A corporate seal for the city is adopted, the design of which seal shall be as follows in Section 1.04.020.
(Prior code § 1011)
The seal adopted in Section 1.04.010 shall be circular in form; shall be not less than two inches in diameter. Around its circumference shall appear the words "City of Palm Springs, California," and, within, the words "Incorporated, 1938."
(Prior code § 1012)
The City Seal, or any facsimile thereof, shall not be affixed to any document or writing, except by the City Clerk or such assistants to the City Clerk as may be authorized by the City Clerk, and except for the purpose of attesting the document to be an act of the City Council.
No person shall use the City Seal, or any facsimile thereof, for purposes of supporting or opposing the nomination or election to any city or other public office of himself or herself or any other person, or for purposes of supporting or opposing any ballot measure, nor include such City Seal on any writing distributed for purposes of influencing the action of the electorate, or any part thereof, in any election. This section shall not be applicable to writings issued by the City of Palm Springs or the City Council as a whole pursuant to law.
No person, other than an officer or employee of the City of Palm Springs, shall use the City Seal or any facsimile thereof for any purpose except to the extent such officer or employee may be authorized to do so by resolution of the City Council.
No person shall use the City Seal, or any facsimile thereof, for any malicious purpose or for the purpose of personal financial gain.
Nothing in this Section shall prevent a person from manufacturing or selling non-documentary objects, such as souvenirs or decorative items, bearing the City Seal as part of the design, provided that such person undertakes such activity pursuant to agreement with the City, approved by the City Council or by such officer as the City Council may designate, containing such requirements and limitations as the City Council or such officer shall deem appropriate to assure that such use of the City Seal is in good taste and in the best interests of the City of Palm Springs.
The City Clerk or the City Clerk's representative shall be the custodian of the City Seal of the City of Palm Springs.
(Ord. 1792 § 3, 2011)