The public lands zone is intended to recognize those lands possessing natural and/or functional governmental and/or recreational uses; to assure permanent open space in and for parks, beaches, recreational and/or wilderness areas; to designate public cultural, educational and governmental facilities; to identify private lands utilized for recreational purposes; and to enhance the community scale and openness expressed in the general plan by preserving, protecting and recognizing open spaces. The public lands -C designation is intended to assure the protection and preservation of natural open space, wilderness areas, and bluff faces. Public and private lands so designated shall remain free of encroachments and improvements, except as specified in this chapter.
(Ord. 927 § 1, 1978)
The following types of land may be zoned in the public lands classification:
All lands under public or quasi-public ownership;
Public beaches;
Lands utilized for public/private recreational purposes.
(Ord. 927 § 1, 1978)
The following uses are permitted in the public lands zone:
Public lands A (open space/passive):
Pathways and trails,
Parking required for permitted uses;
Public lands B (open space/intensive):
All uses permitted in PL-A,
Public parks, playgrounds and gardens,
Beach areas,
Art and handicraft shows (out-of-doors), subject to the issuance of a temporary use permit,
Retail sales of food and beverage items, as associated with a permitted use, subject to the issuance of a temporary use permit or conditional use permit if use is to exceed sixty days,
Parking required for permitted uses;
Public lands C (public facilities):
All uses permitted in PL-A and PL-B,
Buildings and facilities owned or operated by a governmental agency,
Public and/or municipal recreation facilities,
Public parking,
Parking required for permanent uses.
(Ord. 927 § 1, 1978)
Any proposed development or use shall be subject to the review and approval of the design review board and process as designated in Section 25.05.040. Upon completion of environmental documents, design review shall hold a noticed public hearing. The design review process shall determine all applicable setbacks, lot coverage, building height, parking siting, signs and other standards required to assure compatibility with the surrounding lands and uses.
(Ord. 927 § 1, 1978)