"Alley" (Ramona between Laguna and Legion declared to be an alley), approved in Minutes of 6/12/71.
"Basement" approved by Res. No. 2043.
"Construction," Alteration, Repairs to Buildings defined as approved by Res. No. 422.
"Coverage," Lot—Main bldg. as approved by Res. No. 2129.
"Entertaining," Definition as approved by Res. No. 2215 and Res. No. 2136.
"Fences," lawn—hedges, etc. construed as fence as approved by Res. No. 171.
"Height" as approved by P.C. Res. 70-71.
"Home Occupations" as approved by Res. No. 2978.
"Lot," definition as approved by Res. No. 2326.
"Lots" and Building Sites as approved by Res. No. 2160.
"Nonconforming Uses," Definition of Lodging Houses as approved by Res. 2327.
"Room Rental," Boarding and Lodging Houses as approved by Res. No. 2280.
For the purpose of carrying out the intent of this title, words, phrases and terms shall be deemed to have the meaning ascribed to them and shall be interpreted to contain the standards and include the parts, elements and features set forth in this chapter. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular. "Shall" is mandatory. "May" is permissive.
(Ord. 209, 1940)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "A":
means contiguous to;
means the place, means or way by which vehicles shall have safe, adequate and usable ingress and egress to a property and/or use as required by this title;
"Access, indirect"
means access, as defined above; located so as to provide access to a building site across a lot line which is not contiguous to a street or alley at the point of crossing;
"Accessory building"
means a separate building, the use of which is subordinate and incidental to that of the main building, structure or use on the same lot. In all zones, accessory buildings, exclusive of those being used for required parking facilities, shall be allowed, provided:
The on-site parking as required by this title has been provided,
The accessory building does not encroach into the required setbacks as specified for the zone,
The lot area exceeds four thousand square feet,
The floor area of the accessory building is no more than five percent of the lot area,
The volume of the accessory building (expressed in cubic feet) does not exceed twelve times the floor area.
All accessory buildings shall be such that the elevation of the highest point of the roof is not greater than twenty feet above the lowermost floor level;
"Accessory use"
means a use incidental, related, appropriate and clearly subordinate to the main use of the lot or building, which accessory use does not alter the principal use of the subject lot or adversely affect other properties in the zone;
means near, close or contiguous to;
"Agricultural employee"
means a person who works full- or part-time (24 hours or more per week) in the service of a commercial agricultural operation;
"Agricultural employee housing"
means any living quarters or accommodations of any type specifically for agricultural employees and which comply with Cal. Health & Safety Code Sections 17008 and 17021.6 and other applicable provisions of the Employee Housing Act;
means a public or private vehicular way which affords a secondary means of access to abutting property and which is not more than twenty feet nor less than ten feet in width;
means the process of incorporation of land within the city of Laguna Beach;
means a dwelling unit;
"Apartment house"
means a multiple-family dwelling;
"Art gallery"
means a place of business in which objects of fine art, such as painting and sculpture, are displayed and offered for sale;
"Art studio"
means a workshop for one or more artists or writers;
means an institution housing patients or inmates for whom restraint is required;
"Auto repairing"
means all servicing of motor vehicles except the following: sale of motor fuels, tires, tubes and lubricants: lubricating vehicles, minor tube and tire repairs, battery recharging, hand auto washing and hand polishing;
"Auto wash, mechanical"
means the washing of cars using an assembly line method in which vehicles are moved through a series of sprays and brushes or any washing process in which steam is employed;
"Average elevation"
means the elevation at the midpoint of a given line.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 548, 1965; Ord. 846 § 1, 1975; Ord. 1115 §§ 1, 2, 1986; Ord. 1144 § 1, 1987; Ord. 1216 § 3, 1991; Ord. 1332 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1680 § 1, 2022)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "B":
"Banner, flag or pennant"
means any cloth, bunting, plastic, paper or similar material used for advertising purposes attached to, appended on or from any structure, staff, pole, line, framing or vehicle. Flags referred to herein, when the flag is of a nation or of the state of California and is displayed as such in an appropriate manner, shall be excepted from these regulations:
means any building designed or used for housing horses;
"Bed and breakfast inn"
—(See Chapter 25.22, Bed and Breakfast Inns);
means any habitable room with a closet whose principal purpose is for sleeping and which is not a bathroom, kitchen, dining room, den or living room;
means the lots fronting one side of a street and located between the two nearest intersecting or intercepting streets or nearest intersecting or intercepting street and mean high tide line or end of street in the case of a dead end street;
means the board of adjustment of the city of Laguna Beach;
(See Rooming house);
mean a roofed passageway, open on at least two sides where the roof is structurally integrated with the structure to which it is attached. A breezeway shall be considered to be a part of the building to which it is attached;
means an open space or landscaped area, the purpose of which is to prevent the direct abutting of incompatible uses or structures;
"Buildable area"
means the area of any given lot that is not part of a required front, side or rear yard, as set forth in the property development standards of the applicable zone for said lot;
means any structure built for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind;
"Building height"
—(See Height, building);
"Building permit"
means written authorization from the director of building and safety of the city of Laguna Beach for the erection of any structure;
"Building setback line"
means the line appearing on the zoning map delineating the space between such line and the property line as the required yard in lieu of the front, side or rear yard otherwise described for the zone;
"Building site"
means a parcel or contiguous parcels of land which was established in compliance with the building site requirements of this code.
