Except as otherwise specifically provided in this article, City parks and outdoor recreational facilities shall be open to the public every day of the year from six a.m., Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, to six p.m. when Pacific Standard Time is in effect, and to nine p.m. when Pacific Daylight Time is in effect, except for unusual or unforeseen conditions deemed emergencies by the Director of Recreation and Parks. City parks and outdoor recreational facilities shall be closed to public use from six p.m. when Pacific Standard Time is in effect, or nine p.m. when Pacific Daylight Time is in effect, to six a.m. either Pacific Standard Time or Pacific Daylight Time, except where the Director of Recreation and Parks has posted additional extended hours or where a group or individuals are participating in programs under a permit issued by the director.
A first violation of this section shall constitute an infraction with a maximum penalty of $25.00. Execution by the suspect of a second and subsequent violation shall be a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 17.20; Ord. 2446 § 2, 1985)
No person shall drive, putt or in any other fashion play or practice golf or use golf balls or golf clubs within any City park, playground, tot lot or other park or playground facility except in areas set aside for those activities or as otherwise sponsored or authorized by the Director of Recreation and Parks or his designee.
(Ord. 3340 § 1, 1997)
No person shall play or practice archery within any City park, playground, tot lot or other park or playground facility except in areas set aside for those activities or, as otherwise sponsored or authorized by the Director of Recreation and Parks or his designee.
(Ord. 3340 § 1, 1997)
No person shall enter any body of water owned, managed, controlled or operated by the City for purposes of swimming, wading or bathing except in those areas so designated.
Persons swimming in authorized swim facilities or areas owned, managed, controlled or operated for such use shall comply with all posted safety rules and regulations and conditions of use.
No person shall pollute in any manner any water owned, managed, controlled or operated as a City park or swim facility, and no person shall deposit or cause to be deposited any foreign material such as glass, paper, garbage or rubbish of any kind in said waters.
All persons operating or docking a boat on land owned, managed, controlled or operated as a City park shall comply with all posted rules and regulations and conditions of use.
(Ord. 3340 § 1, 1997)
No person shall fly motorized models, airplanes or operate motorized model boats, automobiles, or motorized craft of any kind or description on land and water owned, managed, controlled or operated as a City park, playground, tot lot or other park or playground facility, except in areas so designated for such use or by written permit. The Director of Recreation and Parks shall determine conditions of use or rules for the safe and orderly operation of models in those designated areas.
(Ord. 3340 § 1, 1997)
No person shall damage any property owned, managed, controlled or operated as a park, playground, community center, swim center or special facility.
When turf areas are posted as unplayable by the Recreation and Parks Department activities including but not limited to, football, soccer, rugby and volleyball are prohibited.
(Ord. 3340 § 1, 1997)
Any City employee may request anyone who violates a posted rule to leave any property owned, managed, controlled or operated as a City park, playground, tot lot, community center, swim center or special facility. It is unlawful for any person to fail to leave a City park, playground, tot lot, or other recreation and park facility after being requested to do so for violating any posted rule.
(Ord. 3340 § 1, 1997)
No person, other than one acting under the authorization or direction of the Director of Recreation and Parks, shall ride a horse, pony, mule, camel or the like onto or over land owned, managed, controlled or operated as a City park, playground, tot lot or other park and playground facilities, except upon roads and trails designated for such use.
(Ord. 3340 § 1, 1997)
No person shall conduct any business enterprise or transaction on any property owned, managed, controlled or operated as a park, playground, community center, swim center, or special facility, except as authorized by the Director of Recreation and Parks or his designee.
(Ord. 3340 § 1, 1997)
The following items and/or activities are prohibited in any area specifically designated for skate park use: glass containers, vehicles, bicycles, unicycles, tricycles, motorcycles or wagons, automobiles, animals, or other domestic animals (unless seeing eye dogs), wheelchairs (unless for medical reasons), or the throwing of objects such as frisbees and balls.
