For the purpose of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section:
"City park"
is defined as any regional, community or neighborhood park or any area used for park or recreational purposes owned, controlled or maintained by the City of Santa Rosa.
"City recreational area or facility"
means any recreational area or open space owned, controlled or maintained by the City, other than a park.
"Motor vehicle"
means any motor-driven vehicle, including but not limited to automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, motor scooters, motor bikes and any other self-propelled vehicle.
(Prior code § 17.50)
Except for those motor vehicles named in Section 13-24.120, no motor vehicle shall be allowed within the confines of the Bennett Valley Golf Course, any City park or any other City recreational area or facility.
Any person driving or operating a motor vehicle contrary to this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 17.51)
The following motor vehicles shall be exempt from the provisions of Section 13-24.110:
Motor-driven golf carts driven or operated on designated areas in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Director of Parks and Recreation;
Motor-driven mowers, trimmers, edgers or any other motor-driven equipment used for the maintenance and upkeep of the Bennett Valley Golf Course, City parks or any other City recreation area or facility;
Motor vehicles operated on the Bennett Valley Golf Course, City parks or any other City recreation area or facility, provided such operation is conducted in accordance with instructions from the Director of Recreation and Parks, or under a contract with the City of Santa Rosa as supervised by the City Engineer and the Director of Recreation and Parks;
Motor vehicles owned or driven by members of the general public provided they are operated in roadways for such purposes or parked in parking areas so designated;
Emergency vehicles;
Any other motor vehicles operated with the written permission of the Director of Recreation and Parks, provided the purpose for which the vehicle is being operated shall be expressly stated in the permit which shall be in the possession of the operator at all times while the vehicle is so being operated.
(Prior code § 17.52)