The following words and phrases whenever used in this chapter, shall be construed as defined in this section:
"City lakes"
mean such lakes as are maintained by the city at the municipal golf course located in Section 29, Township 4 South, Range 5 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian;
mean the banquet room, clubhouse, driving range, pro shop, locker room and lounge building, maintenance yard, and soil conditioning buildings, rest rooms, and any and all other buildings and rooms of, and appur-tenances to, any golf course owned and operated by the city for the playing of golf;
"Golf course" or "municipal golf course"
means any golf links owned and operated by the city for the playing of golf.
(Prior code § 407.1)
No person shall play golf on the municipal golf course or enter thereupon for any purpose whatsoever other than to perform work ordered by the golf pro-manager, without first registering with the starter. The city manager may, by express written permission or by the promulgation of appropriate rules and regulations, authorize spectators to be admitted to the golf course without registering when tournaments, exhibitions or special events are held thereon.
(Prior code § 407.2)
No person shall play golf upon the municipal golf course or use the facilities thereof without first paying the prescribed fees therefor.
(Prior code § 407.3)
The green fees, season ticket fees, and other special fees for the use of the Palm Springs Municipal Golf Course, or facilities thereof, shall be prescribed by resolution of the city council, except that the director of general operations is authorized to set interim promotional fees for periods up to one hundred days provided that such fees do not exceed the standard adopted fees.
(Prior code § 407.4; Ord. 1332 § 1, 1989)
Every person paying a green fee, season ticket fee or special fee shall be issued a ticket. The ticket shall be valid only during the season for which issued or on the date when issued, and for the number of holes of play provided there-on. It is unlawful for any person to play golf on the municipal golf course without having a valid ticket in his possession at all times while using the course. Such ticket shall be shown to the starter or other authorized employee of the city upon demand.
(Prior code § 407.5)
Any person who enters upon the municipal golf course in violation of any provision of this chapter, and who persists in remaining thereon after being requested to leave by the starter, or other authorized employee to the city, may be ejected therefrom forthwith, and it shall be the duty of any police officer of the city to carry out this provision.
(Prior code § 407.6)
Each player shall start playing golf at the point designated by the starter. The starter shall have the right and discretion to require players to tee off in groups of four or five.
(Prior code § 407.7)
Each player shall have a bag in which to carry his clubs, and a putter for his individual use.
(Prior code § 407.8)
No club other than a putter shall be used on any of the greens.
(Prior code § 407.9)
Every player or spectator shall conduct himself properly while on the municipal golf course.
(Prior code § 407.10)
Every player or spectator on the municipal golf course shall at all times use diligence and care to protect the course from damage. Any player or spectator who wilfully or negligently damages or destroys any part of the golf course shall be subject to be barred from future play thereon by the city manager.
(Prior code § 407.11)
No player shall practice on the municipal golf course by driving or putting more than one ball. This section shall not apply to practice areas such as driving ranges and putting greens.
(Prior code § 407.12)
No person shall hunt for golf balls on the municipal golf course unless he is looking for a ball which he, or another player with whom he is playing, has lost.
(Prior code § 407.13)
No person shall knowingly take or carry away from the municipal golf course any lost golf ball without the consent of the owner thereof. Players stealing golf balls from the golf course or driving range, or using the striped balls for play on the golf course, will be denied the privileges of play on the course from that date on.
(Prior code § 407.14)
No person shall enter any portion of his body into the city lakes for the purpose of retrieving a golf ball, or for any other purpose. This section shall not prohibit a person from using an artificial contraption to retrieve a golf ball so long as no portion of his physical person comes in contact with the lakes.
(Prior code § 407.15)
No person shall recover from the city lakes golf balls in excess of the golf ball lost by that person.
(Prior code § 407.16)
No person shall sell, or offer to sell, golf balls or other golf supplies or accessories in or about the municipal golf course unless authorized to do so by the city manager.
(Prior code § 407.17)
No person shall bring any dog or other domestic animal onto the municipal golf course.
(Prior code § 407.18)
No person shall tease, hunt, shoot, trap, chase, molest or wilfully frighten, harm or kill any wild animal or bird while on the municipal golf course.
(Prior code § 407.19)
Caddy carts may be operated on the fairways; however, no person shall operate any other vehicle on the municipal golf course, including the service road thereof, except to perform work ordered by the pro-manager.
(Prior code § 407.20)
No person shall use, consume or have in his possession any alcoholic beverage while on the municipal golf course. This provision shall not apply to alcoholic beverages sold under authority of the council for consumption in the clubhouse or other facility operated in conjunction with the golf course.
(Prior code § 407.21)
No person shall post or display any sign, banner or advertisement, or write upon, cut, mutilate, deface, or otherwise disturb any building, bench, ornament, or flower on the municipal golf course unless authorized to do so by the city manager.
(Prior code § 407.22)
No person under ten years of age shall enter upon the municipal golf course for any purpose whatsoever unless accompanied by an adult person, and then only by permission of the pro-manager.
(Prior code § 407.23)