The Board shall be comprised of five Supervisors elected on staggered terms as regulated by the Second Class Township Code.[1]In the case of every reference in this chapter to a vote of the Board of Supervisors, it shall at all times be the case that business can only be transacted upon a vote of the full majority of the Board (minimum three votes to transact business) regardless of the number of Supervisors present at the meeting in which the vote occurs.
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 65101 et seq.
The Board shall organize during the first week of January at a time and place to be advertised. Meetings will generally be held at the Township Municipal Building.
At this organization meeting, the Board shall elect by an absolute majority vote of the total membership of the Board a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Until such election of the Chairperson is accomplished, the Township Manager shall serve as presiding officer. The Board may also elect such other officers as it may deem appropriate.
In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall preside at Board meetings. In the event of the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, the Chairperson's functions and duties shall be performed by the Supervisor with the most seniority in office.
Public notice. Provisions governing public notice of meetings shall be in accordance with the Second Class Township Code and the Pennsylvania Sunshine Law.[1]
Editor's Note: See 65 Pa.C.S.A. § 701 et seq.
Public access. All Supervisor meetings, with the exception of executive sessions, shall be publicly advertised and open to the public through various mediums including, but not limited to cablecasting, webcasting, live streaming or in person.
Regular meetings. The Board shall hold regular meetings at least once a month and set these meetings by resolution as part of the annual organization meeting.
Special meetings. The Chairperson may call a special meeting upon his/her own motion or upon the request of the Township Manager. The notice shall be published in a local newspaper and include the meeting's time, location and a brief statement explaining the nature of each discussion item. Special meetings require 24 hours of advance public notice.
Emergency meetings. To the extent permitted by the Second Class Township Code, the Board may hold and take action at an emergency meeting at any time. The Chairperson may call an emergency meeting upon his/her own motion or upon the request of the Township Manager, provided that a quorum is present.
Executive sessions. The Board may hold executive session in accordance to specified parameters outlined in the Second Class Township Code and all relevant statutes governing confidential meetings, most notably, the Pennsylvania Sunshine Law.
The Township Manager shall prepare a proposed agenda for any regular or special Board meeting.
For any written or special Board agenda, the Township Manager shall forward a copy to all Board members no later than 24 hours in advance of said meeting, except where an emergency deems this impracticable. At the same time, a copy of the proposed agenda shall be made available to the public by posting it on the Township's website.
At a minimum, the title of any ordinance or resolution for Board consideration (regardless whether a new ordinance, revision of an existing ordinance, or repeal of an ordinance or part thereof) shall be included as part of the agenda.
The proposed agenda may be amended at the meeting by a majority of the members present.
At the start of any Board meeting, the Chairperson shall take the chair and call the meeting to order. If a quorum is present, the Chairperson shall proceed with the order of business as prescribed in the agenda. If a quorum is not present, the Chairperson shall recess for a maximum 30 minutes, and, if no quorum has developed by that time, he/she shall declare the meeting adjourned and upon his own motion establish a new meeting date. Those present may discuss agenda items but may not take any formal action. For purposes of a five-person board, a quorum is three. All action voted upon requires a vote of three or greater in order to carry.
Unless a majority of the Board votes otherwise, the order of business for each regular meeting shall be as follows:
Call to order and pledge of allegiance.
Motion to approve Board agenda.
Special announcements or ceremonial presentations.
Executive session report.
Approval of bill list.
Approval of minutes from prior meeting and any intervening special meetings.
Receive public comments on any item not on the posted agenda (comment on agenda items will be taken separately prior to the Board taking formal action).
Conduct public hearing, if required by state statutes.
Old business.
New business.
Township Manager and Department Head reports.
Consultant reports.
Supervisors comments.
The Chairperson shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of business at each Board meeting and shall preserve order and decorum at such meetings. The Board may designate the Chief of Police or another attending police officer as the sergeant at arms or any other individual the Board in its direction may select.
The Board, at its organization meeting, shall adopt rules governing its procedure. This may be Robert's Rules or some other set of rules that similarly address parliamentary procedure. The Chairperson shall announce all decisions of the Board and shall decide all questions of order without debate, subject, however, to an appeal by any Board member. Any ruling by the Chairperson may be overruled by a majority of the members present.
Every Supervisor desiring to speak shall address the Chairperson and, upon recognition, shall confine their remarks to the questions under debate, avoiding all indecorous language or personal attacks. Any Supervisor, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking, unless it is for the purpose of calling such person to order. If a member of the Board, while speaking, is called to order, that person shall cease speaking until the question of order is determined. When two or more members request the floor at the same time, the Chairperson shall state the order in which they will be recognized.
The roll of members shall be called alphabetically, except that the Chairperson shall be called last and the Vice Chairperson next to last.
All votes of the Board on all proposed ordinances and on any other matter, when requested by any Supervisor, shall be taken by roll call. Otherwise, a simple voice vote shall be used.
No second shall be required for the Board to consider any proposed action.
The Board may by majority vote adopt a set of bylaws to supplement the rules of procedure and which would serve to add detail regarding the Board's day to day functioning and its meeting procedures.
Citizens shall be provided the opportunity to address the Board on any agenda item. Such opportunity to address the Board shall be immediately prior to the final action of the Board thereon, or at the start of the meeting at which such action shall be taken, at the preference of the Board, unless that opportunity to be heard has theretofore been provided either at a prior public hearing or meeting of the Board.
Any person making offensive, insulting, threatening, insolent, slanderous or obscene remarks or who becomes boisterous or who makes threats against any person or against public order or security while in the Board meeting room shall be forthwith barred by the Chairperson from further audience participation for the remainder of the meeting.