No building permit and no certificate of use and occupancy shall be issued for a building or use of land until the director of community development has verified that the parcel of land upon which such building or use of land is to be established is a building site which may be used for the uses permitted in the zone in which it is located. Two or more lots whose common lot line is crossed by a structure or a setback requirements from an adjoining structure shall be deemed to be one building site until such time as the structure is removed and the line is unencumbered. To qualify as a building site, the parcel must be under one ownership and must meet the requirements of either subsection (A) or section (B) below:
Any parcel of land that was established as a building site by either the recordation of a tract map, a parcel map, a record of survey recorded pursuant to a city-approved division of land, or a certificate of compliance, or by a deed of conveyance or contract of sale or in any other legal manner recorded prior to July 19, 1958 (or effective date of annexation to the city if such occurred thereafter), and which complied with all of the requirements of the zoning regulations in effect at the time of recordation in the office of the county recorder of Orange County or Los Angeles County, and:
Contains the minimum area and dimensions required by this title for the zone in which the parcel is located. However, parcels under one ownership on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section which constituted legal building sites under the terms of this title, as amended, but which do not comply with the minimum area and dimension standards of the zone are deemed to be building sites provided they meet all other requirements in this definition. Such sites may not be further reduced in area; and
Furnishes, in addition to the space occupied or to be occupied by buildings and structures, sufficient area to provide the yards and open spaces required by this title for the zone in which the parcel is located; and
Abuts for a minimum frontage of ten feet measured longitudinally in relationship to the paved street section and has the right to the use of a street improved to the subdivision street design standards of the city, or of a usable vehicular right-of-way of record, or of a street that does not meet the minimum standards but has been approved by means of a variance, or of a street of less than standard width as specifically approved for access by the city.
A building site may be created by the recordation of a tract map or parcel map after approval has been secured from the city planning commission. The creation of any building site shall conform to the following minimum requirements:
Each building site shall be shown on the recorded document as a numbered lot or parcel; and
Each building site shall be of sufficient area, width and depth to comply with the minimum requirements of the zoning district in which the site is located; and
Each building site shall abut a public or private street, having a right of access for vehicles and pedestrians, and enjoy practical and physical access to such street, for its continuous frontage along the front lot line. Such access road shall be constructed and maintained at a minimum unobstructed width (as described in subsection (A)(3) above) to a length as necessary to connect with existing roads of equal or greater width, shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface such as asphaltic concrete, Portland cement concrete, or similar approved materials, so as to provide all-weather driving.
A parcel of land that does not meet the foregoing requirements is not a building site unless otherwise validated in accordance with Section 25.56.020 of this code;
"Business office"
means a commercial activity characterized by administrative and/or clerical operations with a low volume of customer contact on the premises and with no transfer or merchandise on the premises.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 586, 1967; Ord. 1063 § 1, 1984; Ord. 1216 § 3, 1991; Ord. 1332 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1346 § 2, 1998; Ord. 1354 § 3, 1999; Ord. 1416 § 4, 2002)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "C":
"Caretaker's residence"
means an accessory building containing a dwelling for caretakers or servants for the land or main building(s). Caretaker's residence shall include servants quarters. No caretaker's residence shall be rented, let or otherwise hired out;
means a permanent roofed structure with not more than two enclosed sides, used for automobile shelter;
"Certificate of use and occupancy"
means a written permit issued by the director of building and safety indicating that the building or structure complies with the provisions of the building code of the city of Laguna Beach;
"Charitable or religious institution"
means a church or other building devoted to philanthropic or nonprofit social welfare activities;
"Child care"
means the regular care of children who are not related to the family within a single family residence. Such operations shall conform to one of the following:
A properly licensed boarding home for children, twenty-four hour permanent basis, for no more than six children including the children of the operators,
A properly licensed family day care home providing care, protection and supervision to six or fewer children, including children who reside at the home, for periods of less than twenty-four hours per day while the parents or guardians are away. (See Family day care home, large, and Nursery school.)
means a permanently located building commonly used for religious worship. Such building shall be fully enclosed with walls (including windows and doors), having a roof of other than canvas or fabric, and shall conform to applicable legal requirements affecting design and construction;
means the city of Laguna Beach;
"City clerk"
means the city clerk of the city of Laguna Beach;
"City engineer"
means the city engineer of the city of Laguna Beach;
(See Private recreational club);
"Coastal area"
means the strip of land located between the line of mean sea level of the Pacific Ocean and elevation plus twenty feet above mean sea level;
"Cocktail lounge"
means a building or portion thereof devoted to the sale and serving of alcoholic beverages to be consumed on the premises;
"Commercial agricultural use"
means the growing of crops for food or fiber, other horticultural uses, grazing, or small animal farms, all with the intent to sell the products for profit. Commercial agriculture does not include crops or agriculture grown for personal consumption or equestrian uses;
"Commercial uses"
means those uses other than residential, religious or public educational uses, permitted to the C-1, C-2, C-5, CH-M and C-N zones;
"Commercial zone"
means the C-1, C-2, C-5, CH-M and C-N zones;
means the planning commission of the city of Laguna Beach;
"Concept review"
means review by the decision making authority for the purpose of providing the applicant with the authority's preliminary reaction to the general design concept of a proposed project. Such review does not include a formal decision or guarantee of future approval on the application by the decision making authority;
