No person shall engage in the business of transporting passengers in a vehicle or vehicles over the streets of the city, where such passengers' trips originate from points within the city, whether any such vehicle used is a taxicab, bus, ambulance, limousine, automobile for hire, or other public transportation vehicle, unless such person operating such business or engaging therein is acting pursuant to a franchise, license, permit or contract to do so from the city council. This section shall also apply to any business carrying passengers from a principal point or points of origin outside the city but which regularly carries the passengers over the city streets as a major portion of the journey or journeys. This section shall not, however, be deemed applicable to any business of renting automobiles or other vehicles without drivers, nor to any passenger carrier operated by a public agency or entity or to any passenger carrier operating pursuant to express and specific permission granted by superior authorized agency such as the State Public Utilities Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission.
Before granting any license, permit, franchise, or contract to conduct a passenger-carrying business upon the streets of the city, the city council shall find and determine that the public convenience and necessity require the operation of the proposed new or increased passenger-carrying business. The council shall also determine that the applicant is of good moral character and financially responsible, has and will carry adequate insurance to protect the public, and will use and continue to use vehicles safe and adequate for the intended purposes. The council may grant any entitlement for a fixed term or on an indefinite time basis, and subject to conditions and requirements deemed necessary or desirable in the public interest. The conditions and requirements attached to any such entitlement shall be subject to periodic review, modification, addition or deletion at such times as the council may prescribe in such entitlement or at the time any periodic review, or at any time the council finds and determines such action to be necessary in the public interest after a change in circumstances.
Revocation or Suspension.
Any such license, permit, franchise, or contract to conduct a passenger-carrying business shall be subject to revocation or suspension by the city council after the holder thereof has been afforded opportunity for a due-process hearing, where the holder is found to have failed to maintain its operations up to standards prescribed herein or as conditions or requirements contained in or attached to the license, permit, franchise or contract.
Fares, Charges and Prices.
In any such franchise, license, permit or contract, or in the conditions or requirements attached thereto pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the holder thereof may, in the discretion of the city council, be required to file with the city manager a tariff or schedule of fares listing any and all fares, charges, fees, prices, costs and the like which are to be charged to members of the public during the course of business. If the city council requires the holder to file such tariff or schedule of fares with the city manager, the holder shall also file updated tariffs or schedules of fares as the holder modifies or revises same. The filing of such tariff or schedule of fares with the city manager shall be for informational purposes and holder who otherwise satisfies the requirements contained in this chapter shall not be required to obtain approval of its tariff or schedule prior to conducting a passenger carrier operation in the city.
City Fees.
Any person seeking any entitlement or taking any other action prescribed or provided for by or within this section shall pay any applicable fee which may have been prescribed by resolution of the city council.
Fare Posting.
In any such franchise, license, permit, or contract, or in the conditions or requirements attached thereto pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the holder thereof shall post its schedule of rates for public view. Said posting shall be provided via a twelve inch by eighteen inch sign on the passenger side of the vehicle either on a permanent sign on the side of the vehicle or on a temporary sign displayed in the window. Said posting shall list the "Flag Drop" and "Per Mile" rates, and shall be in letters not smaller than two inch in height. If the rates are provided via a sign in the window, said sign shall be displayed while on the taxicab stand and shall be removed prior to placing the vehicle in motion.
(Prior code § 6300; Ord. 914 § 5B, 1971; Ord. 1079 § 1, 1978; Ord. 1362 § 1, 1990; Ord. 1365 § 1, 1991)
No driver of any taxicab, automobile for hire or motorbus shall permit more persons to ride in the driver's compartment thereof than can be seated in the regular seats in said compartment, or permit any person to sit or stand at any place in or on said taxicab, automobile for hire or motor bus where such person obstructs the driver's view of traffic ahead or to either side.
(Prior code § 6367.1)
When a taxicab or automobile for hire is engaged, the occupants shall have the exclusive right to the full and complete use of the passenger compartment, and no owner or driver of said taxicab shall solicit or carry additional passengers therein.
(Prior code § 6368)
It is unlawful for any person to refuse to pay the legal fare of any of the vehicles mentioned in this chapter, after having hired the same.
