[Added 3-20-2006 by Ord. No. 458]
In expansion of the community development objectives contained in Article I, § 300-2 of this chapter, it is hereby declared to be the intent of this article with respect to an open space residential community to establish reasonable standards and criteria to permit such a community as a conditional use in appropriate locations within the Township, based upon a specialized set of development regulations appropriate for such a development.
To provide for such development in areas consistent with the goals of the Township's Comprehensive Plan, which would be compatible with and protect the existing community character.
To protect the existing vistas into and rural character of large tracts of undeveloped land in the Township.
To provide for creative use of land in areas where it is desirable to preserve open space, stream valleys, agricultural land heritage, tree cover, historic buildings and other natural and man-made amenities.
To allow for a modest increase in permitted density in return for the preservation of extensive areas of open space and/or parkland in portions of the R-1 District where mixed-use development are appropriate.
To encourage the creation of individual neighborhoods unified by the open space features of the development.
To permanently protect areas of open space and parkland from future development and, in so doing, implement the goals and recommendations of the Township's adopted Open Space and Recreation Plan.
An open space residential community is allowed only as a conditional use in the R-1 Residential District, provided that the tract proposed for such development meets the criteria specified in § 300-310 of this article, and that the procedural requirements for conditional uses, set forth in § 300-60 of this chapter, are followed. An open space residential community shall be construed to mean a planned development consisting of single-family and low-density single-family attached residential use(s) combined with the preservation of extensive areas of open space and/or parkland, along with any appropriate recreational uses and uses incidental to such a development, as hereinafter provided. Uses specifically permitted in an open space residential community shall be the following:
Single-family detached dwellings.
Single-family attached dwellings.
Neighborhood or community park.
Common open space.
Accessory uses on the same lot or premises with and incidental to the other uses permitted in this article. In addition to accessory uses customarily incidental to a dwelling unit, appropriate accessory uses may be permitted in a park, including but not limited to uses such as rest rooms, parking for park users and other similar uses, subject to approval by the Township.
Accessory uses in an OSR-2 District may include a single-family house occupied by a groundskeeper, security guard, maintenance worker or by an individual(s) performing similar functions.
Communications antennas, in accordance with the provisions of § 300-25 of this chapter, mounted on an existing public utility transmission tower, existing building or other existing structure, and communications equipment buildings. Communications towers are permitted only as a conditional use pursuant to § 300-25 herein.
No-impact home-based businesses in accordance with the standards set forth in § 300-26 herein.
Home occupations, provided that all of the requirements of § 300-27 shall be met.
The following prerequisites shall be met for each application for approval of an open space residential community:
Any tract of ground or contiguous group of tracts which are the subject of an application for conditional use approval as an Open Space Residential Community-2, pursuant to this article, shall contain a minimum of 100 acres.
Any tract of ground or contiguous group of tracts which are the subject of an application for conditional use approval as an open space residential community pursuant to this article shall have a minimum of 250 feet of frontage, measured along the ultimate rights-of-way, on roads with an arterial classification that additionally has an interchange with the Route 422 Expressway, according to the Township's adopted Ultimate Right-of-Way Map.
A traffic impact study and community impact analysis, submitted in forms as described in § 300-438E and I of this chapter, respectively, shall be required for any conditional use application submitted pursuant to this article. Evaluation of the community impact analysis shall be in accordance with the procedure set forth in § 300-207 of the chapter. In addition to those requirements of § 300-438I, the community impact analysis shall demonstrate how the proposed application meets the legislative intent of this article. The community impact analysis shall also demonstrate the probable recreational demand for any proposed park, including the specific recreational amenities proposed. Said section shall include, but not be limited to, a description of amount and location of any tract(s) proposed as a park and all proposed facilities to be developed therein. Said section shall indicate how the proposed land and facilities relate to the specific findings and recommendations of the Township's adopted Open Space and Environmental Resource Protection Plan.
Any development proposed under the OSR-2 Open Space Residential Community District-2 shall follow the district regulations under the OSR-1 Open Space Residential Community District, § 300-293 and the specific Master Plan requirements as detailed in § 300-296.
Overall development density.
Density. The maximum density for development pursuant to this article shall be 1.25 units per developable acre. A density increase up to a maximum of 1.6 units per developable acre may be permitted as a conditional use by the Board of Supervisors in the event a minimum of 15% additional open space, above and beyond that which is required by Subsection D herein, is provided. Regardless of the proposed ownership of the by-right required open space, said additional open space shall be offered for dedication to the Township, which shall have the discretion to accept or reject the offer.
In the computation of density, whether by right or as a conditional use, the number of units shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number. Compliance with the standards in this article does not guarantee that the maximum number of dwelling units will be achievable in all cases. The applicant's ability to develop the maximum number may be reduced as a result of the applicant's choice of dwelling types, building and/or lot sizes, physical constraints of the development site, or other factors.
No more than 70% of any one dwelling type shall be permitted within any OSR-2 development.
Lot size, width and yard regulations
Single-family detached.
Lot size: a minimum of 6,500 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 65 feet.
Yard regulations shall be as follows:
Front yard (measured from the ultimate right-of-way line): 20 feet.
Side yard, each (measured from the property line): 10 feet.
Rear yard (measured from the property line): 25 feet.
