The CLB may inspect and sample the wastewater generating and disposal equipment of any user's site to ascertain whether the requirements of this chapter are being met and the user is complying with all requirements.
Where a user has instituted security measures requiring proper identification and clearance before entry onto the premises, the user shall make all necessary arrangements with its security in order that the inspectors of the CLB shall be allowed to enter the premises without delay for the purpose of performing their authorized duties.
The CLB shall have the right to set up on the user's property or any other locations, as determined by the CLB, such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling or metering operations of the user's discharge to sewerage facilities.
In order for the CLB to determine the wastewater characteristics of a discharge for compliance with this chapter, wastewater discharge permit, or other control mechanism requirements, the user may be required to make available for inspection and copying all records including, but not limited to, production records, required self-monitoring and chain of custody records, any additional records of information obtained pursuant to monitoring activities undertaken by the user independent of such requirements, documents associated with best management practices and waste manifests without restriction, but subject to the confidential provisions set forth in this chapter. All records shall be maintained by users for a minimum of three years. This period shall be automatically extended for the duration of any litigation concerning the user, or when the user has been notified by written request from the CLB. Such records shall be made available to the CLB upon request.
Any temporary or permanent obstruction to safe and easy access to the user's site to be inspected or sampled shall be promptly removed by the user at the written or verbal request of the CLB and shall not be replaced. The costs of cleaning such access shall be at the sole expense of the user.
Inspection or sampling of any user's site shall be conducted at any time, by any means, in any amount, at any locations, on any limit, requirement or pollutant in a manner and frequency as determined at the sole discretion of the CLB.
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
Self-monitoring of wastewater pollutants, constituents and characteristics of the user needed for determining compliance with any limitations and requirements as specified in the user's wastewater discharge permit, federal regulations, or this chapter may be required. The self-monitoring requirement, frequency, forms and reporting shall be set forth in the user's wastewater discharge permit or other control mechanism. These reports may include, but are not limited to the following:
Baseline monitoring reports (BMRs);
Compliance schedule progress reports;
Ninety-day compliance reports;
Self-monitoring reports containing monitoring and analysis to demonstrate continued compliance as described in 40 CFR 403.12(g)(1)-(6);
Other reports as required by the CLB, other regulatory agencies or applicable law.
Failure by the user to perform any self-monitoring or reporting required by the CLB, shall be a violation of this chapter, and is deemed to be a violation for each parameter and each day in the time period for which monitoring was required, and cause for the CLB to initiate all necessary tasks and analysis to determine the wastewater pollutants, constituents and characteristics for any limitations and requirements specified in the user's wastewater discharge permit or in this chapter. The user shall be responsible for any and all expenses incurred by the CLB in undertaking such monitoring analysis and preparation of reports.
All users required to sample and analyze their wastewater shall use the sampling methods and the sampling locations as set forth in their wastewater discharge permit. For each sample collected and analyzed, the user shall maintain a record of:
Date, exact place, method and time of sampling and the name of the person taking the sample;
Date analysis performed;
Identity and address of the person who performed the analysis;
The analytical methods used;
Results of the analysis.
Samples taken shall be representative of conditions occurring during the reporting period. Users shall submit all monitoring data, even if user samples more frequently than required by its wastewater discharge permit. User is required to provide advance notice of any substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants in their discharge.
When required, all submitted applications and user reports shall be signed by the CAR as defined in this chapter. Each application and any required user report shall contain the following certification:
"I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations."
Date: _____________________
Signature: __________________
Print Name:_________________
Title: ______________________
User Name: _________________
User Site
Address: ___________________
User Mailing
Address: ___________________
Phone: ____________________
Permit No:__________________
Self-monitoring reports shall be subject to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 relating to false statements and fraud and the provisions of Section 309(c)(2) of the Act governing false statements.
The analysis of a user's wastewater pollutants, constituents and characteristics shall be done by a laboratory approved by the CLB.
If self-monitoring indicates a violation, the user shall notify the CLB within twenty-four hours of becoming aware of the violation. The user shall repeat the sampling and analysis and submit the results of the repeat analysis to the CLB within thirty days after becoming aware of the violation. Resampling by a user is not required if the CLB performs the sampling at the user's site at least once a month, or if the CLB performs sampling at the user between the time when the initial sampling was conducted and the time when the user or the CLB receives the results of the sampling, or if the CLB has performed the sampling and analysis in lieu of the user.
The analysis of wastewater pollutants, constituents and characteristics and the preparation of the self-monitoring report shall be done at the sole expense of the user.
