Purpose. The purpose of this section is to reasonably control the number and types of animals being maintained within the commercial and industrial zones in order to protect the peace, health, and safety of residents and to preserve the urban and suburban quality of the environment.
Animals Allowed. No animal shall be kept or maintained within the open space zones except as follows:
Household Pets. For any existing residential use in the open space zones, household pets may be kept to the same extent permitted in the RS zones of Division 3.
Domesticated animals such as horses, mules, cows, goats, or sheep may be kept only in permitted equestrian establishments and theme recreational parks.
Wild animals may be kept only as follows:
In a permitted zoo;
In an educational institution for the purpose of instruction, provided such animals are securely confined and properly cared for in a manner satisfactory to the Orange County poundmaster;
At an entertainment establishment only as specifically provided for under the terms of a conditional use permit.
No person shall keep, maintain, or permit on any lot, parcel of land or premises under his or her control, any animal which by any sound or cry disturbs the peace and comfort of the inhabitants of the neighborhood or interferes with any person in the reasonable and comfortable enjoyment of life or property. Nor, shall any person maintain any animals in such a manner as to cause the breeding of flies or the creation of obnoxious odors, or in any manner which becomes or is a nuisance or health hazard.
All animals shall be kept under control at all times by leash, fences, pens, corrals, cages, or suitable enclosures within buildings.
All animal-keeping structures shall conform to any applicable zoning and building code requirements.
Any premises where animals are kept shall be open to reasonable inspection by City personnel and other public officers who have responsibility for enforcement of animal-control regulations.
Findings and Purpose. It is found that an agricultural use as a commercial enterprise may provide an acceptable interim land use for certain undeveloped or under-utilized properties within the City. The purpose of this section is to minimize any adverse effects with the surrounding properties.
Uses Permitted. The type and extent of agricultural uses, as well as any related uses, shall be established and restricted by the terms of a conditional use permit.
Site Requirements.
The minimum lot area for an agricultural use shall be 4 acres.
The site for an agricultural use shall have a minimum frontage of 150 feet with a secondary or greater highway, as designated in the Buena Park General Plan.
Development Standards. All development standards including, but not limited to building design and materials, setbacks, and parking improvements shall be determined through the conditional use permit process.