The General Plan outlines goals and objectives, with regard to residential uses and development. The purpose of this Division is to implement those General Plan goals and objectives that relate to residential land use as follow:
Create housing that is sufficiently diversified in size, type, and tenure to meet the housing needs of all households.
Create housing opportunities that are sufficiently diversified in costs to meet the affordability needs of all City households.
Develop residential environments within the City of Buena Park which are safe and attractive and which provide the City's residents with access to employment opportunities, community facilities, and proper services.
Promote housing within the City which meets the special needs of the elderly, handicapped, minorities, and families, regardless of size.
Encourage the availability of rental units within the City which meet the needs of all residents, including families of all sizes.
Provide suitable sites within the City for housing development which accommodates a range of housing by type, size, location, price, and tenure.
Promote desirable and satisfying residential living environments in the multifamily residential areas of the City and review proposed multifamily developments with consideration of the adopted "Architectural Design Guidelines for Multi-Family Low and Medium Density Residential Developments," Resolution #8934.
Protect those existing regions of the City for which noise environments are deemed acceptable as well as those regions deemed "noise sensitive."
The following multifamily residential zones, with their general purpose as indicated, have been created to implement the goals, objectives, and residential land use designations of the General Plan.
RMH, Mobile Home Park Zone. For the development and preservation of mobile home park communities which are attractive for permanent residence and include the facilities and services for such residence.
RM-10, Low-Density Multifamily Residential Zone. For the development and preservation of relatively low-density garden apartments, town houses, condominiums, and other forms of attached dwellings in an attractive environment, with outdoor areas for both private and common use.
RM-20, Medium-Density Multifamily Residential Zone. For the development and preservation of medium-density apartments, condominiums, and group quarters in locations convenient to community commercial, recreational, and cultural activities.
Planned Development Zones. To provide for land uses and development standards to be tailored to individual sites. This land use designation requires that a master plan be prepared for each area so designated. The master plan must discuss development phasing, development intensities, amenities, design, and how the development is to conform with the guiding principals included in the Land Use Element of the General Plan for each area designated as Planned Development. It is intended to preclude incremental development which may be detrimental to the whole.
Mixed-Use Zones. The following mixed-use zones with their general purpose as indicated have been created to implement the goals, objectives, and land use designations of the General Plan.
GMU, General Mixed-Use. To provide for a horizontal or vertical mix of high density residential and neighborhood commercial uses along major arterials. A regulatory plan or Development Agreement must be established and/or executed to allow for development within this zoning designation.
(Ord. 1315 § 11, 1994; Ord. 1553 § 4, 2012)