This zone is intended for light industrial and limited commercial uses wherein operations are such that they be compatible with adjacent residential environs of the community.
(Ord. 589, 1967; Ord. 1433 § 2, 2003)
Within the area covered by the terms of this section, all buildings, structures and land shall be used and buildings and structures shall hereafter be erected, designed, structurally altered or enlarged only for the following uses:
Light Manufacturing.
Auto painting (conducted wholly within an enclosed building);
Auto upholstery;
Bakery (wholesale);
Boat building and repairs;
Cabinet shop;
Ceramic products manufacture provided that no shuttle kiln be employed on the premises and that there be no pulverizing of clay;
Light electronic manufacturing;
Food products manufacture (excluding sauerkraut, vinegar, yeast and fat or oil rendering);
Garment and shoe manufacturing;
Lumber yard, including milling;
Sign manufacturing;
Welding shop;
Compounding, assembly or treatment of articles or merchandise from the following previously prepared materials: bone, cloth, cellophane, cork, feathers, felt, fiber, fur, glass, hair, horns, leather, metal, paper, plaster, plastics, shells, stones (precious or semi-precious), textiles, tobacco, wood and yarns.
Blueprinting or photocopying;
Carpet and rug cleaning plant;
Cleaning and dyeing plants;
Dairy products;
Food processing (excluding sauerkraut, vinegar, yeast and fat or oil rendering);
Laboratory (chemical or scientific);
Water softening;
Greenhouse (no retail sales).
Wholesaling, Warehousing and Storage (all outdoor storage including machinery and equipment shall be enclosed within walls or fences).
Wholesaling and warehousing facilities;
Distribution agencies;
Contractors storage yard;
Building materials;
Feed and fuel;
Lumber yard;
Machinery and equipment rental;
Bus storage.
Distribution plant or subsection;
Service yard.
Commercial and Services.
Automotive repair and maintenance (conducted wholly within an enclosed building);
Automotive sales and services;
Commercial uses customarily incidental (ten percent of floor area) to and directly related to the operation of permitted light industrial uses;
Administrative or sales office related to a permitted industrial use, but exceeding sales limited to retail sales operations only.
Artists studios;
Small animal hospital;
Printing and publishing;
Motion picture studios, including video and photographic studios (excluding retail sales) when conducted within an enclosed building;
Uses incidental to industrial uses such as infirmary, dispensary, lunch room, employee recreation facilities and residential uses for plant security personnel.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 1042 §§ 2, 3, 1983; Ord. 1201 § 2, 1990; Ord. 1433 § 2, 2003)
The following uses may be permitted subject to the granting of a conditional use permit as provided for in Section 25.05.030:
Country clubs or recreation facilities, all;
Administrative and professional offices, excluding medical offices, where sole access is from other than a primary road;
Asphalt patching;
Automotive service station, where sole access is from other than a primary road; no sale of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted;
Concrete mixing;
Aviary, with no retail sales;
Noncommercial storage of horses, subject to the following:
One-acre minimum site required,
There shall be no shelter or supplementary feeding of, or any structures designed for such shelter or such feeding of said animals, within seventy-five feet of the right-of-way line of any street;
Mortuary, including crematorium;
Sound production studios;
Artists' joint living and working units, as defined in Chapter 25.16;
Car washes;
Other uses the planning commission deems, after conducting a public hearing, to be similar to and no more obnoxious or detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood than any use permitted or listed above.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 942 § 7, 1978; Ord. 952 § 1, 1978; Ord. 961 § 1, 1979; Ord. 997 § 1, 1981; Ord. 1042 § 4, 1983; Ord. 1093 § 6, 1985; Ord. 1115 § 5, 1986; Ord. 1172 § 2, 1989; Ord. 1201 § 3, 1990; Ord. 1223 § 1, 1991; Ord. 1433 § 2, 2003)
The following uses are prohibited in the M-1A zone:
All uses not specifically listed;
Residential uses (except those permitted above);
Commercial uses (except those permitted above).
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 1433 § 2, 2003)
The following property development standards shall apply to all land and structures in the M-1A zone, except that any lot existing on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter which is substandard in area or dimensions may be used only if it does not adjoin other unimproved land of the same owner available for use in connection with said lot.
Lot Area. Each lot shall have a minimum of seven thousand five hundred square feet.
Lot Width.
Each lot shall have a minimum width of fifty feet.
Building Height Standards.
The maximum height of any building (per the building height definition In Municipal Code Section 25.08.016) shall not exceed thirty-six feet, including parking garage floor levels with access ramps located outside the structure's ground floor footprint. This thirty-six-foot height limit shall include roof chimneys, vents, mechanical equipment, mechanical enclosure, elevator shafts, stairways and other such structural elements required for the operation of the building. Per the building height definition, subterranean floors are exempt from the height measurement limit.
