The director of community development for the city of Palm Springs may close a portion of any highway, street or public way for celebrations, parades, local special events, and other purposes when, in the opinion of such director, the closing is necessary for the safety and protection of persons who are to use that portion of the highway, street or public way during the closing. In addition the police department may close any highway, street, public way or any portion thereof affected by traffic congestion upon a determination by the ranking peace officer on duty within the area of the following:
That such assemblage or procession of vehicles threatens injury to persons gathered in the area for the purpose of celebrating a holiday or other special event; or
That the traffic load on a particular highway, street, public way or a portion thereof, is such that little or no vehicular flow is occurring and a significant number of vehicles are not promptly moving when an opportunity arises to do so.
Any highway, street, or public way, or any portion thereof closed pursuant to this section shall remain closed only for the time and distance that a threat to the public peace, health, safety or welfare exists.
(Ord. 1372 § 1, 1991)
Where a closure is directed pursuant to Section 12.80.010, the police department shall cause signs, stanchions, barriers, vehicles, or other devices to be placed at a location or locations which will give notice to the public indicating that such highway, street or public way or portion thereof is closed to vehicular traffic. Any traffic control devices or markings installed upon traffic barriers shall conform to the uniform standards and specifications adopted by the Department of Transportation pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 21400.
(Ord. 1372 § 1, 1991)
No person shall operate a vehicle upon a highway, street, or public way, or any portion thereof closed pursuant to Section 12.80.010.
(Ord. 1372 § 1, 1991)
Unless directed otherwise by the city council, the police department may cause the highway, street, public way or portion thereof closed pursuant to Section 12.80.010 to remain available for use by public transportation vehicles, and/or public safety or emergency vehicles.
(Ord. 1372 § 1, 1991)