At the time a project application is filed with the City, each applicant shall submit such information to the Department of Community Development as is required by the Department regarding the possible environmental effects of the project.
Thereafter, the applicant shall submit such additional information as the Environmental Coordinator deems necessary in order for the Coordinator to conduct and complete an initial study of the project.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
Ministerial projects are exempt from environmental review. "Ministerial" describes a governmental decision involving little or no personal judgment by the Public Official as to the wisdom or manner of carrying out the project. The Public Official merely applies the law to the facts as presented, but uses no special discretion or judgment in reaching a decision. Examples include automobile parking permits and City business licenses.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
Some projects are categorically exempt from CEQA in accordance with the State CEQA Guidelines, starting with Section 15301. Examples of categorically exempt projects include:
Replacement of existing utility lines;
Maintenance of existing streets;
Construction of one or two single-family homes;
Division of property into four or fewer parcels;
Annexation of existing facilities and lots.
The City Council, by resolution, may in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines, identify and list additional activities and projects that shall be categorically exempt from CEQA.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
The applicant may request that the Environmental Coordinator provide the applicant with the results of the initial study prior to its release for public review as required by the State CEQA Guidelines. Following review of the initial study, the applicant may notify the Environmental Coordinator in writing of the applicant's intention to withdraw the project and to resubmit a revised project which would avoid or clearly mitigate to a point of insignificance all potentially significant environmental effects identified in the initial study. Upon receiving such notice, the Environmental Coordinator shall withhold the findings and determinations required by the State CEQA Guidelines and suspend all review of the project until the revised project has been filed.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
The Environmental Coordinator shall provide notice that a negative declaration has been prepared and is proposed to be approved. Such notice shall be given not less than 10 days prior to adoption of the negative declaration, and in the manner set forth in Section 15072 of the State Guidelines.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
If the final decision on a project is to be made by an Administrative Official of the City, the Environmental Coordinator shall have the authority to approve and adopt the negative declaration for such project. For all other projects, the decision-making body vested with responsibility for making the final decision on the project shall review the findings of the Environmental Coordinator and make the findings and determination required by law. For those projects which require review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council, a public hearing shall be held on the negative declaration by the Planning Commission. The City Council will not hold another public hearing on the negative declaration when the Council considers approval and adoption of the negative declaration.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
If the Environmental Coordinator determines that an EIR shall be prepared, the Environmental Coordinator shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, a Draft EIR. Information submitted by the applicant and information from any previous EIR or other public report may be incorporated, in whole or part, into the Draft EIR. Regardless of whether the City or an agent of the City prepares the Draft EIR, the Environmental Coordinator shall be responsible for causing the report to comply fully with CEQA and the State Guidelines, including but not limited to the completeness and objectivity of the Draft EIR.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
Upon commencing preparation of the Draft EIR, the Environmental Coordinator shall give notice that the City, as Lead Agency for the project, will prepare, or cause to be prepared, an EIR. Such notice shall be directed to the applicant, to each responsible agency, and to any person, agency or organization which the Environmental Coordinator determines may be necessary to comply with CEQA.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
In addition to distribution required by the State CEQA Guidelines, a Draft EIR shall be placed in the Office of the City Clerk and may be placed at such other locations within the City and vicinity as the Environmental Coordinator shall determine appropriate to provide members of the public with access to the Draft EIR.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
Review periods for Draft EIRs shall not be less than 30 days nor longer than 90 days from the date of the notice of preparation. The Environmental Coordinator shall determine the actual period of review within the foregoing limits.
When a Draft EIR is submitted to the State Clearinghouse, the public review period shall be at least 45 days, unless a shorter period is approved by the State Clearinghouse.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
The decision-making body may conduct a public hearing to review the adequacy of the Draft EIR, which may be held during or after the public review period. For those projects which require review by the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council, a public hearing may be held on the Draft EIR by the Planning Commission, and the City Council shall not hold another public hearing on the EIR when the Council considers EIR certification.
If it is able, based upon the evidence presented, to make the findings required by the State CEQA Guidelines, the decision-making body shall certify the Final EIR.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
Prior to certification by the decision-making body, any material included within the Final EIR which was not previously distributed in accordance with Section 17-04.160 shall be distributed in the manner specified in Section 17-04.160 and Section 15095 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
Prior to certification of the Final EIR by the decision-making body, the Final EIR shall be placed in the office of the City Clerk and at such other locations as the Environmental Coordinator deems appropriate to provide members of the public with reasonable opportunity to review the Final EIR. Following certification of the Final EIR, the applicant shall provide a copy of the Final EIR to each responsible agency following approval of the project.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)
If the final decision of a project is to be made by an Administrative Official of the City, the Environmental Coordinator shall have authority to adopt the previously certified EIR for the project. For all other projects, the decision-making body vested with responsibility for making the final decision on the project shall review the finding of the Environmental Coordinator made in accordance with the State CEQA Guidelines and take either of the following actions:
Confirm the finding of the Environmental Coordinator made pursuant to the State CEQA Guidelines and adopt the proposed EIR for use in reviewing the project; or
Reject the finding of the Environmental Coordinator made pursuant to the State CEQA Guidelines and determine that an EIR shall be prepared for the project.
(Ord. 2629 § 1, 1987)