The user shall establish and maintain a sample point on each discharge line at a location representative of the discharge to sewerage facilities. The maintenance of any sample point equipment shall be done at the sole expense of the user. Any sampling location shall be set forth in the user's wastewater discharge permit.
Any user subject to the reporting requirements of this chapter shall retain all records of monitoring activities and results for a minimum of three years and shall make them available to the CLB upon request. The CLB may require a longer period of retention if litigation is being considered or has resulted.
Any user subject to self-monitoring reporting requirements may be required to submit self-monitoring reports on forms approved by the CLB.
Any user determined to be a nonsignificant categorical industrial user (NSCIU) by the CLB pursuant to Section 17.30.051(b)(87)(C) and 17.30.357 shall annual submit the following certification statement signed by the CAR as defined in this chapter. This certification shall accompany an alternative report required by the CLB:
"Based on my inquiry of the person or persons directly responsible for managing compliance with categorical pretreatment standards under 40 CFR ___________, I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief that during the period from January 1, ___________ to December 31,___________:
The facility described as ___________ met the definition of non-significant categorical industrial user as described in Section 17.30.051(b)(87)(C);
The facility complied with all applicable pretreatment standards and requirements during this reporting period; and
The facility never discharged more then 100 gallons of total categorical wastewater on any given day during this reporting period.
Date: _______________
Signature: _______________
Print Name: _______________
This compliance certification is based on the following information.
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010; Ord. 1655 § 13, 2021)
In the event the user is unable to comply with any of the wastewater discharge permit conditions due to a breakdown of equipment, accidents caused by human error, or intentional action by any party, or acts of God, or any other cause, the discharger shall notify the CLB as soon as possible of any spill, slug discharge, batch dumping or upset.
Confirmation of this notification shall be made in writing within five working days of the original notification, unless waived by the CLB. The written notification shall contain:
Date of the incident;
Reason for the spill, slug discharge, batch dumping or upset;
The steps that were taken to immediately correct the problem;
The steps that are being taken to prevent the problem from recurring;
Any other information the CLB deems relevant.
Such notification shall not relieve the user of any expense, loss, damage, liability or fees which may be incurred as a result of damage or loss to sewerage facilities or any damage or loss to persons or property. Such notification shall never relieve the user from any fees or liability which may be imposed by this chapter, other regulatory agencies or other applicable law.
Significant industrial users shall notify the CLB immediately of any changes at its site affecting the potential for a slug discharge.
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
By-pass of industrial wastewater through pretreatment equipment to sewerage facilities is prohibited. Enforcement action may be taken against the user, unless:
By-pass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage; and
There were no feasible alternatives to the by-pass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment equipment, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back-up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a by-pass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance; and
The user submitted notice as required by this chapter; or
The bypass did not exceed user discharge limits and was required for essential maintenance.
If a user knows in advance of the need for a by-pass, it shall submit prior notice to the CLB at least ten days before the date of the by-pass.
The CLB may approve an anticipated by-pass after considering its adverse effects, if the CLB determines that it will meet the conditions listed within this section.
A user shall submit notice of an unanticipated by-pass that exceeds their wastewater discharge permit limitation to the CLB within twenty-four hours from the time the user becomes aware of the by-pass. A written report shall also be provided within five working days of the time the user becomes aware of the by-pass. The report shall contain:
Description of the by-pass and its cause;
Duration of the by-pass, including exact dates and times;
Anticipated time it is expected to continue if the by-pass has not been corrected;
Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the by-pass.
Failure to submit notice or a written report may be grounds for wastewater discharge permit suspension or revocation. Failure to provide timely notice under subsection d is deemed waiver of the bypass defense for the user violation.
Such notification shall not relieve the user of any expense, loss, damage, or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage or loss to sewerage facilities or any other damage or loss to person or property. Such notification shall never relieve the user from any fees or liability that may be imposed by this chapter or other applicable law.