"Conforming structure"
means a structure designed and built for a use permitted in the zone and complying with the property development standards of the zone in which such structure is located;
"Conforming use"
means a use permitted under the terms of this title in the zone in which such use is carried on;
"Convenience goods and personal services"
means those goods and services such as food, drugs and sundries, sold at retail, which are essential for day to day living needs;
"Corner cutback"
means the provisions for and maintenance of adequate space for safe visibility to protect vehicular and pedestrian traffic at all intersections of streets, alleys and/or private driveways, as provided in the zones. Such space will be kept free of buildings, structures and landscaping which would constitute a visual obstruction;
"Corner lot"
(See Lot, corner);
means any fenced area devoted to the containing of horses;
"Country club"
means a recreation activity carried on by an association of persons organized for nonprofit recreation and occupying a site containing not less than ten acres of land. "Country club" does not include activities organized primarily to render a service which is customarily carried on as a business;
means the city council of the city of Laguna Beach;
means a city-approved concrete or asphalt structure along the edge of the street pavement and raised above the pavement.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 294, 1948; Ord. 832 § 1, 1975; Ord. 1088 § 2, 1985; Ord. 1159 § 1 (B), 1988; Ord. 1416 § 5, 2002; Ord. 1680 § 2, 2022)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "D":
"Dedicated street"
means a street offered to and accepted by the city of Laguna Beach;
"Department of public works"
means the department of public works of the city of Laguna Beach;
"Direct access"
means access, as defined above, located at a point along a lot line at which such lot line is contiguous to a street (or alley) and the building site. If a building site is contiguous to more than one street (or alley), access shall be taken from the street that qualifies the parcel as a building site;
means an accessway to an off-street parking space or facility, which accessway is at least ten feet in width and paved to a minimum width of ten feet;
"Driveway, common access"
means a deadend street, either public or private, which is designed to serve not more than four adjoining minimum building site areas as defined in the zoning regulations. A common access driveway shall be located within a recorded legal easement or right-of-way that extends access privileges to the abutting properties;
"Driveway, private access"
means an on-site privately owned and maintained accessway constructed for the purpose of serving a single building site in accordance with the zoning regulations. Such building site shall have frontage on a street;
means a building or portion thereof designed or used exclusively for residential occupancy, including one family and multiple family dwellings;
"Dwelling, multiple family"
means a building designed or used for occupancy by three or more families, living independently of each other;
"Dwelling, single-family"
means a building designed or used for occupancy by one family;
"Dwelling, three-family"
means a building designed or used for occupancy by three families, living independently of each other;
"Dwelling, two-family"
means a building designed or used for occupancy by two families, living independently of each other;
"Dwelling unit"
means a room or suite of rooms within a structure and with a single kitchen, other than a hotel unit with a kitchen, designed or used for the residential use and occupancy of a family.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 1039 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1144 § 2, 1987; Ord. 1216 § 3, 1991; Ord. 1332 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1528 § 2, 2010)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "E":
means an interest in land created by grant, agreement, or other lawful means which confers a right upon owners, including a public agency, to some profit, benefit, dominion or lawful use of or over the estate of another; it is distinct from ownership of the soil. Example: an easement for road purposes. An easement by itself may or may not provide adequate access as required by these regulations;
means music, singing or performances, the purpose of which is to provide diversion for a person or persons, clients or patrons. The playing of background music (by a radio or record player) in a quiet manner and so as not to capture the attention of an audience, is not entertainment; neither is a television receiver played in a quiet manner entertainment;
"Extended care facility"
means an establishment devoted to: (1) providing medical, nursing or custodial care for individuals over a prolonged period, such as during the course of a chronic disease or the rehabilitation phase after an acute illness or injury; and/or (2) provides or coordinates oversight and services to meet the residents' individualized scheduled needs and assistance with activities of daily living, based on the residents' assessments and service plans and their unscheduled needs as they arise. An extended care facility includes an intermediate care facility, a skilled nursing facility, a convalescent home, a nursing home, a rest home, a recovery center and an assisted living facility.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 1216 § 3, 1991; Ord. 1550 § 1, 2011; Ord. 1575 § 1, 2013)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "F":
"Face of building"
means the general outermost surface of any main exterior wall of a building, but the term does not include the cornice, bay window, balcony, porch or other feature which extends beyond the general outermost surface of such exterior wall or beyond the property line;
"Fallout shelter"
means a structure, approved by the director of building and safety and for which a building permit has been issued, which is designed and used solely for protection from thermonuclear attack. Fallout shelters shall be occupied only during an actual or imminent attack or during a practice test authorized and conducted by proper authority;
means one or more persons living together as a single housekeeping unit within a dwelling unit, including employee housing providing accommodations for six or fewer employees;
"Family day care home, large,"
means a home which provides family day care for seven to twelve children inclusive, including children who reside at the home, for periods of less than twenty-four hours per day (see child care and nursery school);
means a barrier of any material or combination of materials placed in a manner so as to enclose or screen areas of land. "Fence" includes hedges, chain link and wire mesh;
"Fill slope"
means an artificial incline of earth created by earth filling;
"Final building inspection"
means that inspection of a building or structure made by the director of building and safety upon the completion of all construction and finishing, and when in the opinion of the builder the structure is ready for use and/or occupancy;
"Fine art"
means painting, drawing or sculpture created for its own sake and without regard for utility;
"Finish grade."
