Every owner, keeper or proprietor of any lodging house, rooming house or hotel shall keep a register wherein he shall require all guests, roomers or lodgers to inscribe their names and addresses upon their procuring lodging or a room or accommodations.
(Prior code § 2021)
The register required in Section 5.24.010 shall also show the day of the month and year when said name was inscribed, and the room occupied or to be occupied by said lodger, or roomer or guest in such lodging house, rooming house or hotel.
(Prior code § 2022)
Said register shall at all times be open to inspection by the chief of police or any regular policeman of this city.
(Prior code § 2023)
Before furnishing any lodging for hire to any person in any lodging house, or before renting any room to any person in any rooming house, or before furnishing any accommodations to any guest at any hotel, the proprietor, manager or owner thereof, shall require the person to whom such lodgings are furnished, or room is rented, or accommodations furnished, to inscribe his name and address in such register kept for that purpose as hereinbefore provided, and shall set opposite said name the time when said name was so inscribed, and also the room occupied by such lodger, roomer or guest.
(Prior code § 2024)
Every person engaging or to whom there is furnished any room or accommodations at a lodging house, rooming house or hotel shall first sign the register and give the information as provided in the preceding sections.
(Prior code § 2025)
No person referred to in Section 5.24.050 shall write or allow to be written any other than his true name and address upon such registration; nor shall any person write thereon other than the true name and address of any other guest upon such registration.
(Prior code § 2026)