The purpose of this Title is to:
Establish procedures for the procurement of Supplies, Services, and construction of Public Projects, including requirements and procedures for competitive bidding and identification of exceptions to competitive bidding requirements, such as sole source Contracts and Contracts undertaken in response to emergency situations, as recorded in Section 913 of the City Charter;
Set forth rules and regulations governing the contracting for, purchasing, storing, distribution, or disposal of all supplies, materials and equipment required by any office or department of the city government as provided in Section 403 of the City Charter;
Clearly define the authority for the procurement function including signatory authority for Purchase Orders and Contracts which bind the City for the acquisition of equipment, Supplies, labor or Services within the budget approved by the City Council and within the monetary limits established by the City Council; as provided in Section 318 the City Charter;
Establish standards or pre-qualifications for the screening of Contractors or providers of Supplies and Services by a pre-qualification process as provided in Section 913 of the City Charter;
Provide a method for the sale or exchange of personal property not needed in City service or not fit for the purpose for which intended and for the conveyance of title thereto, as authorized in Section 318 of the City Charter;
Simplify, clarify, centralize, and modernize the ordinance governing procurement and contracting by the City;
Streamline the procurement process by establishing electronic transfer of procurement information authorizing and identifying electronic methods of procurement as preferred when lawful and practicable;
Permit the continued development of procurement policies and practices;
Ensure the fair and equitable treatment of all persons who deal with the procurement system of the City;
Provide increased economy in city procurement activities and maximize to the fullest extent practicable the purchasing value of public monies of the City;
Foster effective broad-based competition within the free enterprise system;
Provide safeguards for the maintenance of a procurement system of quality and integrity;
Obtain in a cost-effective and responsive manner the materials, services and construction required by City departments in order for those departments to better serve the City's businesses and residents.
(Ord. 1605 § 1, 2002; Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)
General Application.
This Title applies only to Purchase Orders and Contracts solicited or entered into after the effective date of this ordinance.
Compliance with Federal Requirements.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Title, federal and state law and any special conditions pertaining to state and federal grants received by the City that will fund a portion or all of a Procurement may supersede and/or supplement the provisions of this Title. In particular, the City shall ensure all Procurement funded in part or in whole with certain federal funding shall comply with those requirements contained in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 2 "Grants and Agreements," Subtitle A, Chapter II, Part 200, Subpart D "Post Federal Award Requirements," or its successor regulation as may be amended from time to time.
Compliance with California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting.
Pursuant to and in accordance with Resolution No. 20249 adopted December 19, 2001, the City Council adopted the Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act set forth in Public Contract Code section 22000 et seq. (the "Act") with respect to awarding Contracts or through Force Account to perform Public Projects, as amended in this Title. In accordance with the Act, the City may utilize the Act's procedures when contracting for Public Projects, or in its sole discretion, when contracting for Maintenance Work, or for any other work that is not otherwise considered a Public Project. The City reserves the right to use such other more restrictive procedures as required in this Title or may be adopted by the City from time to time.
Application to City Procurement and Contracting.
This Title shall apply to every expenditure of public funds irrespective of their source, including federal assistance monies, (except as otherwise specified in subsection (2) of this section) by this City, under any Contract, except that this Title shall not apply to those exemptions specified in Section 7.01.030. It shall also apply to disposal of City property.