See Grade, finish;
"Floor area, gross"
means the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of a building, excluding areas used for garage purposes, elevators shafts and such other basement, cellar or attic areas as are devoted exclusively to uses accessory to the operation of the building. Horizontal dimensions shall be measured from the face of the building and shall include enclosed porches, stairways and exit balconies;
"Floor area, original gross"
means the gross floor area (as defined herein) of a separate unattached structure when initially constructed.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 1045 § 1, 1983; Ord. 1088 §§ 3, 4, 1985; Ord. 1151 § 1, 1988; Ord. 1334 § 2, 1997; Ord. 1418 §§ 2, 3, 2002; Ord. 1515 § 5, 2009; Ord. 1528 § 1, 2010; Ord. 1680 § 3, 2022)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "G":
means an accessory building or part of a main building designed for the shelter and storage of a motor vehicle or vehicles and enclosed on three or more sides;
"General plan"
means the general plan of the city of Laguna Beach;
"Golf course"
means a course of at least ten acres devoted to the game of golf and does not include miniature golf or driving ranges;
means the gradient or rate of incline of the land expressed as a percent of vertical to horizontal distances;
"Grade, finish"
means the natural or artificial slope of the land as it is to be maintained upon completion of the structure;
"Grade, natural"
means the established slope of the land prior to individual lot grading by artificial means. Grades resulting from city-approved grading operations for land subdivision shall be considered to be natural grades;
means the consumption of growing vegetation by domestic animals;
means a one story accessory building which is devoted to horticulture;
"Ground elevation, adjacent"
means the lowest point of elevation of the existing surface of the ground, within the area between the building and a line five feet from the building;
"Guest house"
means living quarters, however not a dwelling unit, within an accessory building;
"Guest room"
means a portion of a main building consisting of living quarters, however not a dwelling unit, so arranged that there is no more than one egress to the outdoors or to a public way, and so that there is no interior access to the common living areas of any dwelling unit occupying the main building.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 1334 § 3, 1997)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "H:"
"Handicraft shop"
means a business enterprise conducted entirely within enclosed buildings, and consisting of the creation, production or manufacture of objects of art, handicraft, novelties and similar articles, provided, however, that, in the creation, production and manufacturing activities, hand labor must predominate; no power other than electric power shall be used, and such activities shall not be objectionable by reason of vibration or the emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas or noise. In a pottery or ceramic enterprise only electric or gas kilns operated periodically may be employed.
A handicraft shop enterprise will meet the following limitations as to size and scope of operation:
Floor area used for creation, production or manufacturing purposes shall not exceed eighty percent of the total floor area used for the entire handicraft shop enterprise, and not less than twenty percent of the floor area shall be used for sale and display purposes, and the area for sale and display purposes shall be located in front of the premises,
Electric horsepower to a total of not exceeding two horsepower per machine, and not to exceed five machines with a total aggregate of not to exceed ten horsepower shall be used,
Not more than five persons shall be employed or engaged in the creation, production or manufacturing activities.
In any pottery or ceramic enterprise, the periodic kilns shall have an aggregate inside kiln space of not to exceed thirty cubic feet;
"Handyman shop"
means a use conducted entirely within an enclosed building in which minor repairs of domestic or household equipment is carried on. The aggregate electric power used within the shop shall not exceed two horsepower;
means generally dense vegetation so aligned as to form a physical barrier or fence;
"Height, building"
means one or more of the following:
The vertical distance from any point on the finished roof surface to the finished floor surface of the lowest floor measured directly below or to the natural or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive or lower. If the entire lowest floor, measured from the finished floor surface of the floor above, is located completely below natural or finished grade, whichever is more restrictive, then the building height shall be measured to the top of the finished floor of the next level directly above that subterranean level;
For purposes of measuring the height above the front lot line, an applicant may have the option of measuring by one of the following two options:
The vertical distance from the curb, street centerline or property line to the highest point of the roof, whichever is the applicable measurement as required under the specific chapters of this title. The elevation of the curb shall be taken on top of the curb at a point created by the intersection of the curb and a line perpendicular to and intersecting the midpoint of the front lot line. In the event, there is no curb, height shall be measured from the centerline of the street to the top of the roof. The elevation of the centerline of the street shall be taken at a point created by the intersection of the centerline and a line perpendicular to and intersecting the midpoint of the front lot line; or
At every point along the curb or street center line.
For purposes of measuring the height above the rear lot line, the elevation of the rear lot line shall be taken at every point along the rear property line.
Exception: Provided they do not exceed a maximum height limit set forth in Chapter 25.51, and provided further that no structure in excess of the specified building height shall be used for additional living or floor space, the following items may be permitted to a height in excess of that permitted within a zone when approved by the design review board pursuant to the procedures and findings of Chapter 25.05 as applicable: structures for the sole purposes of housing elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the building, skylights, spires, flagpoles, broadcasting and receiving antennae and chimneys.
For development proposed on the seaward side of Pacific Coast Highway, where topography allows, no structures shall be constructed above the finish elevation of Pacific Coast Highway at the right-of-way line.
means a primary thoroughfare as delineated on the general plan;
"Home occupation"
means any use customarily conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on by the inhabitants thereof, which use is clearly incidental to the use of the structure for dwelling purposes and which does not change the character thereof or does not adversely affect the uses permitted in the zone of which it is a part. Home occupation may be engaged in when permitted by this title provided the category of home occupation has been approved by the commission as valid and conforming with the criteria and conditions stated below. Any individual home occupation must conform to the following:
No employment of help other than the members of the resident family,
No use of material or mechanical equipment not recognized as being part of normal household or hobby uses nor recognized as material or equipment used in the creation of fine art,
There shall be no newspaper or other advertising carried on, which identifies the address of the residence as a place of business,
The use shall not generate pedestrian or vehicular traffic beyond that normal to residences in the area,
It shall not involve the use of commercial vehicles for delivery or pickup of materials or equipment to or from the premises,
No unsightly storage of materials and/or supplies, indoor or outdoor for purposes other than those permitted in the zone in which it is located,
It shall not involve the use of signs or structures other than those permitted in the zone of which it is a part,
No more than one room in the dwelling shall be employed for the home occupation,
In no way shall the appearance of the structure be so altered or the conduct of the occupation within the structure be such that the structure may be reasonably recognized as serving a nonresidential use (either by color, materials, or construction, lighting, signs, sounds or noises, vibrations, etc.),
There shall be no use of utilities or community facilities beyond that normal to the use of the property for residential purposes;
"Home occupations, commercial"
means a commercial use conducted within a single-family dwelling, duplex or triplex located in the applicable zones, provided that the building or unit is principally the domicile of the shop owner. Commercial home occupations may be engaged in when permitted by this title, provided the category of home occupation has been approved by resolution of the planning commission as valid and conforms with the criteria and conditions below. Any individual commercial home occupation must conform to the following:
Only one commercial use shall be applicable per property,
The building must be structurally sound,
Commercial use not to exceed twenty-five percent of the existing square footage; in multifamily properties, the square footage of the commercial unit shall be based only upon the unit within which it exists.
