It is unlawful to construct or maintain any fence, sign, wall, building or mound of earth or to install or maintain any signs, hedges, shrubs, trees or mounds of earth or other obstruction to the view higher than two and one-half feet above the nearest street pavement surface on property at any corner formed by intersecting streets within that triangular area described in Exhibits A and B which appear at the end of this chapter, when notice to abate same has been given.
(Ord. 972 § 1, 1979)
The provisions set forth in Section 11.30.010 shall not apply to the following:
Permanent buildings or walls in existence on November 20, 1979;
Public utility poles;
Trees trimmed to the trunk so as to provide a clear open space between pavement grade and a plane six feet higher;
Fences of a type which in no way obstruct vision;
Official signs and signals;
Signs mounted in such a way so as to provide a clear, open space (except supporting members) of ten feet or more above the ground.
(Ord. 972 § 1, 1979)
The director of municipal services is authorized to prohibit parking as is necessary to protect the sight distance visibility as depicted in Exhibit A and Exhibit B.
(Ord. 972 § 1, 1979)
It is unlawful to maintain any vegetation, so as to allow said vegetation to encroach into any public street or right-of-way or public sidewalk when notice to abate has been given in the method described in this chapter.
(Ord. 972 § 1, 1979)
Any violation of the provisions of this chapter are declared to constitute a nuisance and may be abated in the manner provided for in Chapter 7.24 or Chapter 12.12 of this code.
(To Be Used At Controlled Intersections)
The corner cutoff for sight distance visibility at controlled intersections is defined as that triangular area between the street right-of-way lines and a diagonal line formed based on a straight line between the following two points: Point A shall be located at a point which measures 7 feet behind the "stop bar" along the centerline of the street. Point B shall be established based on the critical speed, or posted speed, of approaching vehicles in feet per second (miles per hour x 1.5) times 4 seconds.
(To Be Used At Uncontrolled Intersections)
The corner cutoff for sight distance visibility at uncontrolled intersections is defined as that area between the street right-of-way lines and the diagonal lines formed based on a straight line between the following points: Point A shall be located at a point which measures 17 feet behind a prolongation through the intersection of the curbline or edge of pavement along the centerline of the street. Point B shall be established based on the critical speed, or posted speed, of approaching vehicles in feet per second (miles per hour x 1.5) times 4 seconds.
Point A and Point B shall be established on each leg of the intersection. A diagonal line between Points A and B will create overlapping triangles formed by the street right-of-way line and the diagonal line.
(Ord. 972 § 1, 1979)