(Prior code § 6369)
It is unlawful to charge, collect or receive any other or different compensation for the use of such taxicab or automobile for hire than that specified in the tariff or schedule of fares on file and at the time in effect.
(Prior code § 6396)
No person shall operate a taxicab vehicle in the city without first having obtained a city operator's permit from the business license collector pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Said permit shall be valid for a period of three years after the date of issuance unless earlier suspended or revoked.
The business license collector may issue an operator's permit to an applicant upon being furnished with an authenticated copy of an equivalent operator's permit issued by another governmental agency located in Riverside County if the business license collector determines that a satisfactory investigation of the applicant's qualifications has been made. Upon such determination, the investigation otherwise required by this chapter shall not be required.
(Ord. 1258 § 1, 1986)
A permittee, while operating a taxicab in the city, shall at all times be possessed of a current operator's permit, which permit shall be prominently displayed on the dashboard or sun visor.
The permittee shall surrender to the business license collector said current operator's permit forthwith when the permittee's affiliation with the fleet, company, or association indicated on the permit is terminated, or upon suspension or revocation of said permit.
The permittee shall not operate a taxicab unless said permittee has a valid California driver's license and such other licenses and permits as may be required by any governmental agency. If the permittee's driver's license or other required license or permit is at any time suspended or revoked, the permittee shall immediately notify the business license collector in writing of such suspension or revocation and shall surrender said operator's permit to the business license collected forthwith.
The permittee shall operate a taxicab only for the fleet, company, or association stated on the operator's permit. The operator's permit shall become immediately null and void upon termination of permittee's association with said fleet, company or association.
The issuance of an operator's permit shall not constitute a grant of authority to violate any provisions of this code, or of any other ordinances or regulations of the city or any other duly enacted law or regulation.
(Ord. 1258 § 1, 1986)
An applicant for an operator's permit shall file with the business license collector an approved application form which shall contain the following information:
Applicant's full name, address, and age;
Applicant's last two previous addresses;
Applicant's business, occupation, or employment for the three years immediately preceding the date of application;
A listing of all equivalent permits which have been issued to applicant by any governmental agency, including the name of each issuing governmental agency, the time period when each permit was in effect, and the reason for termination of each permit;
Applicant's height, weight, sex, and color of eyes and hair;
One portrait photograph of the applicant at least two inches by two inches and a complete set of applicant's fingerprints which shall be taken by the chief of police or his agent;
The number and expiration date of applicant's California driver's license and each and every other required license or permit, the endorsement of the owner of the fleet, company, or association for which applicant will be operating a taxicab;
All criminal convictions other than minor traffic violations, including dates of conviction, the charges leading to the conviction, and the court where the conviction was rendered; and
Authorization for the city, or its agents or employees, to seek information and conduct an investigation into the truth of the statements set forth in the application and the qualifications of the applicant.
The application shall be referred to the chief of police who shall conduct an investigation of the applicant, which investigation shall include verification of the information provided in the application and such other matters as are necessary for the public safety and well-being.
The operator's permit shall not authorize operation of a taxicab for any fleet, company, or association, except as therein shown.
The business license collector shall deny the application for operator's permit if it is found that:
Applicant is under the age of eighteen years;
Applicant does not possess a valid California driver's license;
Applicant has been convicted of reckless driving, driving under the influence of alcohol, or driving under the influence of a controlled substance, within three years preceding the date of application;
Applicant is unable to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the business license collector, applicant's ability to properly perform the work which applicant would be authorized to do by said permit, applicant's ability to communicate in English, applicant's ability to locate, with the aid of a street atlas, street addresses and intersections, and the ability to communicate points of interest;
Applicant has been convicted of or has pleaded guilty to two or more moving violations of state or city traffic vehicle laws within the year preceding the date of application or five such violations within the four years preceding the date of application; or
The character, reputation or moral integrity of applicant as it relates to the operation of a taxicab is found to be inimical to the public health, safety, or general welfare.
(Ord. 1258 § 1, 1986)
An operator's permit fee in an amount to be established from time to time by resolution of the city council shall be paid to the business license collector upon filing of the permit application.