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
Within either one hundred eighty days after the effective date of a categorical standard or the final administrative decision on a category determination under 40 CFR 403.6(a)(4), whichever is later, an existing categorical industrial user currently discharging to or scheduled to discharge shall submit to the CLB a report containing the information listed below. At least ninety days prior to commencement of discharge, new sources, and sources that become categorical industrial users subsequent to the promulgation of an applicable categorical standard shall submit to the CLB a report containing the information listed below. A new source shall report the method of pretreatment it intends to use to meet applicable categorical standards. A new source also shall give estimates of its anticipated flow and quantity of pollutants to be discharged. The baseline monitoring report shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
Identifying Information. The name and address of the site, including the name of the operator and owner;
Permits. A list of any environmental control permits held by or for the site;
Description of Operations. A brief description of the nature, average rate of production, and standard industrial classification of the operation(s) carried out by such industrial user. This description should include a schematic process diagram which indicates points of discharge to sewerage facilities from the regulated processes;
Flow Measurements. Information showing the measured average daily and maximum daily flow, in gpd, to sewerage facilities from regulated process streams and other streams as necessary;
Measurement of Pollutants. The categorical pretreatment standards applicable to each regulated process and the results and analysis identifying the nature and concentration, or mass, where required by the standard or by the CLB, of regulated pollutants in the discharge from each regulated process. Instantaneous, daily maximum, and longterm average concentrations, or mass where required, shall be reported. The sample shall be representative of daily operations. In cases where the standards requires compliance with a BMP or pollution prevention alternative, the industrial user shall submit documentation as required by the CLB or the applicable standards to determine compliance with the standard;
Certification. A statement, reviewed by the user's CAR and certified by a qualified professional, indicating whether pretreatment standards are being met on a consistent basis, and if not, whether additional operation and maintenance (O&M) or additional pretreatment is required to meet the pretreatment standards and requirements.
Compliance Schedule. If additional pretreatment or O&M will be required to meet the pretreatment standards, the shortest schedule by which the industrial user will provide such additional pretreatment or O&M. The completion date in this schedule shall not be later than the compliance date established for the applicable pretreatment standard;
Signature and Certification. All monitoring reports shall be signed and certified in accordance with Section 17.30.351(e) of this chapter.
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
All Class I users required to submit compliance schedules shall report their progress no later than fourteen days after each due date contained in their compliance schedule.
The schedule shall contain increments of progress in the form of dates for the commencement and completion of major events leading to the construction and operation of additional pretreatment required for the user to comply with the applicable pretreatment standards.
No increment referred to above shall exceed nine months.
In no event shall more than nine months elapse between progress reports to the CLB.
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
Within ninety days following the date for final compliance with the applicable categorical standards or within ninety days of the introduction of wastewater into sewerage facilities, the affected user shall submit a report containing the information listed below. This report shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
Flow Measurements. Information showing the measured average daily and maximum daily flow, in gallons per day, to sewerage facilities from regulated process streams and other streams;
Measurement of Pollutants. The categorical pretreatment standards applicable to each regulated process and the results and analysis identifying the nature and concentration, or mass, where required by the standard or by the CLB, of regulated pollutants in the discharge from each regulated process. Instantaneous, daily maximum, and longterm average concentrations, or mass where required, shall be reported. The sample shall be representative of daily operations;
Certification. A statement, reviewed by the user's CAR and certified by a qualified professional, indicating whether pretreatment standards are being met on a consistent basis, and if not, whether additional operation and maintenance (O&M) or additional pretreatment is required to meet the pretreatment standards and requirements;
Signature and Certification. All monitoring reports shall be signed and certified in accordance with Section 17.30.351(e).
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
All Class I users subject to federal pretreatment standards (except a nonsignificant categorical user) as a minimum shall submit reports containing the information required in 40 CFR 403.12 during the months of June and December, or as required in their WD permit or other control mechanism.
A Class I user determined to be a nonsignificant categorical industrial user by the CLB or SOCWA pursuant to Section 17.30.051(b)(87)(C) shall annually submit a report containing information as required in their WD permit or other control mechanism.
All users may be required to submit periodic compliance reports containing information as required in their WD permit, other control mechanism or as required by the CLB.
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
CLB shall have the right to enter the premises of any user to determine whether the user is complying with the requirements of this chapter and any individual wastewater discharge permit, other control mechanism or order issued hereunder. Users shall allow CLB ready access to all parts of the premises for the purpose of inspection, sampling, records examination and copying, and the performance of any other duties.
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
All pollutant analyses, including sampling techniques, to be submitted as part of a wastewater discharge permit application or report shall be performed in accordance with the techniques prescribed in 40 CFR Part 136 and amendments thereto, unless otherwise specified in an applicable categorical pretreatment standard. If 40 CFR Part 136 does not contain sampling or analytical techniques for the pollutant in question, or where the EPA determines that the Part 136 sampling and analytical techniques are inappropriate for the pollutant in question, sampling and analyses shall be performed by using validated analytical methods or any other applicable sampling and analytical procedures, including procedures suggested by CLB or other parties approved by the EPA.
