In the RM Zones, other than the RMH Zone, at least forty percent of the net area of each developed lot shall be open area which is landscaped or arranged for outdoor recreation or pedestrian use. Not more than 15 percent of the minimum required open area shall be located above the ground level.
Permitted Encroachments. The following encroachments are permitted within the minimum required open area and shall be considered as part of such open area;
Projections from Buildings.
Building features with a maximum 2.5 foot projection such as:
Cantilevered eaves, awnings, and shading devices.
Architectural features - sills, cornices, buttresses, etc.
Chimneys and fireplaces, with a maximum 8 foot length.
Uncovered and open stairways and walkways.
Uncovered porches, platforms, patios, decks, stoops, steps, planters, etc.
Uncovered, cantilevered balconies.
Mechanical equipment cantilevered a maximum 2.5 feet from a building.
Freestanding mechanical equipment, subject to a 5 foot maximum height and applicable screening requirements.
Utility-owned pole lines within approved easements.
Utility-owned above-ground facilities, such as transformer boxes, pedestal terminals, etc., subject to a 5 foot maximum height limit and applicable screening requirements.
Swimming and therapeutic pools.
Decorative pools with an 18-inch maximum depth.
Recreation facilities which are subject to building permit—play equipment, play structure, playhouse, open type shading structures as part of the common usable open area, etc.
Landscaping, fences, walls, hedges, and berms.
Except for multi-family residential uses on non-conforming lots in the RM-20 zone, the open area provided for other multi-family residential uses, including mobilehome parks, shall include common usable open area of at least two hundred square feet per dwelling unit for the first twenty dwelling units, plus one hundred fifty square feet per dwelling unit for the next twenty dwelling units, plus one hundred square feet per dwelling unit for each additional dwelling unit. The minimum dimensions of such common usable open areas for all multiple family uses shall be ten feet in each direction and the least horizontal dimension is at least one-third of the greatest horizontal dimension.
Non-conforming Lots in the RM-20 Zone. For a multi-family use on a lot in the RM-20 zone with non-conforming lot width and/or lot area, separate requirements apply for common usable open area pursuant to Section 19.448.025.
Permitted Encroachments. The following encroachments are permitted within the minimum required common usable open area:
Projections from Buildings.
Building features with a maximum 2.5 foot projection such as:
Cantilevered eaves, awnings, and shading devices.
Architectural features - sills, cornices, buttresses, etc.
Uncovered porches, platforms, patios, decks, stoops, steps, planters, etc.
Utility-owned pole lines within approved easements.
Access walkways.
Swimming and therapeutic pools.
Decorative pools with an 18-inch maximum depth.
Recreation facilities which are subject to a building permit, such as play equipment, play structure, playhouse, restrooms for recreation area, open type shading structures, etc.
Landscaping, fences, walls, hedges, and berms.
(Ord. 1338 § 17, 1996)
In the RM zones, private open areas may be included in the required open area, if uncovered, but not in the required common usable open area, required front yard or required side yard along a street. When provided as part of a reduced minimum required floor area for a dwelling unit pursuant to Section 19.416.050, a private open area shall have a minimum eight foot vertical clearance and have dimensions not less than ten feet in any horizontal direction if at ground level, or be at least five feet by eight feet in horizontal dimensions if located on a balcony or deck above ground level.
Mechanical equipment of a dwelling unit may be located within that unit's private open space provided that the equipment is not more than 3.5 feet in height and the equipment is screened from public view.
This section is applicable only where a portion of a lot is within an area planned to be part of a future street, alley, or other public right-of-way as determined from an officially adopted plan, and the acquisition of such portion would not reduce the buildable lot width to less than forty feet.
In cases to which this section applies, the portions of any lot within any such future right-of-way area shall not be occupied by structures other than those encroachments allowed in future rights-of-way as provided in subsection C of this section. All other required setbacks, yards, and open areas shall be provided in addition to the future right-of-way areas, and the future right-of-way lines shall be considered to be lot lines for purposes of measuring such other setbacks, yards, and open areas.
