Note: Prior ordinance history: Ord. 1605.
Method Determined by Cost Estimate.
The procedure to be followed in awarding Contracts or Purchase Orders is determined initially by the estimated cost to the City of the Supplies or Services.
No Division of Procurements.
The Procurement of Supplies or Services shall not be knowingly staged or separated into smaller units or segments solely for the purpose of evading the competitive bidding requirements of this Title.
Cancellation of Solicitation.
A solicitation may be canceled up until the opening of Bids by the Director, when cancellation or rejection is in the best interests of the City. The reasons therefor shall be made part of the Contract file.
Use of Electronic Means.
Consistent with the stated policy of promoting efficient public Contract law, consistent with the best of modern practice and research, and pursuant to the authority granted by Public Contract Code sections 1600 and 1601, the Director shall be authorized to utilize electronic means in the Procurement of Supplies and Services, so long as the purpose and intent of applicable state law, this chapter, and any supplemental rules or regulations are met.
Without limiting the nature of the foregoing, the City may utilize online bidding and selling methods, electronic signature in accordance with applicable state, local and federal law, and electronic mail for delivery of notices when "mailed" notice is required herein. For purposes of this Title, "supporting materials", as defined in Public Contract Code section 1601, shall be deemed to also include security bonds, which the City may, in its sole and absolute discretion, allow to be submitted electronically, consistent with any supplemental regulations, adopted in accordance with this Title, implementing the submission of electronic security bonds. Whenever "sealed" Bids or Proposals are called for, any electronic means may be used so long as such electronic means provide for the secured submission of the required data. Whenever Bids are required to be "opened", such Bids shall be deemed "opened" if and when they are made available to both the City and the public simultaneously, in a public setting, including, without limitation, by way of making such Bids available in an electronic format that is readable by the public. If provisions of this section are in conflict with any other resolution or ordinance of the City, this section shall prevail.
Use of Purchase Requisitions and Purchase Orders.
The Director shall prepare administrative policies and procedures controlling the implementation of each Procurement approved pursuant to this Chapter through the use of a Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order. Each Procurement may only be approved after issuance of a Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order approved by the Director, unless otherwise exempt pursuant to applicable supplemental regulations.
(Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)
The purchasing authority applicable for the Procurement of Supplies and Services shall be established as follows:
Signature Authority of the City Manager.
The City Manager may approve Purchase Orders or enter into Contracts for Supplies and Services in an amount not to exceed $75,000. The City Manager may further delegate Signature Authority to other City employees as the City Manager deems appropriate not to exceed the Signature Authority set forth by the City Council herein.
The City Manager may approve Purchase Orders or enter into Contracts for Legal Services required by the City Attorney where Legal Services will be performed under separate Contract directly with the City outside of and separate from the City's agreement for Legal Services with its City Attorney, and where the cost for Legal Services is within the budget previously appropriated by the City Council. The City Attorney shall provide the City Council with regular updates on all matters requiring Legal Services and the costs associated therewith.
Authority of the City Council.
The City Council shall approve Purchase Orders and Contracts for Supplies and Services that exceed $75,000, unless such approval is otherwise delegated to the City Manager pursuant to separate action by the City Council. The City Council may also, from time to time, change the City Manager's Signature Authority established pursuant to Section 7.03.020(1) by adoption of a resolution setting forth the revised amount of the City Manager's Signature Authority as authorized by this section 7.03.020(2).
(Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)
The total estimated cost of Supplies or Services determines the Procurement process that must be followed, as described below:
Supplies, Maintenance Work, and General Services.
$10,000 or less: by negotiated Contract.
$10,000.01 $75,000: by the Informal Process.
Over $75,000: by the Formal Process.
The City Council may from time to time revise the amounts identified herein setting forth the Procurement process for Supplies, Maintenance Work, and General Services by adoption of a resolution identifying the revised amounts therefor.
Professional Services.
Up to $75,000: may be procured by the Informal Quote Process.
Over $75,000: by the Formal Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and/or Request for Proposals (RFP) Process.
(Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)
Soliciting Informal Bids.
The Director shall cause to be prepared by the Using Department Specifications for each Procurement and solicit informal Bids via posted notice, telephone request, mail, email, fax or any other reasonable solicitation method. All Bids shall be documented in writing. If the Director is unable to obtain a minimum of three Bids, the Director shall document that reasonable efforts were made to obtain the minimum number of required Bids. The Director may follow the Formal Process.
Award – Supplies, Maintenance Work, or General Services.
Open market Procurement shall be based whenever possible on competitive Bids awarded to the lowest Responsible Bidder, or the most qualified Bidder, in the best interests of the City, and approved pursuant to the Signature Authority specified in Section 7.03.020(1).
Award – Professional Services
Award of Professional Services Contracts shall be made to the most qualified Bidder who will best serve the City's interests taking into account the demonstrated competence and professional qualifications for the scope of services to be provided and at fair and reasonable price to the City. Contracts for Professional Services may be approved pursuant to the Signature Authority specified in Section 7.03.020(1).
(Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)
The formal process for Procurement of Supplies, Maintenance Work, and General Services shall comply with all aspects of state and local law governing formal competitive bidding, including, resolutions of the City Council as may be adopted from time to time, this Title, and applicable supplemental regulations.
Bidder List.
The City shall maintain a list of qualified Bidders in accordance with policies and procedures established by the Director.
All qualified Bidders on the City's list for the category of work being bid shall be mailed, faxed, or emailed an Invitation for Bids (IFB) or Notice Inviting Bids (NIB). The City may elect to mail, fax, or email the IFB or NIB to construction trade journals or through the City's electronic purchasing system registry of Bidders. The IFB or NIB shall describe the scope of the Supplies, Maintenance Work or General Services to be provided in general terms and how to obtain more detailed information about the Procurement, and state the time and place for the submission of Bids. All mailing of IFB or NIB to qualified Bidders and/or construction trade journals or through the City's electronic purchasing system registry of Bidders shall be completed not less than 10 calendar days before Bids are due.