(Ord. 1258 § 1, 1986)
The city council shall have the power to suspend for an appropriate period of time or revoke an operator's permit issued pursuant to this chapter if, after public hearing, it shall find that the permittee has made a false statement on his permit application, has committed an act in violation of this chapter, that there exists a state of facts which would have constituted good and sufficient reason to deny the issuance of an operator's permit when applied for, regardless of when such state of facts arose, or if the protection of the public peace, health, safety or general welfare requires such revocation or suspension.
When, in the opinion of the business license collector, a permittee becomes an immediate and significant threat to the public safety and welfare, the business license collector may summarily suspend said permittee's operator's permit for a period of time not to exceed sixty days. Upon such summary suspension, the business license collector shall forthwith bring the matter before the city council for public hearing at its next regularly scheduled session. The city council shall, for good cause shown, have the power to remove the summary suspension, increase suspension for an appropriate period of time, or revoke the permittee's operator's permit.
All notices of public hearing pursuant to this section shall be served on the permittee and on the fleet, company or association shown on the operator's permit, by personal service or by certified mail.
(Ord. 1258 § 1, 1986)
The city council finds that regulations governing the operation of horse drawn carriages for hire in urban areas are necessary in order to protect the safety and well being of horses, as well as to protect the safety of passengers and the public from traffic hazards created by these vehicles.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
Unless it appears from the context that a different meaning is intended, the following words, as used in this chapter, shall have the following meaning:
means a device upon which any person may ride, propelled by horse power, constructed in such a manner, and authorized pursuant to this chapter, to engage in the business of carrying passengers for hire along a route of travel.
"City manager"
means the city manager of the city of Palm Springs, or his/her representative.
means and includes every person who drives, operates, controls or is in charge of any horse-drawn carriage as defined by this chapter.
means any animal of the genus equus.
"Horse-drawn carriage permit" or "permit"
means the permit issued by the city manager authorizing operation of a horse-drawn carriage pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
"Permit" or "carriage permit"
means the written authority by city and evidence by the issuance of a document and/or decal granting a person the right to operate a horse-drawn carriage upon any public right-of-way within the city as provided in this chapter.
means any person to whom a horse-drawn carriage permit is issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
means a natural person, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, and also includes a firm, partnership or corporation, its or their successors or assigns, or the agent of any of the aforesaid.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
No person shall drive, operate or cause to be operated, nor shall any person employ, permit or allow another to drive, operate or cause to be operated by way of lease, contract, agreement permit, license or understanding, a horsedrawn carriage upon any public right-of-way within the city without a permit first having been obtained as provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
Any person desiring a permit to operate a horse-drawn carriage as provided by this chapter shall file an application therefor with the city manager. Such application shall be verified by oath of the applicant, if applicant is a corporation, partnership, association or unincorporated company, and which application shall set forth the name and address of the applicant, if a natural person; or if a corporation, its name, date and place of incorporation, address of its principal place of business and the names of all its officers, together with their respective addresses; or if a partnership, association or unincorporated company, then the names of the partners comprising the partnership, association or company, together with their respective ages and addresses. The application shall also state the trade name or style, if any, under which the applicant proposes to operate, full information pertaining to operations and the manner in which such proposed operations are to be conducted, the type, model, capacity and condition of the horse-drawn carriage proposed to be operated, and such other or additional information as the city manager may require.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
The city manager shall, upon receipt of the application, make full and complete inquiry into the facts set forth therein and shall either grant or deny a permit upon the proposed terms, or upon terms other than those proposed. The permit shall be for a specified number of vehicles and horses which may be increased only by action of the city manager, be for a six month period; provided, that in either event, the permit shall contain a clause authorizing its revocation or suspension in accordance with the ordinances of the city either in effect at the date of granting the permit or thereafter adopted. When issued, the permit shall constitute evidence of compliance with the terms of this chapter and shall authorize the permittee to operate a horse-drawn carriage under the conditions there specified; subject, however, to the requirements, obligations and limitations imposed by other applicable laws, ordinances, and orders of the city council, and shall become effective when approved by the city manager.
The city manager shall issue a permit when all of the following conditions listed below are met:
The proposed carriage route and time of operation will not substantially interrupt public transportation or other vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the area.
The carriage route will not cause an unreasonable conflict with construction or development in the public rightof-way or at a public facility.
