That certain document, a copy of which is on file in the office of the city clerk of the city, being marked and designated as "Ordinance No. 712, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Regulating the Collection, Transportation and Removal of Liquid Wastes and Animal By Products" and all appendices, tables and indices thereto, including the provisions of a document entitled "Resolution No. 91-474, Establishing Standards Governing the Construction and Provision of Portable Toilet Facilities Under Ordinance No. 712," is adopted and incorporated herein as if fully set out at length herein, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the city, except as herein provided, pursuant to the provisions of Section 50022.1 et seq. of the California Government Code.
(Ord. 1420 § 1, 1992)
The code adopted by Section 6.05.010 by reference is amended by the following additions and amendments:
Section 3(A)(1)(c) is to read as follows:
The permittee shall be required to conduct testing of all waste to include at least a pH analysis of each load accepted. Waste with a pH less than or equal to 5.5, or greater than or equal to 9.0 is considered a hazardous waste and shall not be handled by permittees unless a valid permit for hazardous materials collection has been secured from the California State Department of Health Services.
Section 9 relating to reservation of the county's right to manage waste stream is repealed.
(Ord. 1420 § 3, 1992)
The city reserves the authority to supersede those rules, regulations and ordinances adopted by Sections 6.05.010 and 6.05.020 by additional existing or future city ordinances and/or resolutions.
(Ord. 1420 § 6, 1992)