Notwithstanding the front lot line definition and exception process of Section 25.08.022, the front lot line shall be the property line abutting the most primary or highest capacity road classification.
Front Yard. Each lot fronting on Laguna Canyon Road shall maintain a front yard of not less than twenty-five feet, except that, in exceptional circumstances to preserve stands or specimens of relatively mature trees, the front yard may be reduced to fifteen feet, or may be increased for the same purposes by the board of design review. Each lot fronting on other streets shall maintain a front yard of not less than ten feet. Front yards shall be used only for landscaping (including walkways) and required vehicular access. Front yards shall not be used for parking or storage.
Side and Rear Yards. No side or rear yards shall be normally required, except as follows:
Where such yard abuts a street, the same provisions as for front yards shall apply;
Where stands or specimens of relatively mature trees exist, the board of design review may require a yard area to protect such trees;
Where it is necessary to adjust the arrangement of buildings and uses on the site to achieve the purposes of design review as outlined in Chapter 25.40 of this title, the board of design review may require reasonable yard areas;
Where a lot directly abuts the R-1, R-2 or R-3 zone, or where such a zone boundary line divides a lot or parcel, there shall be maintained on the M-1A land along the zone boundary a side and/or rear yard having a depth at every point thereof of fifty feet. Said yard may be used only for landscaped buffer zones as approved by design review.
Coverage and Open Land Area. Natural slopes of fifty percent or greater shall be left open and maintained with natural landscaping. With a project application, the board of design review may require additional landscaping or clearing for erosion control purposes, fire protection purposes or to better integrate the uses on the site with the natural features of the site.
Required Fences, Hedges, Walls and Landscape Buffers. Solid fences, hedges, walls or other landscape buffers of a minimum height of six feet are required in the following circumstances:
Along the perimeter of all areas which are considered to be dangerous to the public health or safety;
Around any area devoted to open storage, to a height at least equal to the material being stored;
Where the lot abuts a residential zone, except if the zone boundary is along the toe of a slope two to one or greater, which height is six feet or greater.
There shall be vehicular access from a usable street to off-street parking facilities on the property requiring off-street parking facilities;
Vehicular access to lots fronting on a primary or secondary thoroughfare shall be such that there shall be a paved turning area on the lot or a device to permit motor vehicles to head into the street. Such turning area or device and access shall be in accordance with the standards prescribed by the director of community development.
Off-Street Parking. The provisions of Chapter 25.52 shall apply.
Loading Space. The following standards shall apply:
Loading Space Required. For every building or structure hereafter erected, enlarged or increased in capacity, there shall be provided one loading space for each thirty thousand square feet of gross floor area or fraction thereof.
General Requirements.
No loading space provided for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this title shall hereafter be eliminated, reduced or converted in any manner unless equivalent facilities approved by the city are provided elsewhere in conformity with this title. The use or occupancy permit shall immediately become void upon the failure to observe the requirements of this paragraph;
Loading space being maintained in connection with any structure, on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, shall thereafter be maintained so long as the structure remains in a use requiring such loading space under the terms of this title, unless equivalent loading space approved by the city is provided; provided, however, that this regulation shall not require the maintenance of more loading space than is required for a new structure;
Each loading space required herein shall consist of a paved area no less than ten feet by forty feet with a clear height of fourteen feet and so located and maintained that there shall be at all times a usable way of vehicular ingress and egress to such space or spaces;
Location. The location of the loading space required herein shall be designated on a site plan which shall be filed with the director of community development.
Other. To provide proper local access for the users and prevent congestion and other hazards related to the intense use of the land permitted in this zone, the following improvements are deemed necessary, and these must be complied with a bond or amount of money satisfactory to the city filed before any building or use permit may be issued. The city council may waive these requirements where their application is impractical:
Streets shall have been improved to the standards approved by the city council;
Sidewalks shall have been installed;
Alleys shall have been paved.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 790 §§ 1, 2, 1974; Ord. 1115 § 6, 1986; Ord. 1433 § 2, 2003; Ord. 1489 § 7, 2008)
The following performance standards shall apply to all uses within the M-1A zone:
Smoke. Every use shall be so operated that there shall be no smoke whatsoever discharged into the atmosphere.
Odor. Every use shall be so operated that it does not emit an obnoxious odor or fumes beyond any boundary line of the lot.
Dust and Dirt. Every use shall be so operated that any dust or dirt produced shall be confined within a building and shall not be discharged into the atmosphere.
Glare. Every use shall be so operated that any glare incidental to the operations shall not be visible beyond the boundaries of the property.
Noise. The allowable exterior noise levels of allowed uses within the M-IA Zone shall comply with the requirements specified in Chapter 7.25.
(Ord. 209, 1940; Ord. 459, 1960; Ord. 589, 1967; Ord. 726, 1972; Ord. 1433 § 2, 2003; Ord. 1448 § 3, 2005)