The General Plan outlines goals and objectives, with regard to recreational land uses and development. The purpose of this Division is to implement those General Plan goals and objectives that relate to recreational land use as follow:
Provide and maintain adequate open space areas within the City which insure that conservation, safety, and recreational needs, both active and passive, are met.
Enhance the visual, economic, and environmental character of the community.
The following open space zones, with their general purpose as indicated, have been created to implement the goals, objectives, and land use designations of the General Plan.
OS, Open Space Zone. To provide for the preservation of open space areas, including transportation and utility right-of-way corridors, which contribute to the quality of the community environment by remaining open in character and not intensively used for residential, commercial, industrial or recreational activities.
OR, Recreational Open Space Zone. To provide for recreational activities located in or using substantial open space.
(Ord. 1315 § 11, 1994)