In addition to the requirements of Title 8, the following noise standards shall be met where applicable:
Residential Acoustical Design.
For all dwelling and group quarters, the development shall be designed to achieve:
Within each main building, a community noise equivalent level (CNEL) not exceeding forty-five decibels;
In outdoor areas, a community noise equivalent level (CNEL) not exceeding sixty-five decibels, except that where it is not reasonably possible to achieve this objective, the development shall be designed to provide the lowest noise level reasonably possible within private open areas and/or common usable open areas of at least one hundred square feet per unit, with access to such area available to the residents of each unit.
Acoustical design and analysis shall be based upon the projected noise contours as shown in the noise element of the General Plan. For all new residential developments, an acoustical analysis shall be submitted to the City as follows:
For any residential development within a sixty decibel CNEL contour, an analysis by a professional architect, engineer, or building designer shall demonstrate that the required noise levels will be achieved.
For any residential development within a sixty-five-decibels CNEL contour, or within either the moderate noise impact area or the significant noise impact area of the Fullerton Municipal Airport as shown in the noise element of the Buena Park General Plan, an analysis by a professional mechanical or acoustical engineer shall demonstrate that the required noise levels will be achieved. Prior to issuing a certificate of occupancy, the Building Official may require tests by a qualified acoustical technician to confirm that the noise reduction achieved is sufficient to meet the requirements of this section.
Air Conditioning Equipment. Exterior air conditioning equipment, other than self-contained window-mounted units in single-family dwellings, shall have a sound rating number (SRN) no greater than 8.2 decibels, in accordance with ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute) Standard 270, or the equivalent.
Lighting on any premises shall be directed, controlled, screened, or shaded in such a manner as not to shine directly on surrounding premises. Where adjacent owners enter into a written agreement, which shall be recorded, for the joint illumination of their premises, their combined properties shall be considered as a single premises for purposes of this regulation.
Lighting on any premises also shall be controlled so as to prevent glare on driveways, walkways, and public thoroughfares.
The use of unshaded clear bulbs in exterior lighting is prohibited.
All uses and activities shall be operated and maintained so as not to be hazardous, obnoxious, or offensive due to air pollution, odor, dust, smoke, gas, water pollution, noise, vibration, illumination, glare, electromagnetic disturbance or other radiation, or similar effects detrimental to public health, safety, and welfare. All federal, state, and local laws and regulations concerning environmental protection shall be complied with.