In all subdivisions, the streets, alleys, lots and easements shall be laid out to provide for water lines, sanitary sewers and drainage facilities in a manner satisfactory to the city engineer. Permanent improvements such as sewers and laterals, water mains (where it is necessary that they be built in the streets) and curbs, gutters and paving conforming to approved standards shall be required on all streets. All streets and alleys shall be graded to a width and improved to a grade approved by and in a manner satisfactory to the city engineer and in conformity with the provisions of this division.
(Prior code § 27-61.01)
The street grading and improvement shall include the necessary surface improvements, sewer, water pipes and other public utilities, catchbasins, pipe culverts, and storm drains.
Drainage easements shall be improved in such a manner as may be required by the city engineer for the protection of property against stormwater damage or erosion.
(Prior code § 27-61.02)
Property which the advisory agency determines as subject to inundation, overflow by stormwater, or any conditions which would make such property unsuitable for residential, commercial or industrial uses shall not be accepted for subdivision purposes.
Reserve strips of land controlling ingress and egress from other properties or having the effect, in the opinion of the advisory agency, of damaging the adjoining properties or which will not be desirable for taxing or assessing purposes shall not be permitted.
No property in hillside areas which cannot be provided with adequate water pressure and other facilities for firefighting shall be subdivided.
Land adjacent to public water supply sources and reservoirs shall be strictly regulated in matters of sewerage and waste disposal so as not to endanger the health of the people of the city.
(Prior code § 27-61.03)
Where lots back up to a street or highway and where it is intended that there be no access from such lot to the street or highway against which they back, a six-foot masonry wall shall be erected on the rear property line as a physical separation between the lot and the street or highway.
(Prior code § 27-61.04)
Plans for special blocks, called "super blocks," may be submitted to the advisory agency for approval when such blocks propose special design features which will provide for greater amenities than those set forth in the minimum standard provisions of this chapter and where no hardship is placed upon the community as a whole by the approval of such super block plans.
(Prior code § 27-61.05)
Where the subdivision is adjacent to a railroad right-of-way or an important truck highway and the topography of the country or the master plan indicates that such property may be used for industrial purposes, highways aligned in the same direction with the railroad or truck route will be required to be located as nearly parallel to such routes of rights-of-way as practicable.
(Prior code § 27-61.06)
The subdivider shall, subject to riparian rights, dedicate a right-of-way for storm drainage purposes conforming substantially with the lines of any natural watercourse, channel, stream or creek that traverses the subdivision or, at the option of the subdivider, provide by dedication further and sufficient easements or construction, or both, to dispose of such surface waters and stormwaters.
(Prior code § 27-61.07)
No lot shall be divided by a city boundary line. Each such boundary line shall be made a lot line.
(Prior code § 27-61.08)