Note: Prior Code: Prior Code §§ 4031, 4033 and 4061—4062.
"Concealed carry licensee"
means a person licensed or otherwise authorized to carry a concealable firearm pursuant to California Penal Code Section 26150 et seq.
means any device, designed to be used as a weapon, from which is expelled through a barrel, a projectile by the force of any explosion or other form of combustion.
"Locked container"
means a secure container that is fully enclosed and locked by a padlock, key lock, combination lock, or similar locking device as defined by California Penal Code Section 16850. For purposes of this Chapter, it also includes a lock box that is listed on the California Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms roster of approved firearm safety devices. For purposes of this Chapter, it does not include a bag or other container made of fabric or other penetrable material, such as a regular purse, backpack, or gym bag.
means any structure intended or used for human habitation, including but not limited to, houses, condominiums, rooms, motels, and time-shares. For purposes of this ordinance, it also includes a garage which is enclosed within or located adjacent to such a structure and which is not open to the public.
(Ord. 1899 § 1, 2016)
It is unlawful for any person except a "peace officer" as defined in Sections 830 et seq., of the Penal Code of California, as may be amended from time to time, in the performance of duties or a person acting in self-defense or in defense of others, within the city of Palm Springs, to discharge any cannon, firearm, air-gun, or any instrument of any kind, character, or description which throws or projects bullets or missiles of any kind, to any distance, by means of explosion, combustion, release of compressed air or gas, or otherwise, without first having obtained a permit to do so granted by the Chief of Police; or to make or use, any slingshot in any manner causing danger to or annoyance of any person or injury to property.
(Ord. 1899 § 1, 2016)
Application for such permission shall be made in writing to the Chief of Police who shall grant such permission only if the Chief of Police determines that a substantial public interest or a compelling private need will be served thereby, and also that the shooting, if permitted cannot foreseeably result in any injury, disturbance, annoyance or hazard to any person or result in any damage to property other than that of the permittee, and further that it will in no way unnecessarily jeopardize or seriously menace the public peace, health or safety. In any case where the Chief of Police grants a permit, the Chief of Police may attach whatever conditions and terms as in his or her opinion are necessary or appropriate in order to carry out the objectives stated in this Section. No permittee exercising the privilege granted by any such permit, shall fail, refuse, or neglect to strictly comply with all conditions and terms the Chief of Police may have attached thereto.
(Ord. 1899 § 1, 2016)
Sections 11.16.010 and 11.16.020 shall not apply to any peace officer, either federal, state, county, or municipal, acting in line of duty, or engaged in target practice at any range regularly established for such officers, nor to the operators or patrons of any shooting gallery, skeet club or target range holding a permit from the city building inspector and city business license for the conduct thereof.
(Ord. 1899 § 1, 2016)
Except when carried on his or her person, or in his or her immediate control and possession, no person shall keep a firearm (as defined in Penal Code Section 16520 or as amended) in any residence owned or controlled by that person unless the firearm is stored in a locked container or the firearm is disabled with a trigger lock that is listed on the California Department of Justice's list of approved firearms safety devices.
(Ord. 1899 § 1, 2016)
It is unlawful for persons, including those licensed or otherwise authorized to carry a concealable firearm pursuant to California Penal Code Section 26150 et seq., to leave a concealable firearm or ammunition in an unattended automobile within the City of Palm Springs in a public right of way unless the firearm or ammunition is stored in a locked container or trunk.
(Ord. 1899 § 1, 2016)
A violation of any provision of this Chapter shall be subject to enforcement through criminal prosecution and/or civil remedies as provided herein.
A person who violates this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.01.160 of this Code and each day or portion thereof that a person maintains and/or continues such violation to continue shall constitute a separate and subsequent offense as provided in Section 1.01.150 of this Code.
The City may assess civil penalties in the amount of $1,000 per violation that a person maintains and/or continues such violation to continue shall constitute a separate and subsequent offense as provided in Section 1.01.150 of this Code.
Remedies under this Chapter are cumulative and not exclusive. They are in addition to and do not supersede or limit other administrative, civil, and/or criminal remedies provided under state or federal law, or other provisions of the Palm Springs Municipal Code. The City may seek an order for the award of attorney's fees.
(Ord. 1899 § 1, 2016)