Whenever it is shown that any dog or other animal has bitten any person or animal, or exhibits evidence of rabies, no owner or person having custody or possession thereof, upon order of the animal control officer or of the county health officer (or any other person exercising the duties of health officer for the city), shall fail, refuse, or neglect to quarantine such animal and keep it tied up or confined for a period of not less than ten days for dogs and cats and not less than fourteen days for other animals, or shall fail, refuse, or neglect to allow the animal control officer or the health officer or their deputies to make an inspection or examination thereof at any reasonable time during such quarantine period. No such dog or other animal shall be removed or released during the quarantine period without the prior written permission of the animal control officer or the health officer or their deputies. Unless otherwise specified by the animal control officer or the health officer, such animal shall be confined in an animal shelter or a veterinary hospital at the owner's expense.
(Prior code § 5540; Ord. 910 § 2, 1971; Ord. 1291 § 5, 1987)
The head of an animal dying while under isolation in quarantine shall be submitted to the laboratory of the county health department for examination for rabies.
(Prior code § 5541; Ord. 910 § 2, 1971)
Whenever any person has knowledge of any animal biting a person or other animal, that person shall report such bite immediately to the animal control officer or health officer or their deputies. The report shall state the name and address of the person bitten or of the owner of the animal bitten, the time, date and place where such person or animal was bitten and any other information requested by the animal control officer or health officer or their deputies.
(Prior code § 5542; Ord. 910 § 2, 1971; Ord. 1291 § 6, 1987)
Whenever any animal is bitten by another animal, the owner or person having possession of the bitten animal shall immediately quarantine the animal and keep it quarantined until it is established to the satisfaction of the animal control officer or health officer that such animal does not have rabies. Such person shall keep said animal confined and shall allow the animal control officer or health officer or their deputies to make an inspection or examination thereof at any reasonable time during such quarantine period. No animal under quarantine shall be removed or released without the prior written permission of the animal control officer or health officer. The animal control officer or health officer may require such animal to be confined in an animal shelter or veterinary hospital at the owner's expense.
(Prior code § 5543; Ord. 910 § 2, 1971; Ord. 1291 § 7, 1987)
If it appears to the animal control officer or to the health officer that any dog or other animal has rabies, he may destroy such animal forthwith, or hold such animal for further examination for such time as he may consider advisable.
(Prior code § 5544; Ord. 910 § 2, 1971)
Whenever the county health officer (or any other person exercising the duties of health officer for the city) determines that an epidemic of rabies exists or is threatened, he shall have the authority to take such measures as may be reasonably necessary to prevent the spread of the disease, including the declaration of a quarantine against any or all animals in any area of the city as he may determine and define, for a period of not more than one hundred twenty days. An additional or extended quarantine period may also be declared if the same shall be deemed necessary by the health officer for the protection and preservation of the public health, peace and safety. Any quarantine declared under the provisions of this section other than as restricted herein, shall be upon such conditions as the health officer may determine and declare.
(Prior code § 5574; Ord. 910 § 2, 1971)
No owner or person in possession of a dog shall refuse to show proof of rabies vaccination for such dog upon request of the animal control officer or health officer.
(Ord. 1291 § 8, 1987)