It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to establish regulations for the inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement of private sewer laterals within the city.
It is the further purpose and intent of this chapter to increase public awareness of private sewer systems and the impact of sewer spills on public health and the environment, to prevent blockages of the sewer system and accidental discharge of wastewater into the storm drain system or the Pacific Ocean, to provide for the maximum beneficial use of the city's sewer system, to ensure the regulations are equitably implemented throughout the city, and to protect public health, safety and the environment.
(Ord. 1439 § 1, 2004; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms are defined. To the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, terms defined in the plumbing code shall apply.
"Authorized inspector"
means an inspector so designated by the director.
"Building code"
means the most recent edition of the California Building Code as adopted (with or without amendments) by the city.
"Building drain"
means that part of the lowest wastewater piping which receives the discharge from drain pipes inside the walls of a building or structure and conveys it to the private sewer lateral.
"Certificate of compliance"
means the certificate the city issues to a property owner after the property owner has submitted a private sewer lateral inspection report and associated video demonstrating the private sewer lateral is in compliance with this chapter.
"Common interest developments"
means a development characterized by individual ownership of a housing unit or parcel coupled with the shared ownership or right to use common areas and facilities, including, but not limited to, condominium projects, community apartment projects, stock cooperatives and planned developments.
"Correction grace period"
means a period of ninety days from the earlier of:
The date of issuance of a notice of participation to a private property owner; or
The date of video inspection of a sewer lateral related to a private property building remodel, a common interest development or a multi-unit complex sewer lateral system; or
The date of video inspection of a sewer lateral related to the testing requirements set forth in Section 17.50.054.
"Corrective measures"
means appropriate actions taken by a property owner to maintain a fully functional private sewer lateral. Corrective measures may include, but are not limited to, video inspection, a program of scheduled cleaning, and/or repair or replacement of a private sewer lateral. Any repairs or line replacements must be made in accordance with Title 17 of this code and the plumbing code.
means the director of water quality, city engineer, director of community development or other official as designated by the city manager.
"Failure to act"
means a situation in which a private property owner has been notified by the city or has knowledge that the property's sewer lateral may not be fully functional and has failed to make an objective good faith effort to properly maintain a fully functional private sewer lateral servicing the owner's property, and a sanitary sewer overflow has occurred.
"Fully functional private sewer lateral"
means a private sewer lateral that is structurally sound, free of impediments, is maintained in a safe and sanitary condition, does not cause an obstruction within the public sewer and does not constitute a public nuisance.
"Multi-unit complexes"
means a development consisting of a building or buildings or portion thereof designed or used exclusively for multiple-family residential occupancy, including, but not limited to, apartments, apartment houses, and duplexes, and excluding common interest developments.
"Notice of participation"
means written notification from the city advising a property owner of corrective measures that may be taken by the property owner to ensure the private sewer lateral is fully functional.
"Plumbing code"
means the most recent edition of the California Plumbing Code as adopted (with or without amendments) by the city.
"Private property building remodels"
means all construction projects including additions, alterations or repairs that require a building permit, and that either:
Involve a bathroom, kitchen or laundry facility; or
Involve the installation of additional plumbing facilities that produce a material increase, as determined by the city, in sewage flow from the property served; or
Involve any work exceeding one hundred thousand dollars.
"Private sewer facilities"
means those sewer facilities that are privately constructed and not dedicated and accepted as a public sewer by the city. Private sewer facilities generally include sewer facilities within a privately owned building, service laterals, private pump stations, grease interceptors, and all other facilities located between private property and the connection to the public sewer. Sewer facilities intended for dedication to the city are private sewer facilities until such time as they are accepted by the city.
"Private sewer lateral"
means a sewer directly controlled by the property owner as fully defined in Section 17.04.162.
"Private sewer lateral inspection program administrative guide"
means the procedures, documents and forms necessary to assist a private sewer lateral owner with the inspection, repair and certification of their private sewer lateral. The guide is kept on file with the water quality department of the city.
"Private sewer lateral inspection report"
means a standard inspection form completed by a certified plumbing contractor detailing private sewer lateral inspection findings and recommended follow-up actions. Inspection report includes electronic copy of diagnostic video inspection.
"Public sewer"
means a common sewer directly controlled by the city, as fully defined in Section 17.04.170.
