In connection with the new construction or relocation of a main building, or a change of use to a nonresidential use, all utility lines within the site boundaries shall be placed underground. Necessary surface-mounted utility equipment is permitted, provided it is screened from public view in the same manner as required for mechanical equipment as provided in Section 19.544.020.
The provisions of this section may be waived pursuant to the procedure provided under Section 19.128.060.
All exterior equipment, whether freestanding or attached to a building, including pipes, conduit, and duct work shall be effectively screened from public view or architecturally integrated into a building structure, with the following exceptions:
Ordinary vents on single-family dwellings,
Window-mounted air conditioning units on single-family dwelling,
Solar panel surfaces (but not supports, piping, etc.),
Outdoor lighting standards and fixtures.
It is the intent of the City to encourage all new construction to provide for .any such equipment during the initial design stages by parapets, penthouses, etc. Existing facilities or those structures under construction may screen such equipment with architecturally designed screens.
Plan Check (Retrofits). Applicant shall submit two copies of a plot plan which shall indicate clearly and by full dimensions the following information:
Lot dimensions.
All buildings and structures: location, size, height, and proposed use.
All walls, fences and landscaping: location, height, and materials.
Location of equipment proposed to be installed.
Elevations of equipment and proposed screening, depicting colors, materials, and dimensions of screening.
Screening must be architecturally consistent with the facility in terms of design type and colors. Effective screening does not call attention to itself, but quietly complements the building.
No raw or untreated materials shall be used on roof or building mounts. Fire Code requirements for the particular use and/or building will determine the permitted combustible or non-combustible material.
On ground mounts, view obscuring ornamental block, wood, and earth berms with acceptable landscaping may be used to provide effective architectural screening, if the treatment is deemed to be consistent with the overall design concept.
Treatment of Above Grade Transformers; Meters; Gas Manifolds, etc. It is the intent to encourage the placement of such equipment in underground vaults. If placed above grade, such equipment shall be located and screened from public view by an architectural screen and landscaping, subject to the approval of the Planning Division staff.
Maintenance. All screening devices shall be permanently maintained as a condition of the use.
Receive-only Antennae Weighing Less than Thirty-Five Pounds.
Any receive-only antenna weighing less than thirty-five pounds may be mounted in the rear yard, interior side yard, or on the roof of any structure, subject to all conditions hereinafter provided.
Any receive-only antenna weighing less than thirty-five pounds may be mounted in the front yard or street side yard, subject to conditions hereinafter provided, upon receipt of an antenna permit obtained in accordance with the provisions of subsection E of this section.
Receive-only Antennae Weighing Thirty-Five Pounds or More.
Each receive-only antenna weighing thirty-five pounds or more shall be installed in the rear yard, except as hereinafter provided.
In the event overall quality of reception in the rear yard is not at least equal to that received by cable, or other circumstances preclude such installation, a permit may be obtained, in accordance with the provisions of subsection E of this section, authorizing the antenna to be located in order of preferred placement, and subject to the conditions and restrictions of subsection D of this section.
Screening Required.
Each receive-only antenna visible to the public which has a surface area exceeding twenty square feet, or which is to be mounted in the front yard, shall be screened to the satisfaction of the City Planner or his or her designee. If such antenna is to be mounted directly, or through a supporting structure, to the ground, then such screening shall be accomplished through the use of appropriate plants, trees, or shrubbery and wood lattice or other material compatible with the structure. Plants, trees, or shrubs to be utilized for screening purposes shall have a minimum container volume of fifteen gallons at the time of planting. All such screening shall be on three sides and shall be sufficiently high so as to screen ninety percent or more of the antenna from public view.
Each receive-only antenna with a surface area exceeding twenty square feet which is permitted to be roof mounted, shall be screened with materials compatible with the structure upon which such antenna is mounted and shall be screened to the satisfaction of the City Planner or his or her designee. Such screening shall be on at least three sides and shall be sufficiently high so as to screen at least ninety percent of the antenna from public view.
Conditions and Restrictions Applicable to all Receive-only Antenna Installations.
The preferred order of placement shall be the roof, if completely screened by existing building parapet walls, then rear areas, side areas, side areas abutting a street, roof, and finally front areas. However, no antennae shall be permitted within required yard areas abutting a street where solid fences are not permitted to exceed a maximum height of two feet.
No receive-only antenna, or its supporting structure, shall be installed in any required setback or in any other location which would impede emergency access to any portion of the subject property.
Height. No receive-only antenna shall exceed ten feet in height above the peak roof line of the structure upon which such antenna is mounted or ten feet above the peak roof line of the closest structure located on the subject property if such antenna is not to be roof mounted.
The provisions of this section hereinafter shall not be deemed to preempt or supersede contractual conditions, covenants, and/or restrictions which may prohibit such antenna installation.
No receive-only satellite dish antenna shall exceed ten feet, six inches in diameter.
Each receive-only satellite dish antenna shall be earth-tone or neutral in color and shall be constructed of a "see-through" mesh or open grid design. Solid surface receive-only satellite dish antennae, such as solid white fiberglass designs, are prohibited unless completely screened from view at all times.
Nothing herein shall excuse any person from obtaining all permits otherwise required or from complying with any and all applicable local and State codes, laws, and regulations pertaining to the installation of antennae and/or antenna supporting structures.
Receive-Only Antenna Permit Application.
Where a permit is required, or application therefor is authorized, under any provision of this section, each person desiring a permit shall apply to the City's Planning Division. The applicant shall provide a completed application on a form provided by the Planning Division containing at minimum, the following:
Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant,
The specific location where the applicant proposes to install the antenna, including a detailed description of the antenna design and any supporting structure proposed to be utilized, including size, weight, and such other information as the Planning Division may require,
Specific reasons as to why the antenna proposed to be installed should not be mounted in the rear yard, or otherwise, in accordance with the preferred order of placement, as herein prescribed,
If required herein, a description of the screening proposed to be utilized by the applicant,
A sketch or other drawing, satisfactory to the Director, showing:
Location of physical features on the subject property,
Approximate dimensions (plus or minus one foot) of the subject lot and physical features thereon,
The specific location where the antenna, and screening if required, are proposed to be installed,
Any other physical features in the area of the subject property which applicant feels would adversely affect reception in those areas set forth herein as "preferred," and
The design of the antenna and proposed support structure,
A statement as to why the proposed antenna may not be satisfactorily installed, or will not satisfactorily function, in a preferred area, as prescribed herein,
A declaration made under penalty of perjury that either the property upon which the antenna is proposed to be installed is not subject to any contractual covenants, conditions, or restrictions, or alternatively, that any applicable contractual covenants, conditions, or restrictions do not preclude the installation of the antenna, as proposed by the applicant.
All applicants for an antenna permit may be required to show to the satisfaction of the Director that circumstances preclude installation in a preferred area, or that reception quality in the preferred area or areas is insufficient, as herein prescribed.
Any person aggrieved by any provisions of this section due to exceptional circumstances may apply for an antenna permit in accordance with the provisions of subsection E of this section.