The requirements for a final map shall be as follows:
If more than three sheets are used, an index showing entire subdivision, with lots numbered consecutively;
Title, name of tract, date, north point and scale;
Description of land included;
Location and names, without abbreviations, of all:
Proposed streets and alleys,
Proposed public areas and easements,
Adjoining streets;
Dimensions in feet and decimals of a foot;
Dimensions of all lots;
Centerline data including bearings and distances;
Radius, tangent, arc and central angle of curves;
Suitable primary survey control points;
Location of all permanent monuments;
Ties to and names of adjacent subdivisions;
Ties to any city or county boundary lines involved;
Location of all setback lines;
Required certificates;
Net acreage of all lots of one acre or more.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part A); 1953 Code §§ 9231—9231.15; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Within a period of twelve months after approval of the tentative map or maps, the subdivider may cause a final map to be prepared and recorded in full accordance with a complete survey of the subdivision and in accordance with the tentative map as approved. Upon application of the subdivider, the planning commission may extend the twelve-month period for one additional twelve-month period if the application is filed prior to the expiration of the original twelvemonth period.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code § 9232; Ord. 596 § 1, 1967; Ord. 785 § 1, 1974; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Drawing; Materials for Final Maps. The final map shall be clearly and legibly delineated upon tracing cloth of good quality.
Ink. All lines, letters, figures, certificates, acknowledgments may be legibly stamped or printed upon the map with black opaque ink.
Size. The size of each sheet shall be eighteen by twenty-six inches.
Margin. A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch.
Scale; Details. The scale of the map shall be large enough to show all details clearly and enough sheet shall be used to accomplish this end.
Numbering of Sheets. Each sheet shall be numbered, the relation of one sheet to another clearly shown, and the number of sheets used shall be set forth in each sheet.
Tract and Sheet Numbers, Scale, North Point. The tract number, scale, north point and sheet number shall be shown on each sheet of the final map.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B1); 1953 Code §§ 9232.1—9232.16; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Subtitle. Below the title shall be a subtitle consisting of a general description of all the property being subdivided, by reference to deeds, subdivisions or to sectional surveys.
References to Tracts and Subdivisions. References to tracts and subdivisions shall be spelled out and worded identically with original records, with complete reference to proper book and page of the record.
Basis of Bearings. The title sheet shall show in addition the basis of bearings.
Reversion to Acreage. Maps filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage shall be conspicuously marked under the title "The Purpose of this Map is a Reversion to Acreage."
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B2); 1953 Code §§ 9232.2—9232.23; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Forms for certificates required by the "Subdivision Map Act" and this title may be secured from the county surveyor and the city engineer.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B3); 1953 Code § 9232.3; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Bearing and Length of Lines. Sufficient data shall be shown to determine readily the bearing and length of each line.
Net Dimensions. Dimensions of lots shall be the net dimensions.
Ditto Marks. No ditto marks shall be used.
Acreage. Lots containing one acre or more shall show net acreage to the nearest hundredth.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B4); 1953 Code §§ 9234.4—9232.43; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
The final map shall show the centerlines of all streets, length, tangent, radius and central angle or radial bearings of all curves; and the bearings of radial lines to each lot corner of a curve, the total width of each street, the width of the portion being dedicated and width of existing dedication, and the width each side of the centerline, also the width of rights-of-way of railroads, flood control or drainage channels and any other easements appearing on the map.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B); 1953 Code § 9232.5; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Surveys in connection with the preparation of subdivision maps as in this title provided shall be made in accordance with standard practices and principles for land surveying.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B); 1953 Code § 9232.51; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
A traverse of the boundaries of the subdivisions and all lots and blocks shall close within a limit of error of one foot in ten thousand feet of perimeter.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B5); 1953 Code § 9232.52; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Line and Width Data. Except as hereinafter provided, the final map shall show the centerline data, width and side lines of all easements to which the lots are subject.
Broken Lines to Denote. Easements for storm drains, sewers and other purposes shall be denoted by broken lines.
Lengths of Lot Lines Cut by Easements. Distances and bearings on the side lines of the lots which are cut by an easement shall be so shown as to indicate clearly the actual lengths of the lot lines.
Dimensions, Bearings and Ties. The width of the easements and the lengths and the bearings of the lines thereof and sufficient ties to locate the easement definitely with respect to the subdivision shall be shown.
Labeling. The easement shall be clearly labeled and identified, and if already of record, proper reference to the records given.
