The General Plan outlines goals and objectives, with regard to special historic and cultural land uses and development. The purpose of this Division is to implement those General Plan goals and objectives that relate to these special land uses as follow:
Maintain or improve, when possible, the economic viability of commercial development within the City.
Encourage the preservation of historic and cultural sites and resources within Buena Park.
Provide appropriate facilities to serve residents and visitors.
AR, Amusement Resort Zone. To provide for the continued development and preservation of a major tourist-recreational attraction in a park-like setting and which is unique and distinctive from the usual type of business enterprise. The purpose of creating an AR District is to protect valuable property rights which have been created as a result of such business establishments. No land shall be zoned in an AR District unless it has been demonstrated that there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved that would require an AR District zoning, and that unless land is placed in an AR District, the owner or owners of such land would be deprived of existing material property rights.