Exemption: Not more than . . . . of a detached unit on a lot upon which the resident resides may be used for a home occupation,
All uses and arrangements shall be subject to the review and approval of the fire marshal,
All roofing to be noncombustible or fire retardant,
No unprotected openings or nonrated walls less than five feet from the side and rear property lines except openings adjacent to a street or alley,
All exterior alterations, modifications or additions to the exterior of the buildings, including signs, are subject to design review,
Parking standards for all residential units, plus the commercial requirement, must be provided on-site,
An identification sign shall be allowed, size limited to twenty-five percent of that allowed by the zone,
Each commercial use shall have a separate entrance and be separable from the residential use,
There shall be no outdoor storage;
means the cultivation of crops and shall not include the care of domestic animals;
means an institution housing and caring for patients who may not be ambulatory and who require nursing and medical care on the premises. "Hospital" shall not include an institution housing persons requiring restraint;
means any building or portion thereof used, arranged or designed so as to provide six or more rooms or suites of rooms used for transient lodging purposes on a daily basis.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 337, 1951; Ord. 686, 1972; Ord. 930 § 1, 1978; Ord. 992 § 1, 1981; Ord. 1144 § 3, 1987; Ord. 8711 § 3(1), 1989; Ord. 1223 § 1, 1991; Ord. 1416 § 6, 2002; Ord. 1489 § 11, 2008; Ord. 1524 § 1, 2010; Ord. 1548 § 1, 2011; Ord. 1550 § 2, 2011; Ord. 1575 § 2, 2013)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "I":
means lighted by means of artificial light the intention of which is to render the object capable of being seen or read;
"Intensification of use"
means a use that is changed to a use which has a greater parking requirement and/or the enlargement of the floor area of an existing building.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 586, 1967; Ord. 1039 § 2, 1983; Ord. 1282 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1332 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1652 § 1, 2021; Ord. 1657 § 1, 2021)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "K":
means any lot or premises on which three or more dogs or other animals, more than three months of age are kept, boarded or trained;
means a room used or intended or designed to be used for cooking and/or preparation of food.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 527, 1964)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "L":
means the planting and maintenance of suitable vegetation in conformity with the requirements of this title;
"Less intense use"
means a use which serves fewer people or one which tends to be less obnoxious;
See Illuminated;
"Living quarters"
means a room or rooms within a structure designed and used for residential use and occupancy, but does not include a kitchen or a bathroom with a bathtub and/or shower;
means a private institution whose purpose is fraternal and nonprofit;
means an area of land under one ownership that has been lawfully created by means of a subdivision map, parcel map, record of survey or a metes and bounds description. Such a lot may or may not be a building site. See also "Parcel" and "Building site";
"Lot area"
means the total square area of land measured in a horizontal plane within the lot lines of a lot;
"Lot, corner"
means a lot located at the intersection of two streets at an angle of not more than one hundred twenty degrees;
"Lot depth"
means the horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines measured in the mean direction of the side lot lines;
"Lot dimensions"
mean the width and depth of a lot;
"Lot, interior"
means a lot which is not a corner or reverse corner lot;
"Lot line"
means any line bounding a lot;
"Lot line, front"
means the property line or lines separating a lot from streets in the case of an interior lot and the line separating the narrowest street frontage of a lot from the street in the case of a corner lot or reversed corner lot. A lot may have more than one front lot line. Following a ten-day public comment period prior to which public notice was provided in accordance with Section 25.05.065, an exception from the designation for front lot line may be granted by the design review board. The following criteria shall be considered when making an exception designation:
The front yard designation in the code is inappropriate because of the pattern of neighborhood development,
The front yard designation in the code is inappropriate because of the historical orientation of the existing structure(s) on the site,
The proposed orientation more nearly produces the required setback dimensions in all yards,
The proposed orientation will provide a more harmonious relationship between the development on the subject property and the neighboring properties, and
The granting of an exception from the designation for front lot line will consider the effect of creating nonconforming structure(s), and mitigate to the greatest extent possible the nonconforming aspect of the structure(s), in the exception is granted;
"Lot line, rear"
means a lot line not abutting a street which line is opposite and most distant from the front lot line. In the case of an irregular, triangular or gore shaped lot, the rear lot line shall be a line within the lot, ten feet long, parallel to and at a maximum distance from the front lot line. A lot which is bounded on all sides by streets may have no rear lot line;
"Lot line, side"
means any lot line which is not a front lot line or a rear lot line;
"Lot, reversed corner"
means a corner lot, the side line of which is substantially a continuation of the front lot lines of the lot or lots to its rear, whether across an alley or not;
"Lot, through"
means a lot having frontage on two parallel or approximately parallel streets;
"Lot width"
means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines measured at right angles to the line representing the lot depth at a point on said line midway between the front and rear lot lines. In the case of a lot with a long narrow appendage abutting the street, the horizontal distance shall be measured at a point midway between the rear lot line and the beginning of the main body of the lot.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 454, 1960; Ord. 584, 1967; Ord. 721, 1972; Ord. 724, 1972; Ord. 969 § 1, 1979; Ord. 1216 § 3, 1991; Ord. 1223 § 1, 1991; Ord. 1550 § 3, 2011; Ord. 1555 § 10, 2011; Ord. 1575 § 3, 2013; Ord. 1577 § 10, 2013)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "M":
"Main building"
means a building designed, used or intended to be used for the principal uses permitted under the terms of this title;
"Main building setback line"
means the line separating the front or rear yard from that portion of the lot where a main building as herein defined may be constructed;
means a permanent roofed structure attached to and supported by the building and projecting over public property or a street plan line;
"Medical or dental clinic"
means a building in which a group of physicians, dentists or physicians and dentists and allied professionals and assistants are associated for the purpose of carrying on their profession;
"Minimum exterior perimeter"
is that line which bounds a sign so as to be tangent to all exterior curves and to be without reentrant angles;
See Hotel;
"Multiple family dwelling."