The safe operation of the carriage on the route will not require a great number of police employees for enforcement.
The operation of the carriage will not unduly interfere with the movement of police, fire, ambulance and other emergency vehicles on the streets.
The proposed carriage route will not substantially interfere with any other carriage route for which a permit has already been granted.
The operation of the carriage route will not have an unmitigable adverse impact upon residential or business access and traffic circulation In the same general venue.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
A nonrefundable application fee to defray the cost of processing the application for a permit under this chapter shall be required to be paid by every applicant seeking such a permit.
Additionally, a permit fee shall be required to be paid by each applicant whose application for a permit has been granted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, to defray a proportionate share of the costs of administering this permit.
The city manager is authorized to establish the initial amount of the application and permit fees which amount shall not exceed the actual cost of processing the application and administering the permit. Subsequently, such fees shall be ratified and set by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
A business license shall be obtained and the fee therefor shall be paid as prescribed by the business license provision of this code by every person to whom a horse-drawn carriage permit has been granted pursuant to this chapter.
No permittee under this chapter shall operate or permit operation of any horse-drawn carriage in violation of this chapter or of the permit issued pursuant to this chapter.
No person granted a permit under this chapter shall conduct any operation or give any service other than the service authorized by the permit granted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
Every horse-drawn carriage operated pursuant to these provisions shall have displayed thereon its permit/decal in the manner and form as may be prescribed by the city manager.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
Every person conducting the business of horse-drawn carriages in the city and any person driving such a carriage for such a business shall comply with each and all of the following provisions and restrictions.
Carriages shall be kept in good working order and maintained in a clean and attractive manner.
All carriages will have no less than one and one-fourth inch spoked wheels with a rubber covering thick enough to protect the streets from damage and to keep noise to a minimum.
Warning taillights shall be mounted at the rear of the carriage and shall be operated in a flashing mode continuously while the carriage is in traffic and shall conform to all applicable requirements of the California Vehicle Code.
All carriages shall be fitted with reflected decals on both shafts of the carriage at the shoulder of the horse.
All carriages must have its rated seating capacity posted on the vehicle.
Carriages shall not ferry more people than the carriage was designed to hold.
No one other than the driver, a company employee or apprentice may sit in the driver's seat.
All carriages shall have their rates or other charges for hire posted in a clear and conspicuous manner, free from obstruction and clearly visible to the public.
A "Slow Moving Vehicle" emblem shall be attached to the rear of the carriage.
No horse-drawn carriage shall display advertising on its exterior or in its interior.
Carriages must have sufficient steel in them to cause them to actuate traffic signal detector loops.
All carriages shall be equipped with a horn or warning device which shall be in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than 40 feet, but no horn shall emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound.
Carriages/animals shall be fitted to be able to immediately remove any and all horse droppings from the streets or public rights-of-way, or to prevent such droppings on the streets and public rights-of-way.
Carriages shall not travel at a speed faster than a slow trot.
Each carriage shall be equipped with hydraulic brakes capable of stopping the carriage and adjusted so as to provide equal braking to each wheel without locking.
Carriages should be equipped with a fifth wheel or cut under turning mechanisms on the front axle.
No horse may be used to draw a carriage unless the animal is in good health.
No horse shall be used to draw a carriage unless the animal has been acclimatized to the conditions (i.e., sights, sounds, movement, etc.) inherent in the intended job.
The horse may not have any open sores or wounds, nor may such horse be lame or have any other ailments, unless the driver has in the driver's possession a written statement by a veterinarian that the horse is fit for such work, notwithstanding such condition.
The hooves of the horses must be properly shod, utilizing rubber shoes or pads to prevent concussion injures.
The horses must be properly cleaned, with no offensive odors or caked dirt or mud.
No horse shall be used if that horse is demonstrating any signs of exhaustion.
No bit, harness, tack, blanket, piece of equipment or tool shall be used upon a horse unless that item is appropriately clean, safe for use and, if applicable, properly fits the animal.
No horse shall work more than eight consecutive hours or ten hours with a one and one-half hour break, disconnected from the carriage, in a twenty-four-hour period.
No horse shall work more than six days in a seven day period.