(Ord. 3340 § 1, 1997)
No persons shall set up tents, shacks, sleeping bags or other shelter in any City park for the purpose of overnight camping, nor shall any person leave any of the above or any movable structure or special vehicle to be used, or that could be used for such purpose, including but not limited to, house trailers, camp trailers, camp wagons and other mobile or stationary campers in any City park. The restrictions contained within this section shall not apply to programs sponsored or co-sponsored by the City.
(Prior code § 17.21)
It is unlawful for any person to possess or to consume beer, wine or other alcoholic beverage within the following City parks between the hours of six a.m. and five p.m. weekdays, except when a person is an invited member of a group which has obtained a permit from the Santa Rosa Recreation and Parks Department as provided in Section 13-24.060: Doyle Park, Finley Community Park, Fountaingrove Community Park, Franklin Park, Galvin Community Park, Howarth Park, Northwest Community Park, Rincon Valley Community Park, Southwest Community Park and Youth Community Park. This subsection shall not apply on the following specified holidays: Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day.
Except as expressly provided in subsection (A) of this section, it is unlawful for any person to possess or to consume beer, wine or other alcoholic beverage at any time and on any day within a City park or playground, including Burbank Home and Gardens and Old Courthouse Square, except when a person is an invited member of a group which has obtained a permit from the Santa Rosa Recreation and Parks Department as provided in Section 13-24.060.
Sidewalk Cafes. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any sidewalk area authorized for use as a sidewalk cafe by a conditional use permit, approved by the Planning Commission or City Council, during any time period when the sidewalk cafe is in operation and when, by the terms of the conditional use permit, the service of wine and beer, or both, is authorized at the sidewalk cafe.
(Prior code § 17.22; Ord. 2446 § 3, 1985; Ord. 2736 § 1, 1988; Ord. 2433 § 6, 1985; Ord. 3185 § 1, 1995; Ord. 3428 § 1, 1999)
The Director of the Recreation and Parks Department is authorized to issue a written permit to possess and consume alcoholic beverages in a City park or playground to any adult person who applies for said permit either individually or as a representative of a group, in conjunction with a permit for a reservation in that park or playground for a permitted activity. The applicant shall make adequate provision for the cleaning and policing of the area to be utilized to avoid and prevent littering and illegal conduct by the applicant or any member of the applicant's group. The Director may impose appropriate conditions on the permit to ensure compliance herewith. The Director may require at his discretion, prior approval of the permit by the Chief of Police.
The Director may at his discretion, establish effective dates for said permit of longer than one day if the applicant is a representative of a group which engages in an activity sponsored by the Recreation and Parks Department, but in no event shall a permit issued under this chapter be effective longer than one year.
Each person to whom the Director has issued a permit under this section shall have the permit in his possession when utilizing it and shall show the same to City Police Officers or City Recreation and Parks Department personnel when so requested.
Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to extend or otherwise alter the other provisions of this code pertaining to the regulations of other activities in public parks, to the hours of use of public parks, and/or to possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages on public streets.
(Prior code § 17.23; Ord. 2736 § 2, 1988; Ord. 3185 § 1, 1995)
It is unlawful for any person to possess any beverage container made of glass in any City park or playground or to bring, carry or transport any beverage container made of glass into any City park or playground.
A first violation of this section shall constitute an infraction punishable by a fine not exceeding $25.00; a fine not exceeding $100.00 for a second violation within one year of the first; and a fine not exceeding $250.00 for each additional violation within one year of the first.
(Prior code § 17.24)
Definition. "City Hall" is defined as that public property which is bounded on the north by First Street, on the south by Sonoma Avenue, on the east by "D" Street, and on the west by Santa Rosa Avenue, excluding the sidewalk areas adjacent to the roadway, approximately eight feet in width along First Street, 10 feet along Sonoma Avenue, six feet along "D" Street, and eight and one-half feet along Santa Rosa Avenue.
Prohibited Activities.