Statement in Lieu of Location of Record. If the easement is not definitely located of record, a statement as to the easement shall appear on the title sheet.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B6); 1953 Code §§ 9232.6—9232.65; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
As to easements and rights-of-way along the side and rear lot lines of each lot for sewers and storm drains, the subdivider, with the consent of the council, and by reservation designated upon the title sheet of the final map, may reserve the right to construct and maintain permanent buildings, structures and improvements over and across such easements and rights-of-way.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B6); 1953 Code § 9236.66; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
The location of, and the evidence of, and the evidence of the existence of easements for all public utilities required to serve said subdivision shall, at the discretion of the council, be designated upon the final map.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B6); 1953 Code § 9232.67; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
The final map shall show clearly what stakes, monuments or other evidence was found on the ground to determine the boundaries of the tract.
The corners of adjoining subdivisions or portions thereof shall be identified and the ties shown.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B7); 1953 Code §§ 9232.7, 9232.71; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Whenever the city engineer has established the centerline of a street or alley, that data shall be considered making the surveys and in preparing the final map, and all monuments found shall be indicated and proper references made to field books or maps of public record, relating to the monuments.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B8); 1953 Code § 9232.8; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
If the points were reset by ties, that fact shall be stated.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B8); 1953 Code § 9232.81; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
The final map shall show city and county boundaries crossing or adjoining the subdivision clearly designated and tied in.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B8); 1953 Code § 9232.82; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
General. The lots shall be numbered consecutively, commencing with the number "1," with no omissions or duplications.
When Continuation or Addition to Other Subdivision. Where the subdivision is a continuation of or an addition to an existing subdivision, the lot numbers may commence with the number immediately following the last or highest number of such existing subdivision and in all other respects shall conform with the preceding requirements.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B9); 1953 Code §§ 9232.9, 9232.91; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Each lot shall be shown entirely on one sheet.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part B9); 1953 Code § 9232.92; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
After receipt of the report of the planning commission approving or conditionally approving the tentative map, the subdivider may submit to the city engineer the original final map and a duplicate tracing thereof made on good tracing cloth.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code § 9233; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
The final map shall be completed in accordance with the "Subdivision Map Act" and this title and shall be accompanied by:
Traverse Sheets and Work Sheets. Traverse sheets and work sheets showing the closure, within the allowable limits of error, of the exterior boundaries and of each irregular block and lot of the subdivision;
Improvement Plans and Guarantees. Plans and specifications of the proposed improvement, together with the necessary bonds or guarantees as herein provided;
Covenants for Recording. A copy of the protective covenants to be recorded;
Memorandum. A memorandum in duplicate showing:
The total area of the subdivision,
The total area in streets,
The total area in lots,
The area, in parks, schools sites or other lands offered for dedication or quasi-public use.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part C); 1953 Code §§ 9233.1—9233.54; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
After issuance of a receipt for the final map, the city engineer shall examine it as to sufficiency of affidavits and acknowledgments, correctness of surveying data, mathematical data and computations and such other matters as require checking to insure compliance with the provisions of the "Subdivision Map Act" and of this title.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part C); 1953 Code § 9233.7; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
If the final map is found to be in correct form and the matters shown thereon are sufficient, the city engineer shall, within thirty days of receipt thereof, endorse his approval thereon and transmit it to the council together with plans and specifications of proposed improvements and such other matters as are required to enable the council to consider the final map, or return the final map to the subdivider together with a statement setting forth the ground for its return.
(Ord. 355 § 5 (part C4); 1953 Code § 9233.71; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
All streets, public ways, easements and parcels of land shown on the final map and intended by the subdivider to be for public use shall be offered for dedication or conveyed to the city for such public use; provided, however, that the subdivider may elect to reserve any or all of the streets, ways or other parcels of land shown on the final map for the private and exclusive use of the lot owners in the subdivision and their licensees, visitors, tenants and servants. Where any such streets, ways or other parcels of land are intended for the private and exclusive use of the lot owners in the subdivision and their licensees, visitors, tenants and servants, then such streets, ways and parcels of land need not be offered for dedication, but the final map must contain a statement to that effect. The subdivider must offer for dedication for public use, or convey to the city, perpetual easements for the construction, reconstruction, replacement, enlargement, repair, maintenance and operation in, under, along and across all such reserved streets, ways and parcels of land of the following:
Public sewage facilities; and
Facilities for drainage of flood, storm and surface waters.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code § 9234; Ord. 380, 1954; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