Permitted Encroachments. The following encroachments are permitted within the future rights-of-way area:
Utility-owned pole lines within approved easements.
Access walkways and driveways.
Uncovered parking—to the same extent as permitted in adjoining front, side, or rear yard.
Storage (vehicles for over 24 hours, trash areas, other permitted outdoor storage)—to the same extent as permitted in adjoining side or rear yard.
Recreation facilities which are subject to building permit (play equipment, play structure, playhouse, etc.)—to the same extent as permitted in adjoining side or rear yard.
Real estate signs.
Fences, walls, hedges, and berms—to the same extent as permitted in adjoining front, side, or rear yard.
Landscaping, other than hedges.
For all RM Zones, other than the RMH zone and other than a single family dwelling in the RM zones, the minimum front yard shall be 15 feet. In addition, each building or structure shall be set back an additional distance equal to one-half the amount by which the height of the building or structure exceeds 30 feet.
RMH Zone. For the RMH zone, the special requirements of Section 19.448.020 apply.
Single Family Dwelling. For a single family dwelling in the RM zones, the required front yard and the related permitted encroachments of the RS-6 zone in Division 3, Section 19.320.020 shall apply.
Permitted Encroachments. The following encroachments are permitted within the minimum required front yard:
Projection from Buildings.
Building features such as:
Cantilevered eaves, awnings, and shading devices with a minimum 10 foot setback from the front property line.
Architectural features—sills, cornices, buttresses, etc. with a minimum 13.5 foot setback from the front property line.
Chimneys and fireplaces, with a maximum 8 foot length and a minimum 13.5 foot setback from the front property line.
Uncovered porches, decks, stoops, steps, planters, etc., with a maximum 6 foot projection allowed in the minimum required front yard and with a maximum 18 inch height except railings may extend 3.5 feet above deck or tread. (Where maximum fence height is 3.5 feet, railing must be open type.)
Utility-owned pole lines within approved easements.
Access walkways and driveways.
Fences, walls, hedges, and berms, subject to the allowable fence height and design requirements of Chapter 19.428.
Landscaping, other than hedges.
For all RM Zones, other than the RMH zone and other than a single family dwelling in the RM zones, the minimum side yard abutting a street shall be 15 feet. In addition, each building or structure shall be set back an additional distance equal to one-half the amount by which the height of the building or structure exceeds 30 feet.
RMH zone. For the RMH zone, the special requirements of Section 19.448.020 apply.
Single Family Dwelling. For a single family dwelling in the RM zones, the required side yard, abutting a street, and the related permitted encroachments of the RS-6 zone in Division 3, Section 19.320.030 shall apply.
Permitted Encroachments. The following encroachments are permitted within the minimum required side yard, abutting a street:
Projection from Buildings.
Building features such as:
Cantilevered eaves, awnings, and shading devices with a minimum 10 foot setback from the side property line.
Architectural features—sills, cornices, buttresses, etc. with a minimum 13.5 foot setback from the side property line.
Chimneys and fireplaces, with a maximum 8 foot length and a minimum 13.5 foot setback from the side property line.
Uncovered porches, decks, stoops, steps, planters, etc., with a maximum 6 foot projection allowed in the minimum required front yard and with a maximum 18 inch height except railings may extend 3.5 feet above deck or tread. (Where maximum fence height is 3.5 feet, railing must be open type.)
Utility-owned pole lines within approved easements.
Access walkways and driveways.
Uncovered parking, subject to a minimum 10 foot setback from the side property line.
Fences, walls, hedges, and berms, such to the allowable fence height and design requirements of Chapter 19.428.
Landscaping, other than hedges.
In the RM Zones, other than the RMH zone and other than a single family dwelling in the RM zones, the minimum required rear yard and side yard, not abutting a street, shall be 10 feet.
RMH Zone. For the RMH zone, the special requirements of Section 19.448.020 apply.
Single Family Dwelling. For a single family dwelling in the RM zones, the required rear yard and side yard, not abutting a street, and the related permitted encroachments for the RS-6 zone in Division 3, Sections 19.320.040 and 19.320.030 shall apply.
