As used in this chapter, "entertainments" mean every act, play, burlesque show, revue, pantomime scene, song and dance act, song rendition, music rendition, or other entertainment participated in by one or more persons which is performed, exhibited, shown or produced in any place within the city where alcoholic beverages as defined by the State Alcoholic Beverage Control Act are being sold or offered for sale for consumption on the premises.
(Prior code § 2010)
No person owning, operating, managing or otherwise controlling any place as defined in Section 5.08.010, shall conduct, sponsor or allow any entertainment at any time when the practice of employees soliciting or accepting drinks of alcoholic beverages from patrons is permitted.
(Prior code § 2011; Ord. 913 § 4, 1971)
No person owning, operating, managing or otherwise controlling any place as defined in Section 5.08.010, shall suffer or permit any entertainment to be conducted which is visible or plainly audible from any public street or sidewalk, except for such temporary periods not exceeding one minute when patrons are entering or exiting through a doorway, except as otherwise allowed by land use permit.
(Prior code § 2012; Ord. 913 § 4, 1971; Ord. 1284 § 1, 1987)
No person shall engage in personally soliciting trade on any public street or sidewalk at or near the entrance of a place with entertainment, nor shall any person owning, operating, managing or otherwise controlling any place as defined in Section 5.08.010, conduct, sponsor or allow any entertainment when such practice of soliciting business is engaged in or permitted.
(Prior code § 2013; Ord. 913 § 4, 1971)
No person owning, operating, managing or otherwise controlling any place as defined in Section 5.08.010, shall conduct, sponsor or allow any entertainment therein at any time when the regularly used doors thereto are not unlocked with free ingress and egress while patrons are in the establishment.
(Prior code § 2015; Ord. 913 § 4, 1971)
No person owning, operating, managing or otherwise controlling any place as defined in Section 5.08.010, shall conduct, sponsor or allow any entertainment therein between the hours of two a.m. and six a.m.
(Prior code § 2016; Ord. 913 § 4, 1971)