The subdivider shall improve, or agree to improve, all streets, highways, ways, public ways and easements, shown upon the final map, including those specifically reserved for the private and exclusive use of lot owners in the subdivision, their licensees, visitors, tenants and servants, and the improvement of, or agreement to improve, such streets, highways, ways, public ways and easements shall be a condition percent to the approval of the final map. Where such streets, highways, ways, public ways and easements are offered for dedication or conveyed to the city for public use, then the improvement of, or agreement to improve, the same shall also be a condition precedent to the acceptance of such offer of dedication or conveyance; provided, however, that the obligation and duty of the subdivider to construct and install sewage and water drainage facilities, and the power of the city to compel the subdivider to construct and install such improvements or to guarantee the same by bond, shall be limited to those sewage and water drainage facilities which are necessary for the general use of the lots within the subdivision and which are necessary for local sewage and water drainage needs therein.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code § 9234.1; Ord. 380, 1954; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Such improvements shall include such grading, surfacing, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, culverts, bridges, storm drains, sanitary sewers, permanent subdivision monuments or such other structures or improvements as recommended by the planning commission and/or deemed by the council to be necessary for the general use of the lot owners in the subdivision and local neighborhood traffic and drainage needs. All improvements shall be installed to grades approved by the council.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code §§ 9234.2, 9234.3; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Plans, profiles and specifications of proposed street improvements shall be furnished by the city engineer prior to the time of submitting the final map to the city engineer, and be approved by the city engineer before the map shall be filed with the council. These plans and profiles shall show full details of the proposed improvements, which shall be according to the standards of this city.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code §§ 9234.4, 9234.5; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
If street lights, water mains, sanitary sewers, or storm drains are to be installed as a part of the improvements of the subdivision, plans, profiles, specifications and all necessary details of the proposed construction shall be submitted to the city engineer prior to the time of submitting the final map for checking, and be approved by him before the final map shall be filed with the council. These plans and profiles shall show details of the proposed improvements which shall be according to the standards of this city.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code §§ 9234.6, 9234.7; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
If such improvement work is not completed satisfactorily before the final map is approved, the owner or owners of the subdivision shall, immediately upon the approval of the final map, enter as contractor into an agreement with the council whereby, in consideration of the acceptance by the council of the streets and easements offered for dedication, the contract agrees to furnish the labor, equipment and material necessary and to complete the work within the time specified in the agreement.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code § 9234.8; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
To assure the city that this work shall be completed, a bond or cash guarantee shall be furnished guaranteeing the faithful performance of the work in the sum equal to the estimated cost. The bond shall be furnished by a qualified surety company.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code §§ 9234.9, 9234.91; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Request for annexation to the county street lighting district shall be made by the subdivider unless the property being subdivided is not contiguous to or is already within the boundaries of said district.
(Ord. 433 § 3; 1953 Code § 9234.92; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
The minimum improvements which the subdivider will be required to make or enter into an agreement to make in the subdivision, prior to the acceptance and approval of the final map by the council, shall be those found in Sections 21.16.330 through 21.16.410.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code § 9235; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Adequate distribution lines for domestic water supply shall be installed to each lot where subdivision is to be supplied with water. Said distribution lines are to be in accordance with the requirements of the Laguna Beach county water district.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code §§ 9235.1, 9235.11; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
There shall be a sewage disposal system to each lot where city sewer system is available or private disposal plant advisable.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code § 9235.2; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
There shall be adequate structures to provide for drainage of the subdivision, streets, ways and alleys.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code § 9253.3; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Any underground utility lines proposed to be installed as a part of the subdivision which runs across or underneath the right-of-way of any street, alley or way in said subdivision shall be installed prior to the surfacing of any such street, alley or way.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code § 9235.4; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
There shall be improvement of all streets, ways and alleys in compliance with the following:
Grading. All streets, ways and alleys shall be graded to the full width between property lines;
Curbs and Gutters. Concrete curbs and gutters shall be installed along all streets and highways;
Subgrade Requirements. All streets, ways and alleys shall be constructed with an adequate prepared subgrade of a minimum of four inches thickness, or greater if required by soil test;
Width. The widths of such pavement, measured between curb faces, shall be as specified under Section 21.16.040 and following, "widths of streets";
Paving Requirements. All streets, ways and alleys shall be surfaced with not less than two inches of asphalt pavement, or the equal thereof;
Alley Paving. Alleys shall be paved to full width.
(Ord. 355 § 5; Ord. 433; 1953 Code §§ 9235.5—9235.54; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Improvements on all land in the subdivision intended for public use shall be installed in accordance with the official specifications of this city for the construction of public improvements in this city; and the subdivider shall bear the cost of inspection thereof by the city engineer.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code § 9235.6; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
Street centerlines shall be monumented at all street intersections, points of curves and angle points, and at intermediate points as shall be required by the city engineer after completion of street paving.
(Ord. 355 § 5; 1953 Code § 9235.7; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
There shall be an ornamental street lighting system, including standards and fixtures, in accordance with the quality and degree of illumination acceptable to the city. In the event that annexation to the county street lighting district cannot be effected, the subdivider shall contribute an amount of money equal to the current costs of standards as established by the city. The amount shall be paid to the city to be held for street lighting improvement at such time as the land can be annexed to the county street lighting district.
(Ord. 433 § 6; 1953 Code § 9235.8; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)
There shall be street signs in accordance with the standard and quality acceptable to the city.
(Ord. 433 § 7; 1953 Code § 9235.9; Ord. 823 § 3, 1975)