The ordinance codified in this chapter is adopted pursuant to the California Government Code Section 66477 (Quimby Act) and California Government Code Sections 66000 through 66025 (Mitigation Fee Act) and the general police power of the City, for the purpose of executing and implementing the General Plan of the City of Santa Rosa. It is the purpose of this chapter to provide for: (1) the acquisition of park land for neighborhood and community parks through dedication of land; and (2) the acquisition of park land for neighborhood and community parks and development of park and recreation facilities by imposition of fees in connection with the development of new dwelling units.
Except where the context otherwise requires, the definitions given in this section govern the construction of this chapter.
The term "developer" includes every person, firm or corporation constructing a new dwelling unit, directly or through the services of any employee, agent, independent contractor, or otherwise.
The term "new dwelling unit" includes each structure of permanent character, placed in a permanent location, which is planned, designed or used for residential occupancy, including, but not limited to, one-family, two-family and multifamily dwellings, apartment houses and complexes, mobile home spaces, and single occupancy units, but not including hotels, motels and boardinghouses for transient guests.
The term "subdivision" includes any type of construction, land division or improvement of land which provides for dwelling units identified under the provisions of Section 66424 of the California Government Code. "Subdivision" shall also include any increase in the number of mobilehome spaces.
The term "City service area" shall refer to the geographical area of beneficial use of one or more parks. The boundaries of City service areas shall be the quadrant, defined by Highway 12 and Highway 101, within which the development is located.
(Ord. 3216 § 1, 1995; Ord. 2018-014 § 1)