"Qualified plumber"
A company or plumber who has satisfied the qualification requirements outlined in the city's Private Sewer Lateral Program Administrative Guide; or
A company or plumber with a valid city business license and the appropriate licensure, as required by the state, to provide private sewer lateral services, including video inspection, cleaning, maintenance, repair and connection to the public sewer.
(Ord. 1439 § 1, 2004; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
These rules shall apply to every private sewer lateral in the city that is directly connected to a public sewer for which the city has maintenance responsibility.
(Ord. 1439 § 1, 2004; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Every property owner whose property is serviced by a private sewer lateral shall be responsible for all preventative and corrective maintenance activities for the private sewer lateral, up to and including the connection to the public sewer, which may include, but is not limited to, periodic video inspection, cleaning, repair and replacement of the line and connection joint. The ongoing costs associated with maintaining private sewer laterals shall be borne by private property owners; the city shall not be liable for any of these costs.
Property owners shall adequately maintain, inspect, repair and/or replace their private sewer laterals as needed to prevent sanitary sewer overflows and sewer spills.
Property owners shall promptly take all actions necessary to abate any condition causing a sanitary sewer overflow upon notice of the condition.
Any sanitary sewer overflow from a private lateral that is not promptly abated shall constitute a public nuisance under Section 7.24.020 of this code.
Each property owner shall be liable and responsible to the city for all costs incurred to respond to or otherwise address any sanitary sewer overflow or spill resulting from the property owner's private sewer lateral, including, but not limited to, any and all responses costs incurred by the city to respond to the overflow or spill, and all repair costs and other damages incurred by the city. The city manager or designee must review and approve the amount of costs to be assessed by the city. Upon approval of the city manager or designee, the city shall issue a notice of assessment of costs to the property owner. Any person aggrieved by any administrative decision made under this section may appeal the decision to the city council in accordance with the procedures and requirements for filing and hearing such appeals as set forth in Chapter 2.02 of this code, which are incorporated in this section by reference. The city council may also review any such decision on its own motion.
No property owner shall maintain a building drain or private sewer lateral in a condition that prevents or impedes the cleaning or inspection of the public sewer.
A property owner shall complete any necessary corrective measures within the correction grace period to ensure that the private sewer lateral is fully functional. The director shall have the sole and absolute discretion to extend the correction grace period if a property owner makes a request for an extension of time and presents good cause for the request.
(Ord. 1439 § 1, 2004; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
All private sewer laterals, whether existing as of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter or hereafter constructed, shall be operated and maintained by the private property owner in accordance with the requirement set forth in Section 17.12.140 of this code.
(Ord. 1439 § 1, 2004; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
All private sewer laterals connected to a city public sewer, including those serving residential, multiple residential, multi-unit complexes, common interest developments, and commercial properties, shall be cleaned, video inspected, and provided a private sewer lateral inspection report, per Section 17.50.053, at the property owner's expense, upon the occurrence of one of the following events, whichever is first:
A sewer spill from a private sewer lateral; and/or
A private property building remodel as outlined in Section 17.50.020(n); and/or
A change of use of the house, building or property served from: (A) residential to business, commercial, or nonresidential, (B) from nonresidential/nonrestaurant/nonindustrial to restaurant or industrial uses such as carwashes, cleaners and laundries, or (C) to nonresidential uses where the building or property served has been vacant or unoccupied for more than three years; and/or
The repair or replacement of any part of the private sewer lateral; and/or
A significant repair or replacement of the main sewer line to which the lateral is attached; and/or
Where city inspection and/or investigation reveals that a property's private sewer lateral is not sufficiently functional, and the city has provided the property owner with a written notice of participation describing the city's private sewer lateral program and advising the property owner of the corrective measures that should be taken.
(Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
All digital video inspections of private sewer laterals and all private sewer lateral inspection reports required under Section 17.50.052 must be performed by a state of California qualified plumber.
The digital video inspection shall, at a minimum, show the date of the inspection, identify the beginning point of the inspection, include an audio assessment of the proceedings by the qualified plumber, and include a footage counter to identify points along the ending point of the inspection.
The qualified plumber shall mark on the ground surface directly above the lateral for the benefit of the property owner the location of problem areas including the incidence of roots, joint problems, pipe problems, infiltration, or other significant findings.