Bidder's Security/Failure to Sign Contract.
Bidder's security may be required by the Director. If required, the security shall be prescribed in the IFB or NIB including provisions for its forfeiture for failure of the lowest Bidder to execute a Contract, or to furnish Supplies, Maintenance Work or General Services pursuant to a Purchase Order.
Bid Opening Procedure.
Sealed Bids shall be submitted to the Director and shall be identified as to Bidder, project, and bid title/number on the envelope. Bids shall be opened by the City in public at the time and place stated in the IFB or NIB. Alternatively, sealed Bids may be received by the City via an electronic bid management system in accordance with this Chapter.
If a Contract is to be awarded or a Purchase Order is to be issued, it shall be made with the lowest Responsible Bidder submitting a Responsive Bid. Bid irregularities may be waived upon recommendation by the City Attorney. Procurement pursuant to the Formal Process may be approved pursuant to Section 7.03.020.
Tie Bids.
If two or more Bids received are determined to be the lowest and Responsive Bids, the City may accept either Bid. Should tie Bids be received the following priority list will apply to the award:
Business located within City boundaries with a valid business license;
Coachella Valley based business;
Riverside County based business; or
State of California based business.
No Bids.
If no Bids are received, the Procurement may be performed by City employees by Force Account or by negotiated Contract without further complying with this Title.
Rejection of Bids
The Director may reject all Bids presented, and shall have the following options:
Abandon the Procurement; or
Issue a new IFB or NIB in the manner described in this Chapter.
(Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)
The RFQ and/or RFP process shall be utilized for Procurement based on demonstrated competence and qualifications of the Bidder to be performed or provided and at fair and reasonable prices to the City. The City may use the RFQ process to establish a pre-qualified list of suppliers for a future Procurement of Supplies. The City may use the RFQ process to establish a pre-qualified list of persons or Businesses for a future Procurement of Services, including Professional Services through a separate RFP process. The City may utilize a two-step RFQ and RFP process for highly complex or technical Procurement. The Director shall establish policies and procedures for implementation of the Formal RFQ and/or RFP process meeting the following minimum guidelines:
Notice Inviting RFQs or RFPs.
At a minimum, the notice inviting RFQs or RFPs shall: (1) describe the project; (2) state how to obtain more detailed information about the project; (3) state the date, time and place for the submission of Statements of Qualifications or Proposals; (4) describe general parameters for evaluation and selection; and (5) include any other information required by state or local law.
Published Notice.
City staff shall solicit RFQs or RFPs via published notice in a newspaper of general circulation and on the City's website for at least 10 calendar days before the date for receiving Statements of Qualifications or Proposals, unless urgent circumstances call for a shorter time.
Review of Qualifications or Proposals.
The City will receive Statements of Qualifications or Proposals at the date, time and place of submission on the noticing inviting RFQs/RFPs. Any Statements of Qualifications or Proposals received after the deadline will be time/date stamped and returned unopened by the City. The City will review and evaluate Statements of Qualifications or Proposals based on the evaluation and selection criteria in the RFQs/RFPs and will identify qualifications that pass or fail based on factors listed in the RFQ, or will rank Proposals based on factors listed in the RFP.
Once Proposals are ranked, the City may negotiate a Contract with the highest ranked Bidder only, may negotiate with multiple Bidders, or may attempt to reach an agreement with the highest ranked Bidder before negotiating with other Bidders in order of ranking. The City may also dispense with negotiations and recommend an award based on the Proposals.
Award for Professional Services Contracts shall be to the most qualified Bidder who will best serve the City's interests considering the demonstrated competence and professional qualifications for the scope of services to be provided and at fair and reasonable prices to the City. Award for all other Contracts shall be to the Bidder that is in the City's best interests, in the City's sole and absolute discretion.
Award for highly complex or technical Procurement not otherwise considered Professional Services shall be to the most qualified Bidder and at the most reasonable fee who will best serve the City's interests after considering the evaluation criteria in the RFP which may include a combination of both a qualifications component and a fee component as established by the City in the RFP.
Rejection of Proposals.
The Director may reject all Bids presented, and shall have the following options:
Abandon the Procurement; or
Issue a new RFQ and/or RFP in the manner described in this Chapter.
(Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)
Modifications to a Contract or Purchase Order through a City issued written amendment documenting the changes to the Contract or Purchase Order may be utilized for purposes of: (1) adding and/or deleting quantity of items being purchased; (2) modifying unit prices; (3) modifying the scope of work or Services to be provided; (4) changing the funding sources; (5) changing the performance schedule; or (6) any other change required by the City.
Specific Authority.
The City Manager may approve Contract or Purchase Order amendments for Supplies and Services if the amendments aggregated with the original Contract or Purchase Order do not exceed the Signature Authority, subject to an unencumbered appropriation in the funds against which such expenditure is to be charged.
The City Council shall approve Contract or Purchase Order amendments for Supplies and Services where the amendments aggregated with the original Contract or Purchase Order exceeds the Signature Authority. During the approval of a Contract or Purchase Order by the City Council, the City Council may delegate specific Signature Authority to approve Contract or Purchase Order amendments, specific to that Contract or Purchase Order, based on either a percentage of the original Contract or Purchase Order amount or a specific dollar amount. If no specific Signature Authority is given by the City Council, the City Manager may approve Contract or Purchase Order amendments for a City Council awarded Contract or Purchase Order up to the Signature Authority otherwise allowed pursuant to this Chapter.
(Ord. 2049 § 1, 2021)