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
Samples collected by the user to satisfy reporting requirements contained in this chapter, their WD permit or other control mechanism shall be based on data obtained through appropriate sampling and analysis performed during the period covered by the report, based on data that is representative of conditions occurring during the reporting period.
Except as indicated in subsections c and d, the user shall collect wastewater samples using twenty-four hour flow-proportional composite sampling techniques, unless time-proportional composite sampling of grab sampling is authorized by the CLB. Where time-proportional composite sampling or grab sampling is authorized by the CLB, the samples shall be representative of the discharge. Using protocols specified in 40 CFR 136 and appropriate EPA guidance, multiple grab samples collected during a twenty-four hour period may be composited prior to the analysis as follows: for cyanide, total phenols and sulfides the samples may be composited in the laboratory or in the field; for volatile organics and oil and grease, the samples may be composited in the laboratory. Composite samples for other parameters unaffected by the compositing procedures as documented in approved EPA methodologies may be authorized by the CLB, as appropriate. In addition, grab samples may be required at any time to show compliance with instantaneous discharge limits.
Samples for analysis of oil and grease, temperature, pH, cyanide, total phenols, sulfides, and volatile organic compounds shall be obtained using grab sample collection techniques.
For sampling required in support of baseline monitoring and ninety-day compliance reports required by this chapter and 40 CFR 403.12(b) and (d), a minimum of four grab samples shall be used for pH, cyanide, total phenols, oil and grease, sulfide and volatile organic compounds for users for which historical sampling data do not exist; for users for which historical sampling data are available, CLB may authorize a lower minimum. For reports required by this chapter and 40 CFR 403.12(e) and (h), the user shall collect the number of grab samples necessary to assess and assure compliance with applicable pretreatment standards and requirements.
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
Reports shall be deemed to have been submitted on the date postmarked. For reports that are not mailed or delivered with postage prepaid, the date of receipt of the report shall govern.
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
All users that have been issued a wastewater discharge permit shall notify the CLB in advance of any substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants in their discharge in accordance with 40 CFR 403.12(j).
(Ord. 1328 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1520 § 1, 2010)
The industrial user shall notify the CLB, the EPA Regional Waste Management Division Director, and state hazardous waste authorities in writing of any discharge into sewer facilities of a substance, which, if otherwise disposed of, would be a hazardous waste under 40 CFR Part 261. Such notification must include the name of the hazardous waste as set forth in 40 CFR Part 261, the EPA hazardous waste number, and the type of discharge (continuous, batch, or other). If the industrial user discharges more than one hundred kilograms of such waste per calendar month to sewerage facilities, the notification shall also contain the following information to the extent such information is known and readily available to the industrial user: An identification of the hazardous constituents contained in the wastes, an estimation of the mass and concentration of such constituents in the wastestream discharged during that calendar month, and an estimation of the mass of constituents in the wastestream expected to be discharged during the following twelve months. All notifications must take place no later than one hundred eighty days after a discharge to sewerage facilities commences. Any notification under this section need be submitted only once for each hazardous waste discharged. However, notifications of changed discharges must be submitted under Section 17.30.362 of this chapter and as listed in 40 CFR 403.12(j). The notification requirement in this section does not apply to pollutants already reported under the self-monitoring requirements of Sections 17.30.354, 17.30.356 and 17.30.357 of this chapter and as listed in 40 CFR 403.12(b), (d), and (e).
Dischargers are exempt from the requirements of subsection (a) during a calendar month in which they discharge no more than fifteen kilograms of hazardous wastes, unless the wastes are acute hazardous wastes as specified in 40 CFR 261.30(d) and 261.33(e). Discharge of more than fifteen kilograms of non-acute hazardous wastes in a calendar month, or of any quantity of acute hazardous wastes as specified in 40 CFR 261.30(d) and 261.33(e), requires a one-time notification. Subsequent months during which the industrial user discharges more than such quantities of any hazardous waste do not require additional notification.
In the case of any new regulations under Section 3001 of RCRA identifying additional characteristics of hazardous waste or listing any additional substance as a hazardous waste, the industrial user must notify the CLB, the EPA Regional Waste Management Waste Division Director, and state hazardous waste authorities of the discharge of such substance within ninety days of the effective date of such regulations.
In the case of any notification made under this section, the industrial user shall certify that it has a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of hazardous wastes generated to the degree it has determined to be economically practical.
This section does not create a right to discharge any substance not otherwise permitted to be discharged by this chapter, a permit issued thereunder, or any applicable federal or state law.
(Ord. 1598 § 1, 2015)