In all zones, all required yards which abut streets shall be permanently landscaped except for any portion of such yards occupied by permitted encroachments or other permitted facilities.
Except for property in the MR, ML, and MH Zones, all portions of a developed site not occupied by other permitted facilities shall be permanently landscaped.
For non-conforming residential development in the commercial and industrial zones, the landscaping requirements of Division 4 shall apply.
Landscaped Buffer—Between Commercial or Industrial Zone and Residential Zone. For any permanent nonresidential use located on a lot in a commercial or industrial zone, and where such lot abuts any residential zone, a row of trees shall be located adjacent to all such abutting residentially zoned property (in addition to the fence required by Section 19.528.040). Such buffer shall provide within a short period after installation a continuous and attractive screen of foliage in accordance with the following requirements.
The landscaped buffer shall be at least 10 feet wide. Vehicles may overhang the minimum 10 foot wide planter provided that they will not interfere with the placement of trees with any existing or proposed footings of adjacent walls.
The major component of the buffer area shall be trees of a minimum 15 gallon size. Selection of the species is optional; however, the Director shall have the authority to deny the use of any species which may be known to have a detrimental character, such as shallow root structure, excessive leaf or blossom dropping, or a species which will not provide an effective screen.
The spacing shall be no greater than the normal spread of the mature species but in no case greater than 20 feet from center to center.
In the event multi-story buildings are involved, a tree species of greater height and size may be required as a condition of approval. If the bottom line of foliage is above the fence line, additional lower growing shrubs or trees shall be interspersed to provide a continuous visual screen. The tree species shall provide such continuous screening within five years.
The size, shape, and rate of growth of any species shall be as defined in any landscape reference source acceptable to the Director.
Parking Lot Landscaping Improvements.
Landscaped Buffers Along Streets. Within the required setback areas for parking (See Section 19.520.020), one of the following, or a combination thereof, shall be provided except at driveway and walkway openings and as required for vision clearance by Section 19.536.020:
Ornamental masonry wall or hedge, two feet high, at the perimeter of the parking area facing a street,
Landscaped berm, ten feet wide and two feet high.
Landscaped Buffers Along Alleys. Except for driveways and walkways, a landscaped planter shall be provided along all parking areas adjacent to an alley pursuant to Section 19.536.070E.2.
Interior Landscaping.
Commercial and Industrial Zones. Within the parking area of any parking lot with ten or more parking spaces, landscaping with trees and some combination of shrubs, vines, and ground cover shall be provided pursuant to Section 19.536.070E.3. Such landscaping shall be reasonably distributed throughout the area in order to avoid a monotonous appearance and to enhance the visual attractiveness of the area, especially those portions in public view.
CR Zone. Parking lot landscape standards, in addition to the requirements of this section, apply for all properties in the CR zone pursuant to Chapter 19.556.
Special Requirements for Certain Uses. In addition to the general requirements of this chapter, the following uses under Chapter 19.552 have additional special landscape requirements:
Automobile Service Stations (See Section 19.552.050),
Carwashes (See Section 19.552.060),
Commercial Establishments with Drive-in, Drive-through, and Walk-up Window Service (See Section 19.552.070),
Recycling Centers (See Section 19.552.080).
(Ord. 1382 § 15, 1998)
Except for a single family dwelling on a separate lot, a landscape and irrigation plan for any newly established landscape area shall be submitted for zoning compliance review and approval.
The landscape and irrigation plan shall clearly identify the following criteria:
Property lines and property address.
Streets, driveways, walkways, recreational areas, and other paved areas.
Pools, water features, fences, and retaining walls.
Existing and proposed buildings and structures.
Landscaping materials, trees, shrubs, vines, ground cover, turf, and other vegetation. Planting symbols shall be clearly drawn and plants labeled by botanical name, common name, container size, spacing, and quantities of each group of plants indicated.
An approximate calculation of the total landscape area.
Except for a single family dwelling on a separate lot, a landscape and irrigation plan with a total landscape area over 2,500 square feet shall be prepared and/or certified by a licensed landscape architect or contractor, certified irrigation designer, or other licensed or certified professional in a related field.