It is unlawful for any person to ride or operate any vehicle or device, including but not limited to, a bicycle, unicycle, tricycle, skateboard, automobile, motorcycle or truck on the premises of City Hall. This prohibition shall not apply to person using wheelchairs for medical reasons, infants under five, and baby carriages, strollers or similar devices, City employees or contractors performing maintenance work, and persons driving a motor vehicle in the designated parking lot.
It is unlawful for any person to throw any object, including but not limited to, a frisbee or ball, at City Hall.
It is unlawful for any person to enter or to throw, drop, or place any object or substance into any fountain on the premises of City Hall, except City employees or agents performing authorized maintenance work.
Penalty. Violation of this section shall constitute an infraction with a maximum penalty of a fine of $100.00.
(Ord. 2733 § 1, 1988)
Definition. "Courthouse Square" is defined as that public property situated on either side of Courthouse Square Avenue between Third and Fourth Streets, excluding the sidewalk areas, eight feet in width along Courthouse Square Avenue and Third and Fourth Streets.
Hours of Closure. It is unlawful for any person to enter upon or use Courthouse Square between the hours of 10 p.m. and six a.m. except for immediate access to contiguous businesses and except that other uses may be authorized in writing by the recreation and parks department.
Prohibited Activities.
It is unlawful for any person to ride or operate any vehicle or device, including but not limited to a bicycle, unicycle, tricycle, skateboard, roller skates, automobile, motorcycle or wagon, in Courthouse Square. This prohibition shall not apply to persons utilizing wheelchairs for medical reasons, infants under five in baby carriages, strollers or similar devices, and City employees performing maintenance work.
It is unlawful for any person to throw any object, including but not limited to a frisbee or ball, in Courthouse Square.
It is unlawful for any person to allow any dog or other domestic animal in Courthouse Square except for a seeing-eye or guide dog.
It is unlawful for any person to possess any beverage container made of glass in Courthouse Square or to bring, carry or transport any beverage container made of glass into Courthouse Square.
It is unlawful for any person to enter or to throw, drop, or place any object or substance into any fountain within Courthouse Square, except City employees or agents performing authorized maintenance work.
Penalty. A first violation of this section shall constitute an infraction with a maximum penalty of a fine of $100.00. A subsequent violation of this section within one year shall constitute a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 2415 § 1, 1984; Ord. 2446 § 4, 1985; Ord. 2729 § 1, 1988)
Definition. Luther Burbank Home and Gardens is defined as that public property, including buildings and grounds, situated between Charles Street on the south, Tupper Street on the north, Santa Rosa Avenue on the west and the City property line on the east, excluding the street sidewalk areas.
Hours of Closure. It is unlawful for any person to enter upon or use Luther Burbank Home and Gardens between the hours of seven p.m. and eight a.m. except for uses which may be authorized in writing by the Burbank Home and Gardens Board and/or the City Recreation and Parks Department.
Reserved Use. Personal and reserved use of Luther Burbank Home and Gardens is not permitted except for special events approved by the Director of Recreation, Parks and Community Services. Request for weddings, private services or private parties may be granted in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Luther Burbank Home and Gardens Facility Rental Policy. The Luther Burbank Home and Gardens Facility Rental Policy shall be developed by a committee of LBH and G Volunteer Association members and City Staff, approved by the Director of Recreation, Parks and Community Services, and amended from time to time.
Prohibited Activities.
It is unlawful for any person to ride or operate any vehicle or device, including but not limited to a bicycle, unicycle, tricycle, skateboard, roller skates, automobile, motorcycle or wagon, in Luther Burbank Home and Gardens. This prohibition shall not apply to persons utilizing wheel chairs for medical reasons, infants under five in baby carriages, strollers or similar devices, and City employees performing maintenance work.
It is unlawful for any person to throw any object, including but not limited to a frisbee or ball, in Luther Burbank Home and Gardens.
It is unlawful for any person to enter, or to throw, drop, or place any object or substance into any fountain within Luther Burbank Home and Gardens, except City employees or agents performing authorized maintenance work.