Permitted Encroachments. The following encroachments are permitted within the minimum required rear and side yard, not along a street:
Accessory Building. An accessory building, if not over 15 feet in height, may be located a minimum of 5 feet from a rear or side property line, not abutting a street.
Furthermore, such accessory building, if located more than 60 feet from a street property line and not abutting a RS zone, may be located up to the rear or side property line not along a street.
Such accessory building, if located less than 3 feet from an interior lot line, shall have no wall openings facing the adjoining property and no drainage onto the adjoining property.
Projections from Buildings.
Building features, with a minimum 2.5 foot setback from the rear or side property line, such as:
Cantilevered eaves, awnings, and shading devices.
Architectural features—sills, cornices, buttresses, etc.
Chimneys and fireplaces, with a maximum 8 foot length.
Uncovered porches, platforms, patios, decks, stoops, steps, planter etc., with a maximum 18 inch height, except railing may extend 3.5 feet above deck tread.
Balconies, roofed or unroofed, with a 7 feet minimum headroom below, and a minimum 5 foot setback from the rear or side property line.
Mechanical equipment, cantilevered from a building with a minimum 2.5 foot setback from the rear or side property line.
Mechanical equipment, freestanding with a maximum 5 foot height and subject to screening regulations.
Utility-Owned Facilities.
Pole lines within approved easements.
Other above ground facilities with a maximum 5 foot height within approved easements, such as transformer boxes, pedestal terminals, etc.
Access walkways and driveways.
Uncovered parking, subject to screening, landscaping, and wall requirements.
Storage of vehicles (over 24 hour), trash areas, other permitted outdoor storage screened from public view.
Swimming pools, therapeutic pools, with minimum 5 foot setback from the side property line if required fencing permits.
Decorative pools, with maximum 18-inch depth.
Recreation facilities which are subject to a building permit, such as play equipment, play structure, play house, etc.
Fences, walls, hedges, and berms, not over 7 feet in height.
Landscaping, other than hedges.
Where no side or rear yard is required or where a zero side yard is permitted, any building or structure shall be located either at the property line or at least three feet from the property line.
In the residential zones, where the lots on both sides of a property line are being developed anew (with all existing buildings on both lots being removed), a zero side yard, in lieu of the side yard otherwise required, may be provided on one or both sides of the property line, provided:
Any building wall along the property line shall be of a sound-absorbing type in accordance with standards adopted pursuant to Section 19.124.050.
An agreement or covenant between the property owners involved and running with the land, in a form acceptable to the Director, shall be recorded setting forth acceptance of the physical arrangement and, providing that failure to maintain such wall to the prescribed standard shall obligate each party to conform to the otherwise applicable yard regulations.
In the RM Zones, other than the RMH Zone, where the arrangement of a building or buildings on the same lot creates a court (an open space surrounded on all sides by buildings, but not necessarily completely enclosed), such court shall contain a rectangular open area at least thirty feet by forty feet in horizontal dimensions.
Permitted Building Projections. The following building features may project a maximum 2.5 feet into minimum required courtyard area:
Cantilevered eaves, awnings, and shading devices.
Architectural features—sills, cornices, buttresses, etc.
Chimneys and fireplaces, with a maximum 8 foot length.
Mechanical equipment cantilevered from building.
On each lot occupied by one or more dwellings, there shall be a clear passageway area with a minimum 7 foot width and an 8 foot height between the walls of any structure(s) extending from a street property line to at least one entrance to each dwelling unit or to an entrance to the dwelling structure where unit entrances are from interior hallways.
The primary exterior entrances to each multifamily dwelling unit, or to the dwelling structure where unit entries are from interior hallways, whether such exterior entry is from a balcony, stairway, landing, or a ground level, shall have an open area, free and clear of any obstructions, of at least twenty-four square feet abutting the exterior of the entrance. The minimum dimension of such area measured perpendicular to the entrance shall be six feet. The area shall not be infringed upon by another entrance's required space.