The public interest, necessity, convenience and general welfare of the city require a public library in the city, and there being no public library existing therein at the time of the adoption of the ordinance codified herein, there is established and there shall hereafter be maintained in and for the city, a public library in accordance with the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the state, entitled "An Act to Provide for the Establishment and Maintenance of Public Libraries within Municipalities," (Statutes 1901, p.557, as amended) as the same existed at the time of the adoption of the ordinance codified herein or may thereafter be amended.
(Prior code § 5311)
The public library system shall be known as the "City of Palm Springs Public Library System."
(Prior code § 5312; Ord. 1059 § 1, 1978)
The public library shall be managed by a board of library trustees, consisting of five members, to be appointed by the city council, by and with the consent of the council, and to hold office for the terms and in the manner provided for by said state act referred to in Section 2.32.010.
(Prior code § 5313; Res. 20441 § 1, 2002)
The board of library trustees shall have the powers, duties and authorities now or hereafter from time to time provided for by said state act referred to in Section 2.32.010.
(Prior code § 5314)
The council, in accordance with said state act referred to in Section 2.32.010, shall in making the annual tax levy, and as a part thereof, if the maintenance of the said public library has not been otherwise provided for, levy a tax for the purpose of maintaining such library and purchasing property necessary therefor, which tax shall be in addition to other taxes, the levy of which is permitted in the municipality.
(Prior code § 5315)