All horses used in the business shall be at all times treated in a humane manner.
Operators and Drivers.
No person under the age of eighteen years shall drive a horse-drawn carriage.
No person shall operate a horse-drawn carriage while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs.
Every person operating a horse-drawn carriage must speak, read and write the English language.
Every person operating a horse-drawn carriage shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of this code and the Vehicle Code of the state of California.
Each driver must present a statement that the driver is free of defective vision and hearing, not subject to epilepsy, vertigo, heart disease, or other infirmities which may substantially impair the ability to safely operate a vehicle.
Each driver must demonstrate his or her ability to drive and care for the horse and equipment.
Each driver must have his or her valid driver's license in his or her possession while operating a carriage.
Drivers are prohibited from smoking, eating or wearing head phones while the carriage is in motion for optimum safety and control of the horse and carriage.
No driver shall abandon his or her carriage, permit another to drive the carriage, except an apprentice, or permit any passenger to ride on the driver's seat.
No person shall operate a horse-drawn carriage in any manner which impedes or blocks the normal or reasonable movement of pedestrian or vehicular traffic unless such operation is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law.
No person shall operate a horse-drawn carriage over any route not designated in the permit for the operation of such horse-drawn carriage.
Whenever a horse-drawn carriage is not available for hire, said horse-drawn carriage shall be stored at a place in a manner as approved by the city.
There should be no operation along any street which is configured so as to force motor vehicles to cross a centerline or make any other unsafe maneuver in order to get around a slow-moving carriage.
Horse-and-carriage standing areas (while awaiting a fare) must be in a location which does not impede free flow of motor vehicles and/or access to designated parking stalls as approved by the city as a part of the permit application process.
When operating on a multi-lane street, carriage shall keep to the right as far as possible except when preparing for a left turn.
Carriages shall not operate in any other manner not specifically addressed herein which is judged by the city's traffic engineer to be unduly hazardous or congestive in its effects. The city's traffic engineer reserves the right to impose upon a carriage operator at any time any specific restrictions deemed necessary in the interest of public safety or welfare.
Carriages shall observe specifically prescribed non-operating hours in specific zones or on specific streets.
Horse drop-off location and storage/housing facilities, including parking for hauling vehicles and horse trailers, as well as all proposed routes and hours of operation, must be approved by the city as a part of the permit application process.
The driver of a carriage shall not stop such vehicle upon any public street for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers other than at a designated horse-drawn carriage stand, other than in the case of an emergency, or by special permit issued pursuant to this chapter.
Carriages shall, to the extent possible, make right turn movements onto any street if at the point of entry which is controlled by a stop sign. Crossing movements and left turns should generally be made at signalized intersections.
The city manager is authorized to establish set hours of operation for horse-drawn carriages if in the determination of the city manager such hours are reasonably necessary for the preservation of health, safety or property.
Special charter trips may travel on different routes and/or pick up or drop off passengers at locations other than those established by this chapter if a special permit is obtained in addition to a regular carriage permit. There shall be a separate fee of twenty-five dollars charge for application processing of a special event carriage permit.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
At all times permittee shall indemnify, keep indemnified, save harmless, and defend the city, its officers, agents and employees from and against any injury, loss, damage, liability, claim and expense of any kind which the city or any of its officers, agents and employees may sustain, incur or pay and from all actions which may be connected with any of the operations of permittee.
Permittee shall procure and maintain at its cost, during the term of the permit and any renewals thereof, from an insurer admitted in California or having a minimum rating of or equivalent to A:VIII in Best's Key Rating Guide, comprehensive general liability insurance, endorsed to cover the use of all horse-drawn carriages operated pursuant to the permit, with a combined single limit of at least one million dollars for each occurrence or two million dollars general aggregate. The city, its officials, employees and agents shall be covered as additional insureds with respect to liability arising from the operations of the permittee. Said insurance shall be primary insurance with respect to the city and shall contain an endorsement requiring thirty days prior written notice from insurers to the city and permittee before cancellation or change of coverage.
Permittee shall file certificates of insurance and original endorsements containing the original signature of a person authorized by the insurer to bind coverage on its behalf and evidencing the coverage required herein for approval as to sufficiency and form prior to the start of operations pursuant to the permit. The city reserves the right to require complete certified copies of all policies at any time.