The property owner shall furnish the city with a private sewer lateral inspection reports and associated diagnostic video within fourteen days of the performance of the video inspection.
Private sewer lateral inspection reports and associated diagnostic video will be placed into the real property report files associated with the parcel.
Required procedures, documents and forms related to the private sewer lateral inspection can be found in the private sewer lateral program administrative guide on file with the city water quality department.
(Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
In the event that a property owner's inspection indicates that a private sewer lateral is insufficient to provide service to the property free from unauthorized discharges to the public sewer, or is in danger of continuing spills, then as a condition of continuing use of the public sewer system, the property owner shall cause the necessary repairs or line replacement to be made to bring the private sewer lateral into compliance with the requirements of the city. The cost to repair or replace the private sewer lateral shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
Every property owner is required within the correction grace period to make the private sewer lateral serving the property fully functional as described in this code.
Repair and replacement of a private sewer lateral requires a city plumbing permit for the work on private property and a public works permit for work within a public right-of-way which includes the connection to the public sewer. Prior to issuance of a permit by the city to complete corrective measures, the property owner shall submit a plot plan indicating the location of the private sewer lateral line and the proposed corrective measures. A final inspection of the work by the city's authorized inspector is required as part of city permitting process.
Spot Repairs. If only a portion of the private sewer lateral is defective, the owner may elect to perform a spot repair. Upon completion of the repair, the private sewer lateral shall be tested and must pass the requirements of the plumbing code and city standards.
New or Replaced Lines. All new or replaced private sewer laterals shall be approved, designed and constructed in accordance with Title 17 of this code and the plumbing code.
All new and replaced private sewer laterals and pipe joint connections shall be constructed using materials approved by the director that are designed to prevent root intrusion for the life of the product.
All new or replaced private sewer laterals shall include a cleanout located at or near the property line and a backflow preventor. The cleanout/backflow preventor shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Title 17 of this code and the plumbing code.
Upon completion of the line replacement, the private sewer lateral shall be tested and must pass the requirements of the plumbing code and city standards.
All landscape improvements related to the repair, replacement or new installation of a private sewer lateral project shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Section 25.05.040 of this code.
When the necessary corrective measures have been completed within the correction grace period, the property owner shall provide the city with documentation of the corrective measures taken.
(Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
The city shall issue a property owner a certificate of compliance if any required video inspection demonstrates that the private sewer lateral is functional and that no further cleaning, repair or other corrective measures are necessary, or, in the alternative, upon determining all of the following are true:
The private sewer lateral is free of roots, grease deposits, and other solids that may impede or obstruct the transmission of sewage.
There are no non-sanitary connections to the private sewer lateral such as roof or yard drainage facilities.
All joints in the private sewer lateral are watertight and sound to prevent the exfiltration of sewage and the infiltration of groundwater.
The private sewer lateral is free of structural defects, cracks, breaks, or missing portion and the grade is reasonably uniform without major sags or offsets.
The private sewer lateral is equipped with at least one cleanout located within five feet of the building footprint which is securely sealed with a proper cap and equipped with a backflow protection device, if required by this title.
(Ord. 1439 § 1, 2004; Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015)
Notwithstanding the other civil remedies set forth in this title, a public nuisance in accordance with Section 7.24.010 of this code shall be deemed to exist upon a failure to act as defined in Section 17.50.020(i) of this chapter.
The city shall investigate all sewer overflows from private property to determine whether a failure to act has occurred.
The city manager, or designee, shall determine whether or not a failure to act has occurred and what enforcement action, if any, may be appropriate.
A failure to act or a violation of the provisions of this chapter by a private property owner may result in one or more of the following enforcement actions:
A notice of noncompliance may be issued with a specified period for correction;
An administrative citation may be issued for violations in the amounts and manner set forth in Chapter 1.15 of this code;
The city council may impose a fine of up to ten dollars per gallon of spilled sewage and up to ten thousand dollars per day for a closure of public property as a result of a spill from private property;
A misdemeanor complaint may be filed in accordance with Chapter 1.04 of this code; and
Sewer service may be disconnected as described in Section 17.16.060 of this code.
(Ord. 1603 § 1, 2015; Ord. 1439 § 1, 2004)