It is unlawful for any person to allow another to store on his property manure or like substance, not for the use of the property owner so storing or maintaining said substances.
(Ord. 99 § 1, 1962)
It is unlawful for any person to contract for the storage or maintenance of any manure or like substance within the city limits on any property within the city limits, not for the sole use of the property where said substance is so stored or maintained.
(Ord. 99 § 2, 1962)
No person shall deliver into the city, nor shall any person within the city deliver or sell to any other person within the city, any manure or like substance that has not first been treated according to the standards of the Orange County Mosquito Abatement District to eliminate flies, fly breeding, and like insects and animals.
(Ord. 99 § 3, 1962; Ord. 760 § 2, 1975)
It is unlawful for any person to store manure or like substance on any property within the city limits for use outside the city limits.
(Ord. 99 § 4, 1962)
No person shall spread any manure or like substance until said substance has been treated, according to the standards of the Orange County Mosquito Abatement District, to eliminate flies, fly breeding, and like insects and animals.
(Ord. 99 § 5, 1962; Ord. 760 § 3, 1975)
"Commercial manure dealer" means any person, firm or corporation who, for a fee, gathers, collects, hauls, stockpiles, spreads or sells any manure or manure-like substance.
(Ord. 594 § 3, 1970)
It is unlawful for any commercial manure dealer to gather, collect, haul, stockpile, spread or sell any manure or manure-like substance within the city without first registering with the Orange County Mosquito Abatement District on forms prescribed by it. Such registration shall expire at the end of each calendar year and shall be renewed annually during the first week in January. There shall be no fee for such registration nor any subsequent renewal.
(Ord. 594 § 3, 1970; Ord. 760 § 4, 1975)
Failure to register as a commercial manure dealer as provided in this chapter constitutes a misdemeanor punishable, upon conviction thereof, by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or one hundred days' imprisonment in the county jail, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(Ord. 594 § 3, 1970)