Each lot in a division of land shall have the required area and the required width as defined in the Zoning Ordinance. Where the Zoning Ordinance does not establish a required area and/or width and/or depth in a particular zone, the required area shall be five thousand square feet and the required width shall be fifty feet and the required depth shall be one hundred feet. Strips of land intended for use as vehicular access shall not be included in calculating average width or required area.
If a lot is in more than one zone, then the area and width thereof shall be not less than the area and width requirements, respectively, in that zone in which any part of the lot is located which has the largest area requirement and in that zone in which any part of the lot is located which has the greatest width requirement.
This section does not apply to any lot which the subdivider offers to deed or dedicate to the public.
In all cases where practical, the side lines of lots shall be at an approximate right angle to the street upon which such lots front.
Wherever practical, divisions of property abutting rights-of-way for freeways, highways, railroads, transmission lines and flood-control channels shall be designed so as to create lots which back up to such rights-of-way.
The advisory agency may determine that, by reason of circumstances peculiar to the proposed subdivision for the use proposed to be made of the property in the subdivision, the public peace, health, safety and welfare will be protected adequately by lots of lesser frontage or area than that specified in this section.
This section applies only to future divisions of land within the city and shall not be deemed to limit the existing requirements imposed under the Zoning Ordinance as to lots already subdivided.
The design of a subdivision for a tentative map, as required pursuant to Section 66426 of the Subdivision Map Act, shall provide to the extent feasible for future solar heating or natural cooling opportunities in the subdivision. Samples include design of lot size to permit orientation of a structure in the east west alignment for southern exposure or to permit orientation of a structure to take advantage of shade or prevailing breezes.
(Prior code § 27-62.01)
On local streets all lots shall front upon the street that parallels the long dimension of the block. In the case of square blocks, the commission shall determine on the basis of the existing uses and the purposes established in the master plan which block face shall be considered as frontage.
(Prior code § 27-62.02)
Corner lots shall be at least ten percent wider than the minimum requirements for lots in any district, in order to maintain lines on both side and front streets. For corner lots in single-family residential zones, the minimum lot area shall be increased by five hundred square feet and the minimum lot width shall be increased by five feet.
(Prior code § 27-62.03)
Where lots front on a major, primary or secondary highway, or on major traffic streets, a service road may be required.
(Prior code § 27-62.04)
Key lots shall be avoided whenever possible.
(Prior code § 27-62.05)
Side lot lines of rectangular lots shall be as nearly perpendicular to the centerline of the street upon which the lots front as is practical.
(Prior code § 27-62.06)
All pie-shaped interior lots shall have a minimum width at the street property line measured straight across (not on the curve) of forty feet, and a minimum width of fifty feet at the twenty-foot setback line also measured straight across.
(Prior code § 27-62.07)