(Ord. 1605 § 1, 2002; Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)
The provisions of this Title are not applicable to:
Contracts for professional witnesses if the purpose of such Contracts are to provide for Professional Services or testimony relating to an existing or probable judicial proceeding in which the City is or may become a party to contracts for special investigative services for law enforcement purposes;
Contracts for special investigative services for law enforcement purposes;
Agreements negotiated by the City Attorney or risk manager in settlement of a dispute, claim or litigation or threatened litigation;
Agreements negotiated by the City Attorney regarding worker's compensation payments for medical and related expenses;
Contracts for the purchase of works of fine art and performing art entertainment;
The award of financial participation agreements; owner participation agreements; disposition and development agreements; development agreements; real estate purchase or lease agreements; covenants; easements; encroachment agreements; memoranda of understanding; or other similar agreements. Such Contracts shall be awarded in accordance with applicable legal requirements and/or administrative directives of the City;
Procurement of miscellaneous books, magazines, newspapers, subscriptions, on-line library reference services, film, videos and assorted materials for library customer check-out purposes for which Contracts by competitive bid solicitation are not practicable, or which are exempted from competitive bidding pursuant to applicable laws;
Intergovernmental payments, purchases and agreements;
Public utility purchases of water, power and related services when no competition is available;
Specialized public employee recruitment services, seminar, training and educational classes;
Magazine and media advertisement;
Contracts for election services;
Contracts for Legal Services which shall be developed consistent with the Palm Springs City Charter, Section 407; or
Contracts for employment and public employee labor agreements.
(Ord. 1605 § 1, 2002; Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)
As used in this Title the following terms have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof:
"Awarding authority"
means the City Council, the City Manager or the City Manager's designee who has been given Signature Authority to approve Procurements under this Title.
means an offer or Proposal submitted by a Bidder setting forth the price for the City's procurement of Supplies, Services, or for construction of Public Projects, on bid or price forms issued by the City. A Bid includes a Proposal received from a Bidder pursuant to a RFP.
means any person or Business submitting a Bid or Proposal to the City in response to an IFB, NIB, or RFP issued by the City.
means a corporation, partnership, individual, sole proprietorship, joint stock company, joint venture, or any other private legal entity.
"Change order"
means any City-issued written document used to amend a Purchase Order or to amend an existing Contract authorizing changes within the scope of work, additions or deletions to the work, an adjustment to the price, or changes to any other terms and conditions of the Contract.
means the City of Palm Springs.
"City Attorney"
means the City Attorney of the City as appointed by the City Council.
"City Engineer"
means the City Engineer of the City as appointed by the City Manager.
"City Manager"
means the City Manager of the City as appointed by the City Council, or the designee of the City Manager who shall be an Assistant City Manager, Department Head, or an independent third-party hearing officer.
"Coachella Valley"
means the area between the Salton Sea on the south, the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa Mountains on the west, and the Little San Bernardino Mountains on the east and north. For the purposes of this definition, "Coachella Valley" includes the cities of Beaumont and Banning and the unincorporated areas between Banning and the City of Palm Springs.
means the process of building, altering, repairing, improving, or demolishing any public structure or building, or other public improvements of any kind to any public real property, but excluding the routine operation, routine repair, or routine maintenance of existing structures, buildings or real property.
means any type of legally recognized City agreement, including executed Purchase Orders, for the Procurement of Supplies, Services, or for construction of Public Projects, including without limitation an award of a grant or a Real Property Agreement. Any Contract shall include terms and conditions applicable to the Procurement as required by the City Attorney.
"Contract administrator"
means the Department Head or other City employee designated by the City Manager to administer a Contract between the City and a Contractor and oversee and monitor the Contractor's performance under the terms of the Contract.
means any person or Business having a Contract or Purchase Order with the City. For the purpose of this Title, the term "Contractor" includes any person or Business who is a party to a Real Property Agreement as defined in this section.
means recorded information regardless of form or characteristic.
means a project delivery method in which the City enters into a single Contract for both the design and construction of a Public Project pursuant to a competitive negotiation process. Design-Build includes Public Projects where in addition to design and construction, other functions may be incorporated, including, but not limited to, financing, operating and/or maintenance.
means the City Manager or the City Manager's designee.
"Domestic partner"
shall mean any person who has a currently registered domestic partnership with a governmental body pursuant to State or local law authorizing such registration.
means an individual drawing a salary or wages from the City, whether elected or not; any non-compensated individual performing personal services for the City or any department, commission, council, board, or any other entity established by the City; and any non-compensated individual serving as an elected official of the City.
means any plant, building, structure, ground facility, utility system, real property, streets and highways, or other Public Project improvement.
"Field order"
means an administrative change to the scope of a Contract for a Public Project when a line item allowance for Field Orders has been included in the Bid.