Minimum acceptable plant sizes shall be determined by policy of the Director and/or as conditions of approval for an administrative action pursuant to Division 1.
Landscape and irrigation plans shall be approved prior to the issuance of permits for such work or prior to the issuance of any permits (i.e. building permits) for any associated work approved by an action of the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, or City Council pursuant to Division 1.
All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy and attractive condition.
Landscaping for other than a single family dwelling shall consist predominantly of drought-tolerant plants, as widely recognized within the horticultural industry or as recommended by a California-licensed Landscape Architect. In addition, such landscaping shall comply with the following criteria.
Water-thirsty plants may be used in limited numbers but shall be grouped together within a cooler, sheltered area such as adjacent to a structure or within an entry area or courtyard.
Plants with similar water, soil, and sunlight requirements shall be grouped together within a separate irrigation system.
A mulch of at least three inches shall be applied to all new planting areas, other than turf areas, to reduce water evaporation and help suppress weeds.
A living, drought-resistant ground cover shall be used for all planter areas to reduce soil erosion, to insulate the soil from temperature extremes, and to reduce evaporation.
New lawns shall be established with the use of hydroseeding or sod, utilizing the more drought tolerant varieties of improved fescues or Bermuda hybrids.
Lawns shall be maintained and periodically thatched and mulched in accordance with standard horticultural practices to maintain maximum water penetration and avoid excessive water run-off.
Boulders, rocks, and gravel may be used for a ground cover material only as a special design element upon approval of the Planning Division.
Curbs required. All landscape planters for other than a single family dwelling shall be separated from all parking and loading spaces, parking aisles, and driveways with a minimum 6 inch high concrete curb. In addition, for any such landscape area adjacent to a public sidewalk, in which the grade of the planter is higher than the sidewalk and which is planted with ground cover other than a hydroseeded or sodded lawn, a minimum 6 inch high concrete curb shall be provided alongside the public sidewalk to preclude soil erosion across such sidewalk.
Except for single-family uses (one detached single-family dwelling unit on a lot), all required landscaping shall be provided with a permanent underground irrigation system. The irrigation system shall consist of piped water lines terminating in an appropriate number of sprinklers or other outlets to insure complete coverage of water for plants within the landscaped areas.
Any permanent, underground irrigation system, whether required or not, shall comply with the following criteria.
Permits are required prior to installation of any permanent, underground irrigation system.
Off-Site work. Irrigation systems exclusively in City rights-of-way require permits issued by the Construction Services Division of Public Works. Any system within City rights-of-way shall meet the minimum requirements outlined under Engineering Standard No. ISP-1.
On-Site work. The Building Division will issue permits for on-site and combination on-site and off-site installations. Permit fees shall be in accordance with the applicable sections of the City Code.
Backflow Prevention Devices. All irrigation systems shall be protected by an approved type and size of backflow prevention devices, as required by the Construction Services Division of Public Works.
After installation, the system shall be flushed thoroughly to remove dirt and debris prior to installation of the sprinkler heads.
All sprinkler heads shall be adjusted and maintained to minimize overspray upon public access ways in order to reduce the undermining of surface areas and to reduce water waste.
Irrigation systems shall be maintained in good working order.
In addition to the requirements of subsection B of this section, any required permanent underground irrigation system for a development with more than 2,500 square feet in landscape area shall comply with the following criteria.
Each irrigation system shall be equipped with an automatic controller with a mechanical or solid state timer capable of operating valve stations to set days and length of time.
Each irrigation system shall be equipped with a rain sensing override device which automatically shuts off the irrigation system when it rains.
Whenever possible, landscape irrigation shall be scheduled between 2:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. to avoid irrigation during times of high wind or high temperature.
For larger developments, the following criteria may be required when considered appropriate under a department policy of either the Planning Division or Construction Services Division of Public Works.
A soil moisture sensing device may be required where appropriate to measure soil moisture and maintain efficient irrigation schedules.
A separate landscape water meter may be required.