See Dwelling, multiple family;
means a nonprofit, noncommercial establishment operated as a repository for a collection of natural, scientific or literary curiosities or objects of interest or works of fine art. Operation shall not include the regular sale or distribution of the objects collected;
"Music studio"
means a business wherein musical equipment is sold and/or music school services are rendered and wherein the playing of musical instruments or reproduction equipment is employed as a part of the sales or service rendered. The playing of such music shall be limited to the daylight hours.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 633, 1969; Ord. 641, 1970)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "N":
"Natural grade."
See Grade, natural;
"Nonconforming lot"
means a parcel of land which lawfully existed as a lot on the effective date of the ordinance codified herein, or which is created by variance after the effective date of the ordinance codified herein, but which in either case does not conform to the lot area and the lot dimension standards for the zone in which it is located;
"Nonconforming structure"
means a building or portion thereof or other structure which lawfully existed on the effective date of the ordinance codified herein, and which, because of its design, cannot reasonably be used for a conforming use, or a building or portion thereof or other structure which does not comply with one or more of the property development standards of the zone in which it is located;
"Nonconforming use"
means a use of a building or land which use was carried on on the effective date of the ordinance codified herein and which does not conform to the uses permitted in the zone in which it is located;
means without artificial light, the purpose of which would be to render the object visible;
"Nursery school"
means any commercial or philanthropic care of children, more intensive in size or scope than that described in the definition of child care in Section 25.08.006 and family day care home, large, in Section 25.08.012.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 586, 1967; Ord. 1088 § 5, 1985; Ord. 1332 § 3, 1997)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "P":
means an area of land under one ownership. A parcel of land may or may not be a lot or building site;
"Parcel of record"
means a parcel or a portion of a parcel of land surrounded by lines of record on a tract map, on a record of survey, or on a recorded deed. Such parcel may or may not be a building site;
"Parking area, private"
means an open area, other than a street, used for the parking of automotive vehicles and restricted from general public use;
"Parking area, public"
means an area other than a private parking area or street used for the parking of vehicles and available for public or quasi-public use, either free or for remuneration. Public parking areas shall include parking lots for retail customers, patrons, clients or employees;
"Parking space"
means space, exclusive of driveways, ramps, columns, loading areas, office or work areas within a building or open parking area for the parking of one automobile. A parking space shall be accessible and usable for the parking of a standard passenger motor vehicle, without the necessity of moving another vehicle for its ingress or egress. For commercial uses, a parking space may be so located as to require the movement of another vehicle or vehicles for its ingress and egress, but when so located will be designated an attendant parking space, and will re-quire a qualified car-moving attendant to be on the premises and available to move cars whenever the commercial use is in operation;
"Parking space, tandem."
See Tandem parking space;
"Personal service shop"
means any business which provides or delivers retail services on the premises;
"Planned integrated commercial center"
means any neighborhood shopping center, or the central business district for either of which there is a site plan approved by the planning commission;
"Planned residential development"
means a type of subdivision development characterized by comprehensive, detailed planning for a project as a whole which usually involves the clustering of dwelling units either as single-family detached or attached units; where the density does not exceed that permitted in the zone; and where the standards of development outlined in Chapter 21.14 (concerning planned residential developments) are complied with. This type of development may compensate for the limitations caused by environmental constraints by providing density yield advantages through the clustering of dwelling units, and also provide for the opportunity to preserve open space and other natural features, minimize environmental degradation and avoid natural hazards;
"Planning commission"
means the planning commission of the city of Laguna Beach;
"Planning director"
means the planning director of the city of Laguna Beach;
"Planning office"
means the office of the planning director;
"Population density"
means the number of people residing on the land expressed as a relationship of the number of square feet of net lot area per family;
"Property line"
means a line separating a parcel of land from another parcel or from the street or alley;
"Public area"
means an outdoor area or an area within a hotel, multiple family dwelling or a roominghouse, which is not for the sole use of the occupants of any suite of rooms or any single room;
"Public utility"
means an organization and operation authorized to provide to the community, water, gas, electric power, telephone or public transportation.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 652, 1970; Ord. 942 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1216 § 3, 1991; Ord. 1282 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1303 § 3, 1995; Ord. 1332 § 3, 1997)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "R":
"Recreation facility, municipal"
means a recreation facility owned by a public agency and available for the use of the general public. Special events subject to temporary use permit procedure;
"Recreation facility, open"
means uncovered recreation spaces;
"Recreation facility, private"
means a recreation facility not open to or intended for the use of the general public, except memberships. Special events subject to temporary use permit procedure;
"Recreation facility, public"
means a recreation facility not under public ownership but available for the use of the general public. Special events subject to temporary use permit procedure;
"Residential care facility, general"
means any facility licensed or unlicensed, in which seven or more individuals with a disability reside who are not living together as a single housekeeping unit. An individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that limits or substantially limits one or more major life activities, anyone who is regarded as having such impairment or anyone who has a record of such impairment, not including current, illegal use of a controlled substance.