"Force account"
means Services performed by, or Public Projects constructed by, Employees.
"General services"
means the furnishing of labor, time, or effort by a Contractor for non-Professional Services as the City may, from time to time, find necessary and proper for the functioning of the City.
"Invitation for bids"
(IFB) means all documents, whether attached or incorporated by reference, utilized for soliciting Bids for Services, including Maintenance Work, or for construction of Public Projects, and may also mean a Notice Inviting Bids (NIB).
"Legal services"
means professional expert and consultant services in connection with existing and anticipated litigation and/or claim defense or prosecution, and other such related matters, including, but not limited to, expert witnesses, arbitrators, mediators, court transcripts court reporters, process servers, private investigators, court filing and messenger services and other legal support services, all as may be required by and through the City Attorney at the direction of the City Council.
"Local business"
means a person or Business who has a valid physical business address located within the Coachella Valley, at least six months prior to bid or proposal opening date, from which the person or Business operates or performs business on a day-to-day basis, and holds a valid business license by a jurisdiction located in the Coachella Valley. Post office boxes are not verifiable and shall not be used for the purpose of establishing such physical address.
"Maintenance work"
has the same meaning as contained in Public Contract Code section 22002, as amended.
"National origin"
shall mean place of origin, immigration status, cultural or linguistic characteristics, or ethnicity.
means the buying, purchasing, renting, leasing, or otherwise acquiring of any Supplies, Services, or for construction of Public Projects. It also includes all functions that pertain to the obtaining of any Supplies, Services, or for construction of Public Projects, including description of requirements, selection, and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of Contract, and all phases of Contract administration.
"Professional services"
means services provided by a person or Business engaged in a profession based on a generally recognized special knowledge, skill, license, and/or certification to perform the work. This includes the services of architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, environmental, land surveying, appraisal, construction project management, financial or other professional services, including but not limited to those defined by Government Code sections 4525 and 4526 as professional services.
means real or personal property assets.
means either: (1) an offer submitted by a Bidder in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP), where selection for award is based on criteria specified in the RFP documents; or (2) a Bid submitted in response to an Invitation for Bids (IFB) or Notice Inviting Bids (NIB) pursuant to a RFQ/RFP Process. All elements of a Bidder's proposal are subject to negotiations.
"Public entity"
means a governmental entity such as a country, state, city, district, county or any other organization created by the state as a separate legal public entity.
"Public project"
has the same meaning as contained in Public Contract Code section 22002, as amended, which defines a "Public Project" as:
Construction, reconstruction, erection, alteration, renovation, improvement, demolition, and repair work involving any publicly-owned, leased, or operated facility;
Painting or repainting of any publicly owned, leased or operated facility;
In the case of a publicly owned utility system, the construction erection, improvement or repair of dams, reservoirs, powerplants, and electrical transmission lines of two hundred thirty thousand volts and higher;
Public Project does not include Maintenance Work.
"Purchase order"
means a City-issued document with any necessary terms and conditions, which authorizes the Procurement of Supplies or Services, or for construction of Public Projects, pursuant to a Contract at a stated price and encumbers City funds for the payment therefor.
"Purchase requisition"
means a written request prepared on the applicable City forms or via the City's online Procurement management system and submitted by the Using Department to the Director identifying the specific Procurement, including the items, cost, funds budgeted for the Procurement, and associated documentation, including Awarding Authority's approval, supporting the issuance of a Purchase Order for such Procurement.
"Real property agreement"
means any agreement for the sale, lease, or use of real property owned by or in the lawful possession of the City, including without limitation concessions, franchises, and easements.
"Request for proposals"
(RFP) means a document that solicits persons or Businesses to submit a Proposal to perform the scope of work associated with a proposed project. Cost is not the sole basis for selection in the RFP; other qualifications including experience, turnaround time and approach to work are important factors when evaluating Proposals.