Said insurance may provide for such deductibles or self-insured retention as may be acceptable to the city's risk manager. In the event such insurance does provide for deductibles or self-insured retention, permittee shall fully protect the city, its officials and employees in the same manner and to the same extent as they would have been protected had the policy not contained a deductible or retention provisions.
Insurance required herein shall not be deemed to limit permittee's liability under this chapter. Any modification or waiver of these insurance requirements shall only be made with the written approval of the city's risk manager.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
Each company shall conduct regular safety inspections of their carriages. No vehicle shall be allowed into service that has lights, brakes or other safety features that are inoperable. Each company that has been issued a permit under this chapter shall at all times allow the city complete access to any horse or carriage for the purposes of inspection. Any carriage found to be unfit for operation upon inspection shall be removed from service.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter, or of any permit issued under this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 1622 § 2, 2003)
Signs and Markings on Vehicles.
All taxicabs operated under the provisions of this chapter, when situated or operated upon the streets of the city, shall have a sign attached to or printed upon such vehicle reading "Taxi" or "Cab," and if desired such signs as may designate the trade name under which such vehicle is operated; provided, however, that it shall be unlawful for the operator of any such vehicle for hire operated under the provisions of this chapter to permit any other signs, either painted or attached to such vehicle, to be displayed thereon except as permitted or required by this chapter.
Advertising Material Permitted on Certain Vehicles.
The operators of taxicabs shall be permitted to display advertising material on taxicabs and make a charge for such space, provided that such advertising matter shall be displayed only by one of the following methods:
In the rear window of such taxicab.
All rear window advertising shall be digital output graphic printed on high performance perforated vinyl and shall not exceed the size of the existing rear window.
Rear window advertising shall not interfere with the vision of the driver operating the vehicle.
In an A-shape frame or holder on the roof of such taxicab which may be illuminated to display the advertising material contained herein. Such frame or holder and any permanent sign contained therein shall be noise-free and shall not protrude over the front or back edges of the taxicab roofline which is the point where the roof, windshield and rear windows of the vehicle are joined.
If an ad carrier replaces the top light of a taxicab, the ad carrier shall have two amber cheater lights that illuminate when the taximeter is turned on.
The name of the taxi company shall be printed in letters at least two inches in size on both ends of the ad carrier.
The ad carriers shall illuminate when the headlights are turned on.
Signs which have changing messages, rotate, move, flash, reflect, blink, or appear to do any of the foregoing shall be prohibited.
An emergency display light (bandit light) shall be installed on the ad carrier and shall illuminate green in color so as not to confuse it as a meter light.
The ad carrier shall not exceed fifty-six inches in length, nineteen inches in width, and seventeen inches in height extending from the roof of the taxi.
The ad carrier's base mount shall be attached by bolts or rivets securing the ad carrier, preventing the ad carrier from becoming dislodged.
Ad carriers may use either a fluorescent light or incandescent lamp.
The ad poster shall be a digital output graphic on translucent vinyl.
The cover of the ad carrier shall be made of the industry standard plastic as used in taxi top lights.
Taxi signs may become subject to any franchise or other subsequently adopted ordinance that is applicable, including any new fees.
Compliance With Section—Nuisance—Abatement.
Upon discovering the existence of a taxicab sign that does not comply with the above stated limitations, the building and safety manager shall have the authority to order the immediate abatement and removal thereof. The building and safety manager shall notify the owner thereof, or the owner's representative, in person or by mailing an abatement notice to the owner's last known address. Such notice shall state the time limit, if any, granted for removal of the sign and a statement that the owner may request a hearing to appeal the abatement and removal by submitting a written request.
Any hearing to appeal an abatement order which is requested shall be conducted within thirty days of the receipt of the request by the administrative appeals board. The failure of either the owner or his agent to request a hearing shall waive the right to a hearing. At the hearing, the administrative appeals board shall determine whether good cause was shown for the abatement of the sign. The written decision of the administrative appeals board shall be deemed the final administrative determination.
(Ord. 1661 § 1, 2004; Ord. 1662 § 1, 2004)