"Residential care facility, small licensed"
means a facility licensed by the state of California that provides care, services or treatment in a community residential setting for six or fewer adults and/or children with a disability and that is required by state law to be treated as a single housekeeping unit. An individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that limits or substantially limits one or more major life activities, anyone who is regarded as having such impairment or anyone who has a record of such impairment, not including current illegal use of a controlled substance. Small licensed residential care facilities shall be subject to all land use and property development regulations applicable to single housekeeping units.
"Residential care facility, small unlicensed"
means any building that is not licensed by the state of California and is not required by law to be licensed by the state, in which six or fewer individuals with a disability reside who are not living together as a single housekeeping unit. An individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that limits or substantially limits one or more major life activities, anyone who is regarded as having such impairment or anyone who has a record of such impairment, not including current, illegal use of a controlled substance.
"Residential housing, special needs"
means dwelling units that accommodate specific demographic or occupational groups which call for specific housing types. Such groups include the elderly (age sixty-five and above), the disabled, female headed households, large families, farmworkers, homeless persons or families (including transitional and supportive housing), and extremely low, very low, low and moderate-income persons, as defined in the city's housing element.
"Residential use"
means a use for permanent or quasi-permanent dwelling purpose in a single family dwelling, two family dwelling or multiple family dwelling and all of the incidental uses thereto;
"Residential zone"
means the R-1, R/HP, R-2 and R-3 zones;
"Restaurant, drive-in"
means a business which prepares food primarily intended for consumption in vehicles which may or may not be parked on the premises and where the business transaction is performed from the vehicle. Such restaurant may or may not provide seating;
"Restaurant, full-service"
means a business devoted to the serving of prepared food to patrons where the food is consumed on the premises and the customer's order and are served while seated at tables;
"Restaurant, take-out"
means a business which primarily prepares food cooked on the premises intended for off-site consumption but which may also provide seating;
"Rest home."
See Extended care facility;
means the right of use or to cross over the property of another;
means a room enclosure or a portion of a room enclosure within a dwelling unit, room rental or hotel. Bathrooms, hallways, closets and service porches are not rooms;
"Room enclosure"
means an area within a building, which area is entirely enclosed by walls from floor to ceiling.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 630, 1969; Ord. 632, 1969; Ord. 913 § 1, 1977; Ord. 1151 § 2, 1988; Ord. 1216 § 3, 1991; Ord. 1282 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1550 § 4, 2011; Ord. 1575 § 4, 2013)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "S":
"School, private"
means a nongovernmental institution of learning which offers instruction in the several branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools by the Education Code of the state of California;
"Secretary of the planning commission"
means the secretary of the planning commission of the city;
"Service station"
means a business which sells gasoline and/or services motor vehicles, including sale of lubricants, lubricating vehicles, tube and tire repairs, battery charging, and hand auto washing and polishing and excluding all other servicing;
"Shore protective device" or "seawall"
means any bulkhead, retaining wall, seawall, revetment, fence, berm or other structure separating land and water areas primarily designed to prevent erosion or other damage due to wave action, including any structure or partition to retain or prevent sliding of the land, or any device for the purpose of protecting the upland against damage from wave action;
"Sidewalk, public"
means a pedestrian walkway within a dedicated street right-of-way which is improved to city standards;
"Significant natural watercourses"
are those that are in their natural condition and which serve a distinct functional, scenic or ecological purpose. As applied, ecological purposes include those related to wildlife habitats, particularly feeding, watering and breeding areas; and biotic habitat areas. Scenic purposes include those related to view corridors, density relief or general aesthetic appeal. Functional purposes include those related to hydrologic considerations;
"Significant modified watercourses"
are those that have been altered from their natural condition, but which continue to serve a distinct functional, scenic or ecological purpose as defined under "significant natural watercourses." Significant modified watercourses include those that have been channelized, piped, culverted or otherwise improved or diverted. Significant modified watercourses are typified by the continuing presence of a topographic swale or depression and the ability to conduct overflow runoff. Significant modified watercourses that are restored may qualify for redesignation as natural watercourses;
"Single-family dwelling."