"Request for qualifications"
(RFQ) means a document that solicits persons or Businesses to submit information about their qualifications and capabilities to perform the type of work associated with a proposed project, often called "Statements of Qualifications" or "SOQ". The preparation of the RFQ generally does not require specific project knowledge or scope. The RFQ may be used as a pre-qualification step to receiving a RFP. If a RFQ is issued, only those persons or Businesses who successfully respond to the RFQ and meet the qualification criteria stated in the RFQ will be included in the subsequent RFP process.
"Responsible bidder"
means a bidder who has demonstrated the attribute of trustworthiness, as well as quality, fitness, capacity, and experience to satisfactorily perform the public works contract.
"Responsive bid"
means a Bid or Proposal submitted to the City that conforms in all material respects to the IFB, NIB, or RFP, without material qualification or exceptions, as determined by the City.
means the furnishing of labor, time, or effort by a Contractor. Services includes Maintenance Work, General Services, and Professional Services, unless otherwise designated.
"Signature authority"
means the level of authorization by which the City Council has delegated to the City Manager, or such other designee, pursuant to this Title, to approve Contracts or Purchase Orders without the prior approval of the City Council.
shall mean the City's process to obtain Bids or Proposals as provided in this Title for the purchase of Supplies, Services, or for construction of Public Projects.
means any City-issued or referenced definite, detailed written description of the physical or functional characteristics or of the nature of the Supplies to be furnished, the Services to be performed, or the construction to be performed on a Public Project. Specifications may include a description of any requirement for inspection, testing or preparing a Supply, Service or for construction of a Public Project, including the work to be done and materials to be used under a Contract with the City, which specifies the composition, construction, dimension, durability, efficiency, form, nature, performance characteristics and standards, quality, shape, texture, type and utility of the Supplies, Services or Public Project desired by the City. Specifications shall promote overall economy for the purposes intended and encourage competition in satisfying the City's needs.
shall mean an agreement to: (i) provide Supplies and/or Services, including construction labor, materials or equipment, to a Contractor, if such Supplies or Services are procured or used in the fulfillment of the Contractor's obligations arising from a Contract with the City; or (ii) to transfer the right to occupy or use all or a portion of a real property interest subject to a property contract to a subcontractor and pursuant to which the Contractor remains obligated under the property contract.
means any person or Business who enters into a Subcontract with a Contractor. Such term shall include any person or Business who enters into an agreement with any Subcontractor for the performance of 10 percent or more of any Subcontract.
means any and all articles, things, goods, equipment, commodities, or property, other than real property, furnished to be used by the City.
"Surplus property"
means personal property no longer needed by City departments for their operations, obsolete property, property in poor or non-working condition, or property that is a by-product (e.g., scrap metal, used tires, and oil, etc.).
"Surplus real property"
means real property that the City Council has made a determination in accordance with applicable law is no longer needed for City use and has made a declaration of finding that it is surplus.
"Using department"
means any City department, division, commission, board, or public agency of the City requiring Supplies, Services, or construction of a Public Project procured pursuant to this Title.
"Written" or "in writing"
means the product of any method of forming characters on paper, other materials, or viewable screen, which can be read, retrieved, and reproduced, including information that is electronically transmitted and stored.
(Ord. 1605 § 1, 2002; Ord. 1668 § 1, 2005; Ord. 1756 § 1, 2009; Ord. 1896 § 1, 206; Ord. 1920 § 4, 2017; Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)
Procurement information shall be a public record to the extent provided in the Public Records Act (Government Code section 6250 et seq.) and shall be available to the public as provided in the Public Records Act. The City may charge a reasonable fee for copying records.
Retention of Procurement Records.
All procurement records shall be retained and disposed of by the City in accordance with records retention guidelines and schedules approved by the City Council and as required by the Public Records Act. Procurements may be conducted through electronic communication; however, records of the transaction shall be maintained in a retrievable manner. The city clerk's office shall retain the original copy of all Contracts.
Request for Confidentiality.
Requests for confidentiality of proprietary information provided in response to a Solicitation may be honored after the City determines that the material so requested conforms to the exceptions recognized in the Public Records Act and the case law interpreting its provisions.
(Ord. 1605 § 1, 2002; Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)