept.
The animal services manager shall notify the residents or owners of property within three hundred feet of the proposed kennel/cattery or animal refuge of the application therefor, and may afford such residents or owners a reasonable opportunity to object in writing to the application.
The animal services manager shall issue a permit for the keeping of such animals only where he or she determines that such animals may be kept or maintained without endangering the safety and comfort of such animals or the residents of the immediate vicinity of the proposed private kennel/cattery or animal refuge, and is further satisfied that the owner or custodian has complied and will comply with any other applicable laws, including zoning regulations and noise and nuisance ordinances. If the animal services manager determines to deny a permit, he shall advise the applicant in writing of the reason for denial.
The permit shall specify the number and types of animals authorized to be kept thereunder and may contain any conditions regarding the keeping of animals thereunder deemed necessary by the animal services manager. Animal permits shall be nontransferable and must be renewed annually. The city council may, by resolution, adopt regulations governing the keeping of animals under permit, including facility construction and maintenance standards. Failure to comply with such regulations of any conditions imposed by the chief of police shall constitute cause or denial or revocation of such permit.
(Ord. 999 § 3, 1981; Ord. 1036 § 9, 1983)
The holder of a private kennel/cattery or animal refuge permit shall keep available for inspection the permit and a record of all animals by name, breed, sex, color and age. In addition, the permittee shall post in a visible place the name, address and telephone number of a person with a different address or a veterinarian, who can assume the care of the animals on the premises in an emergency.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978)
Registration privileges for private kennels/catteries/ animal refuges shall be revoked in all cases where registrants are found guilty, by a court, of the following:
Inhumane and cruel treatment of animals;
Violations of health and sanitation codes;
Wilful failure to notify owners of the presence of their lost animals or check for identification marks, such as registered tattoos, or refusal to return duly identified animals to their rightful owners;
Failure to comply with any mandatory vaccination or neutering provisions, or the implementation of other approved birth-control measures, for any animals prior to their release to new owners;
The wholesaling of animals, or their sale to laboratories for experimentation;
Violation of noise and nuisance ordinances;
False statements on their application forms.
(Ord. 918 § 1, 1978)
Any person aggrieved by any administrative decision made under this chapter may, upon the payment of a fee to be established by resolution or minute order, appeal the decision to the city council. The city council may also review any such decision on its own motion. The procedures for filing and hearing such appeals and reviews are set forth in Chapter 2.02 of this code, incorporated herein by reference.
(Ord. 999 § 4, 1981)