See Dwelling, single-family;
"Single housekeeping unit"
means the functional equivalent of a traditional family, whose members are an interactive group of persons jointly occupying a single dwelling unit, including the joint use of and responsibility for common areas, and sharing household activities and responsibilities, such as meals, chores, household maintenance and expenses; and where, if the dwelling unit is rented, all adult (eighteen years or older) residents have chosen to jointly occupy the entire premises of the dwelling unit, under a single written lease with joint use and responsibility for the premises, and the makeup of the household occupying the unit is determined by the residents of the dwelling unit rather than the landlord or property manager;
means that property which provides a location for and justifies the area of a sign;
means a natural or artificial incline;
"Slope in percent"
means the average of the two corner elevations at the front property line and the average of the two corner elevations at the rear property line, with the lower average elevation subtracted from the higher average elevation, divided by the average depth of the lot;
means a hydro-massage pool or tub intended for recreational bathing or therapeutic use designed for immersion of users, usually having a filter, heater and motor-driven blower and containing water over eighteen inches deep. This definition includes, but is not limited to, hot tubs and spas which are self-contained or non self-contained;
and "horse stable" mean a structure for the housing of horses;
means that portion of a building included between the upper surface of any floor and the upper surface of the next floor above, except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. If the finished floor level directly above a usable or unused under-floor space is more than six feet above the adjacent ground elevation (as defined herein) for more than fifty percent of the total perimeter or is more than twelve feet above the adjacent ground elevation at any point, such usable or unused under-floor space shall be considered as a story;
means a public or private thoroughfare which affords a primary means of access to abutting property. Street includes, in addition to the paved travel way, all land within the street right-of-way;
"Street, improved"
means any street which is surfaced with asphaltic or other concrete;
"Street plan line"
means a line delineating the proposed right-of-way for a planned street, and appearing in a precise street plan adopted by the city;
means anything constructed or built, any edifice or building of any kind or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some defined manner, which requires location on the ground or is attached to something having a location on the ground, except outdoor areas such as patios, paved areas, walks, tennis courts and other similar recreation areas;
means a group of two or more rooms which can be joined together for single occupancy;
"Swimming pool"
means any permanent structure intended for swimming or recreational bathing that contains water over eighteen inches deep. This definition includes, but is not limited to, permanent in-ground, aboveground and on-ground swimming pools, and permanent fixed-in-place wading pools.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 586, 1967; Ord. 1093 § 1, 1985; Ord. 1109 §§ 1, 3, 1986; Ord. 1142 § 2, 1987; Ord. 1159 § 1 (A), 1988; Ord. 1187 § 3 (1), 1989; Ord. 1332 § 3, 1997; Ord. 1334 § 4, 1997; Ord. 1400 §§ 3—5, 2002; Ord. 1528 § 3, 2010)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "T":
"Tandem parking space"
means a parking space so located that it is necessary to move one or more other automobiles in order that the automobile occupying the tandem space may gain access to or from the space;
"Thoroughfares, primary and secondary"
means the primary and secondary thoroughfares as shown on the general plan for the city;
"Three-family dwelling."
See Dwelling, three-family;
"Tidal lands"
means lands over which the ordinary ocean tides ebb and flow, exclusive of any lands landward from the line of mean high tide;
"Time-share project"
is one comprised of two or more time-share units;
"Time-share unit"
is a room or a suite of rooms, with a kitchen, devoted to time-share use;
"Time-share use"
means one in which the purchaser receives the right in perpetuity, for life or for a term of years, to the recurrent exclusive use or occupancy of a lot, parcel, unit or segment of real property, annually or on some other periodic basis for a period of time that has been or will be allocated from the use or occupancy periods into which the plan has been divided. A time-share plan may be coupled with an estate in the real property or it may entail a license or contract and/or membership right of occupancy not coupled with an estate in the real property;
"Toe of slope"
means that point or line of initial break where the terrain changes to an upward direction;
"Top of slope"
means that point or line of initial break where the terrain changes to a downward direction;
"Tract sales office"
means a temporary sales office not to exceed four hundred square feet of gross floor area within a building and located on the site where homes and/or lots in a tract are being sold;
"Two-family dwelling."
See Dwelling, two-family.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 867 § 1, 1976; Ord. 988 § 1, 1980; Ord. 1010 § 1, 1981; Ord. 1016 § 3, 1982)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "U":
"Usable vehicular right-of-way or record"
means that portion of any street, as such term is defined in this title, which is not less than sixteen feet in width and is, as of the effective date of the ordinance codified herein or as of the effective date of annexation to the city if such occurred thereafter, improved to the following standard: Provided with sixteen feet of width of asphaltic cement, concrete surfacing or a similar approved material along its entire length from its intersection with a fully improved street or other usable vehicular right-of-way of record.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 546, 1965; Ord. 1216 § 3, 1991)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "V":
"Variance board"
means the variance board of the city of Laguna Beach.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 527, 1964)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "W":
means any structure or device forming a physical barrier which is so constructed that fifty percent or more of the vertical surface is closed and prevents the passage of light, air and vision through the surface in a horizontal plane.
"Water feature"
means any permanent structure that contains three hundred gallons or more of water and contains water over eighteen inches deep, and has non-submersible circulatory mechanical pumps or equipment. (If a water feature has submersible pumps, it is not subject to design review per Section 25.05.040(B)(1).)
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 1400 § 6, 2002)
The following are definitions for words beginning with "Y" and "Z":
means any open space other than a court on the same lot with a building or a dwelling group, which space is generally open from ground to sky, except for the projections and/or accessory buildings permitted by this title. No required yard or other open space around an existing building, or which is hereafter provided around any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this title, may be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other building; nor may any yard or other required open space on an adjoining lot be considered as providing a yard or open space on a lot whereon a building is to be erected;
"Yard, front"
means a space extending the full width of the lot, between the front lot line or the street plan line and a line parallel thereto at a distance equal to the depth of the required front yard for the zone in which the lot is located;
"Yard, rear"
means a space extending the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and a line parallel thereto at a distance equal to the depth of the required rear yard for the zone in which the lot is located;
"Yard, side"
means a space extending from the front yard to the rear yard, between the side lot line or the street plan line and a line parallel thereto at a distance equal to the depth of the required side yard for the zone in which the lot is located;
means a land area shown on the official districting (zoning) map of the city of Laguna Beach to which uniform regulations apply;
"Zone boundary"
means the line separating one or more zones as shown on the official districting (zoning) map;
"Zoning permit"
means a written permit issued by the director of building and planning or his deputy pertaining to a parcel of land or portion thereof or to a structure or portion thereof, authorizing a use permitted under the terms of this title.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 527, 1964)