For the purposes of this title, unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended, certain terms used herein are defined as follows in this chapter.
(Prior code § 5500 (part); Ord. 910 § 2, 1971)
As used herein, the term "animal control officer" means any employee of the city designated to perform, or assigned those duties set forth in Title 10 of this code.
(Ord. 1308 § 1, 1988)
"At large" means an animal off the premises of its owner and not under restraint by leash, or chain, or not otherwise controlled by a competent person.
(Prior code § 5500(c); Ord. 910 § 2, 1971)
"Dog" means any member of the canine family and includes female as well as male dogs.
(Prior code § 5500(a); Ord. 910 § 2, 1971)
"Breeding Permit" means a written authorization, issued annually by the City Manager or the City Manager's designee, giving its lawful holder permission to breed a dog or a cat, in accordance with Section 10.24.040.
(Ord. 2044 § 1, 2021)
"Owner" means any person, firm or corporation owning, having an interest in, or having control or custody or possession of any animal.
(Prior code § 5500(b); Ord. 910 § 2, 1971)
"Unlicensed dog" means any dog for which the license for the current licensing year has not been paid, or to which the tag for the current year provided for in this title is not attached.
(Prior code § 5500(e); Ord. 910 § 2, 1971)
"Dangerous animal" means any animal which has bitten a person or other animal without provocation or which has a propensity to attack or bite any person or animal without provocation.
(Prior code § 5500(f); Ord. 910 § 2, 1971; Ord. 1291 § 1, 1987)
"Wild animal" means any animal not ordinarily and customarily domesticated, but under human control.
(Prior code § 5500(d); Ord. 910 § 2, 1971)
"Slaughter" means to kill and prepare for human consumption or pet food purposes.
(Ord. 1400 § 1, 1991)
"Livestock" means any domestic animal customarily kept, used, maintained, or raised on a farm or ranch, including but not limited to, horses, ponies, burros, mules, donkeys, sheep, cows, goats, chickens, roosters, ducks, geese, and swine.
(Ord. 1675 § 1, 2005)
"Household pets" means small animals ordinarily and customarily domesticated and permitted in a dwelling and kept for company or pleasure and not for profit. The term "household pets" includes dogs, cats, small caged birds such as canaries or parakeets, fish, and any other kindred animal or bird. The term "household pets" does not include livestock or any animal or bird that is a dangerous or prohibited species or is commonly kept for commercial or agricultural purposes.
(Ord. 1675 § 2, 2005)