Note: Prior ordinance history; 1953 Code §§ 7178, 7181(a)—(d), 7183—7185, 7186(a)—(e), 7187—7189 and Ords. 438, 450, 831 and 1006.
The city engineer shall administer the provisions of this title unless otherwise specified herein.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Whenever a power is granted to, or a duty is imposed upon the city engineer, or any other public officer, the power may be exercised or the duty may be performed by a deputy of the officer or a person authorized by the officer.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
The city engineer may grant an exception to any requirements of this title if he or she finds that literal compliance with such provision is impossible or impractical because of peculiar conditions in no way the fault of the person requesting such exception and that the purposes of this title will be accomplished and public safety secured by an alternative construction or procedure.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
The city engineer may inspect as often as he or she deems necessary, every sewage pumping plant, sewage treatment plant, industrial liquid waste pretreatment plant, private sewer lateral, interceptor, dilution basin, neutralization basin, backflow prevention device, or other similar appurtenances to ascertain whether such facilities are maintained and operated in accordance with the provisions of this title. All persons shall permit the city engineer, or representative, to have access to all such facilities at all reasonable times.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Whenever it comes to the attention of the city engineer that sewage is overflowing from any plumbing fixture which is located below the elevation of the rim of the nearest upstream public sewer manhole due to the backing up of sewage in the public sewer, or due to pressure in the public sewer, or due to any cause whatsoever, except a temporary stoppage in any such plumbing fixture, the city engineer shall require the plumbing fixture to be plugged up, or capped, or may require that a backflow prevention device, required by Section 17.20.090, be installed to prevent such overflow.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
The city engineer may cause to be disconnected from the public sewer any industrial or private sewer lateral which is constructed or connected without a permit or which is used contrary to the provisions of this title governing industrial liquid waste. The city engineer shall make every reasonable effort to notify the owner or occupant of the premises affected by any proposed disconnection and may grant a reasonable time for elimination of the violation.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Whenever a private sewer lateral has been disconnected from the public sewer by the city engineer as provided in Section 17.16.060 for failure to comply with the provisions of this title, reconnection shall be made only upon issuance of a permit in writing therefor by the city engineer. Before such permit is issued, the applicant shall reimburse the city for the cost of the disconnection made, and the city engineer may require the installation of a manhole for the purpose of measuring the flow or for making periodic tests for the wastes from such connection.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Whenever a private sewer lateral permittee or any other person, by reason of violation of this title, causes obstruction, damage or destruction of a public sewer, he or she shall reimburse the city for the cost of flushing, cleaning, repairing and reconnection of such sewer made necessary by such violation within thirty days after the city shall render an invoice for the same.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Whenever the use of a private sewer lateral is discontinued by reason of connection to another private sewer lateral or by reason of moving, wrecking or burning of a building, or for any other reason, such private sewer lateral shall be sealed at the property line or easement line or at the public sewer. Whenever the city engineer shall find that a private sewer lateral has not been sealed as required herein, he or she shall serve notice and post the property to that effect. Unless the sewer has been sealed as required within ten days after the posting of such notice, the city engineer is authorized to have such private sewer lateral sealed, and the costs thereof shall be reimbursed to the city by the property owner within thirty days after the city shall render an invoice for the same.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Prior to doing any work in connection with the public sewer, the public rights-of-way, or that portion of the private sewer lateral located in a public right-of-way or permanent easement, a permit shall be obtained from the city engineer and paid for by the applicant. The fee shall be as set by resolution of the city council and shall be additional to the sewer connection fees as required in Section 17.20.030.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Unless determined by the city council to be: (a) necessary or beneficial for the advancement and protection of the public health, safety and general welfare of the city and its residents; and (b) consistent with applicable policies of the general plan, sewer services shall not be extended to any dwelling unit or property located outside the corporate boundaries of the city.
(Ord. 1184 § 1, 1989; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
At the option of the city, before any ordinance is finally adopted annexing any real property to the city, the owners or owners of such real property shall at their own expense, provide for the installation of sanitary sewer mains, private sewer laterals and appurtenances in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, adopted by the city, and all conditions of any ordinance regulating the same. When installed, such sewer mains, connections and appurtenances shall automatically, upon the completion of such installation, become the property of and shall be owned by the city, and the same shall be deemed dedicated to the public for the purpose of serving the real property with sanitary sewer facilities.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Installation Regulations and Costs.
Installation of all sewer mains, private sewer laterals and appurtenances shall be done by a licensed sewer contractor approved by the city according to the specifications of the city and to the satisfaction of the city engineer. The cost shall be paid for by the owner or owners of the real property.
At the option of the city, the owner or owners of the territory within the proposed annexation shall apply to the city engineer for sanitary sewer facilities. The city engineer shall thereupon make, or cause to be made, plans and estimates to determine the probable cost of the required installation.
Sewer mains, private sewer laterals and all appurtenances shall be of such size and kind as shall, in the opinion of the city engineer, be adequate to service the parcel or parcels of land.
Boundary Streets—Sewer Facilities Costs. At the option of the city, the owner or owners of the territory within a proposed annexation shall be required to pay one-half of the cost of the installation of sewer mains and appurtenances in streets along the exterior boundaries of the annexation area if the sewer mains and appurtenances are already installed and ready for use. This cost shall be based on the cost of installation at the time of approval of the annexation and cost shall be determined by the city engineer.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
The term "cost of installation of sewer mains and appurtenances," as used in Sections 17.16.110 and 17.16.120, shall include the cost of sewer mains installed, private sewer laterals, manholes, cleanouts, traps, connections or any other appurtenances which, in the opinion of the city engineer, are necessary. It also includes the cost of all material, substances, labor supervision and engineering and the reasonable rental value of machinery and equipment used or employed in the installation thereof. Likewise, the term "cost of installation" shall include any and all overhead or administrative costs incurred in the use of materials or labor, including worker's compensation insurance, pension payments and other like administrative costs.
(Ord. 1029 § 4, 1982; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)