Single-family attached portions of OSR-2 developments shall follow the single-family attached lot size and setback requirements, as outlined in § 300-203E of this chapter, unless otherwise stipulated within this chapter.
Where lots are not proposed, equivalent setback and building spacing to those herein shall apply.
Single-family attached homes will have a minimum setback from the ultimate right-of-way of a feeder or higher classification road abutting an OSR-2 District development of 50 feet.
The minimum distance between a single-family attached home and a single-family detached home lot line, within an OSR-2 development shall be 25 feet.
Access restriction. No dwelling unit within the open space residential community may take access directly from any road with a feeder or higher classification, regardless of whether said road exists or is proposed. All dwelling units shall gain access from residential roads, internal access roads, drives, courts or similar arrangements.
Open space. A minimum of 50% of the gross tract area of any development proposed pursuant to this article shall be in open space and/or parkland, exclusive of the cumulative area required for the residential lots/units proposed.
Access and potential dedication of any open space land will be governed by the stipulations as outlined in § 300-294E of this chapter; provided, however, all open space, except that needed for yards or equivalent areas around dwelling units, shall be offered for dedication to the Township.
Phasing of any development pursuant to this article shall follow § 300-294F.
Height regulations. The maximum height for all buildings shall be prescribed in the R-3 District [reference § 300-203B(2)].
Building coverage.
Single-family detached. Any individual residential lot shall have a building coverage not greater than 35%.
Overall building coverage shall not exceed 25% of the portion of the tract not set aside as an open space use.
Impervious coverage. Maximum impervious coverage for any OSR-2 development shall be 60% of the portion of the tract not set aside as an open space use.
Utilities. All proposed utility lines (electrical, telephone, cable television, etc.) within an open space residential community shall be placed underground in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 270, Subdivision and Land Development, of the Code of the Township, § 270-59D.
Lighting. Streetlighting for the residential areas shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 270, Subdivision and Land Development, of the Code of the Township, § 270-76. Lighting for open space, park areas or related parking areas shall be provided as needed and arranged in a manner which protects the existing frontage roads and neighboring properties from direct glare or hazardous interference of any kind. Lighting shall also be arranged to avoid direct glare into the proposed residences. All lighting shall be as approved by the Township.
All signage must meet the requirements of Article XXXIII of this chapter.
[Amended 8-1-2011 by Ord. No. 517]
Parking. Parking requirements in the OSR-2 District shall be as follows:
Parking for single-family attached dwellings and parkland or common open space shall follow the regulations as stipulated in § 300-294L.
Parking for single-family attached homes:
Single-family attached homes of OSR-2 developments may not contain parking areas of three or more cars.
No parking areas shall be located closer than 50 feet to a side or rear property line of the development tract or a single-family detached dwelling.
In all other respects, the applicable provisions of Article XXXII of this chapter shall apply.
Additional development regulations. The following additional regulation(s) shall be applicable to an open space residential community, in recognition of the unique type of development which it represents.
Belgian block curb may be installed on private interior roads, in lieu of the concrete curbing required in Chapter 270 of the Township Code, Subdivision and Land Development, subject to specifications approved by the Township Engineer.
Secured or "gated" road entrances to the development may be permitted.
Private culs-de-sac or courtyards may be permitted which exceed the maximum permitted length as stipulated in Chapter 270 of this Code as long as emergency access, as may be required by the Township, is provided.
Sidewalks, as normally installed in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 270 of the Township Code, may be eliminated in portions of the community when they are replaced with a pedestrian walkway system, based upon approval by the Township.
Landscaping throughout the community shall be planned in accordance with the following guidelines:
Shade trees shall be installed along all public and private streets, in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 270, Subdivision and Land Development, of the Code of the Township, § 270-68C. However, if it is more appropriate, based upon the site design proposed, some or all of these trees may be redistributed elsewhere throughout the community, with the approval of the Township.
Based upon review of the submitted landscape plan, the Township may require landscaping in addition to those minimal requirements herein where unusual field conditions exist or if circumstances arise which were not contemplated by this article.
General buffering requirements. General buffer requirements shall be followed, as stipulated in this section; specifications for the various buffer types listed herein shall be as stipulated in Chapter 270, Subdivision and Land Development, § 270-66D(5). In those instances in which berms are not required, they may be used as a substitute for some of the plant material in a specific buffer situation, if the Township concurs in its review of the landscape plan that the beans equal or exceed the buffering qualities necessary in that specific buffer situation. Buffers shall be installed in those situations as prescribed herein unless berms are permitted by the Township as substitutions.
Buffers for dwelling units:
Between a dwelling unit and an existing frontage roadway: Buffer Type 3 required.
Between a dwelling unit and an abutting, off-site residential use or district: Buffer Type 2 required.
Between a dwelling unit and an abutting, off-site nonresidential use or district: Buffer Type 3 required.
Between a dwelling unit and parking areas for residential units: Buffer Type 1 required.
Between a dwelling unit and parking area serving a nonresidential use: Buffer Type 2A required.
Between a dwelling unit and any other permitted building within the age-restricted development: Buffer Type 2 required.
Between a dwelling unit and an outdoor recreational facility associated with the development, but not housed in a building: Buffer Type I required.
Between two dwelling unit groupings of single-family attached units within the OSR-2 residential community: Buffer Type I required.
Between a grouping of single-family attached and single-family detached dwelling lots within the OSR-2 residential community: Buffer Type 2 required.