Before any license is issued to any person, such person shall make application therefor to the collector. Applicant shall state the name of the party to whom the license is to be issued, the nature of the trade or business to be pursued; the place where such business will be conducted and such other information as may be necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of Chapters 3.40 through 3.96.
(Prior code § 2121; Ord. 908 § 2, 1971)
Upon application being made as provided in Section 3.52.010, and when the applicant has tendered the license tax required, the collector shall process the application. If it is an application for a license for a new business or if he otherwise deems it necessary, he may submit a copy thereof to other departments as appropriate, including the health officer if health and sanitation may be involved, in order to be able to advise the applicant whether the business and premises to be occupied meet the requirements of state law and city ordinances and any other applicable regulations.
(Prior code § 2122; Ord. 908 § 2, 1971)
Whenever it appears to the collector that an application for a business license involves a proposed business activity for which other permit or licensing requirements are applicable under local or state or federal laws, ordinances or regulations before such business activity could lawfully be conducted in the city or at the particular location proposed, or involves a proposed business activity which could not lawfully be conducted in the city or at the particular location proposed, the collector shall so inform the applicant, and ascertain whether, in view of such circumstances, the applicant desires to withdraw the application pending removal of the legal impediments, if such removal be possible. In the event the applicant nonetheless insists upon submitting the application, the collector shall accept the proffered tax payment, and issue a receipt therefor which shall contain language clearly stating that such receipt is not to be deemed in any way an official sanction for the conducting of the proposed business. Every person, corporation, partnership, or association issued a receipt under the provisions of this Section shall display such receipt in a prominent place in its business where it is clearly visible to all members of the public entering the premises.
(Prior code § 2123; Ord. 908 § 2, 1971; Ord. 1811 § 1, 2012; Ord. 1812 § 3, 2012)
Any license issued shall show the following:
The person to whom the license is issued;
Owner of the business;
The kind of business thereby licensed;
Name and location of such business;
The amount of the license tax;
The date of expiration of such license; and
Such other information as deemed necessary by the collector.
(Prior code § 2124; Ord. 908 § 2, 1971)
A duplicate license may be issued by the collector to replace any license previously issued hereunder which has been lost or destroyed, upon the licensee filing a sworn statement as to such fact, and at the time of filing such statement paying a fee of three dollars.
(Prior code § 2125; Ord. 908 § 2, 1971)
No license issued hereunder shall be transferable; provided, that where a license is issued for a business at a particular place, such licensee may upon application therefor and paying a fee of five dollars, have the license amended to cover the transacting and carrying on of such business under said license at some other location to which the business is or is to be moved.
(Prior code § 2126; Ord. 908 § 2, 1971)