It is unlawful for any person to allow any dog or other domestic animal in Luther Burbank Home and Gardens except for a service animal.
It is unlawful for any person to possess any beverage container made of glass in the Luther Burbank Home and Gardens property or to bring, carry or transport any beverage container made of glass into Luther Burbank Home and Gardens. This provision shall not apply to authorized and on-duty members of the Luther Burbank Home and Garden Volunteer Association when in areas of the buildings not open to the public.
It is unlawful for any person to possess or to consume beer, wine or any other alcoholic beverage at any time within Luther Burbank Home and Gardens, except when a person is an invited member of a group which has obtained permission to do so from the Director of the Santa Rosa Recreation and Parks Department under the procedures set forth in Section 13.24.060 of this code.
Penalty. A first violation of this section shall constitute an infraction with a maximum penalty of a fine of $100.00. A subsequent violation of this section within one year shall constitute a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 2446 § 1, 1985; Ord. 2940 § 1, 1992; Ord. 3906 § 1, 2009; Ord. 3942 § 2, 2010)
Notwithstanding Chapter 17-16 of this code, amplified sound is prohibited at the Finley Community Park unless in conjunction with a Recreation and Parks Department sponsored event.
(Ord. 3340 § 2, 1997)
Definition. Pioneer Memorial Park, commonly known as Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery, is defined as all that property in the possession and control of the City which is situated inside the City fence, which fence is situated east of Franklin Avenue between Odd Fellows Cemetery (private) and Terrace Way, north of Terrace Way and Parsons Drive, between Franklin Avenue and Hidden Valley Drive, west of the rear property lines of the privately owned lots that front on the west side of Hidden Valley Drive and Parsons Drive, between Odd Fellows Cemetery to the north, and the extension of Terrace Way to the south, and south of Odd Fellows Cemetery.
Hours of Closure. It is unlawful for any person to enter or use Pioneer Memorial Park from six p.m. to six a.m. of this following day when pacific standard time is in effect, or nine p.m. to six a.m. of the following day when pacific daylight time is in effect, except when a group or individuals are participating in programs authorized by the Director of Recreation and Parks. This prohibition shall not apply to authorized public employees who enter the property to carry out their official duties and responsibilities.
Prohibited Activities.
It is unlawful for any person to possess any beverage container made of glass in Pioneer Memorial Park or to bring, carry, or transport any beverage container made of glass into Pioneer Memorial Park.
It is unlawful for any person to possess, or to consume beer, wine, or any other beverage containing alcohol within Pioneer Memorial Park.
It is unlawful for any person to set up a tent, sleeping bag, lean-to, or other shelter in Pioneer Memorial Park or to assemble fuel for, or to ignite any fire within the park.
(Ord. 2566 § 1, 1986; Ord. 3655 § 1, 2004)
No person shall use a City skateboard facility who is not wearing a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads suitable to provide protection in the event of falls or collisions. A first violation of this section shall constitute an infraction. Subsequent violations may constitute either an infraction or a misdemeanor pursuant to Section 1-28.010.
(Ord. 3116 § 1, 1994)
Except as provided in Section 13-24.090, no person shall carry or possess while attending or participating in any public demonstration, rally, picket line or public assembly any staff or pole used for, or which could be used for the carrying of a placard, sign, poster, emblem, standard, pennant, banner, flag or similar devices, and which staff or pole is made of metal or other heavy or hard material.
(Prior code § 17.60)
No person shall carry or possess while attending or participating in any public demonstration, rally, picket line or public assembly any staff or pole, used for, or which could be used for, the carrying of a placard, sign, emblem, standard, pennant, banner, flag or similar devices, unless the staff or pole is made of wood or plastic, and then only if it is one-fourth inch or less in thickness and two inches or less in width, or if not generally rectangular in shape, such staff or pole does not exceed three-quarters of an inch in its thickest dimension.
(Prior code § 17.61)